错误: “ts-node/esm/transpile-only ‘resolve'” 在其链中未调用下一个钩子并出现

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Error: "ts-node/esm/transpile-only 'resolve'" did not call the next hook in its chain and did


错误信息:在使用 npx wdio 命令运行测试时遇到此错误。

错误: "ts-node/esm/transpile-only 'resolve'" 没有调用其链中的下一个钩子,也没有明确地发出短路信号。如果这是有意的,请在钩子的返回中包括 shortCircuit: true


错误: “ts-node/esm/transpile-only ‘resolve'” 在其链中未调用下一个钩子并出现

错误: “ts-node/esm/transpile-only ‘resolve'” 在其链中未调用下一个钩子并出现

Getting this error when run the test using npx wdio command.

How to resolve this issue.
Error: "ts-node/esm/transpile-only 'resolve'" did not call the next hook in its chain and did not explicitly signal a short circuit. If this is intentional, include shortCircuit: true in the hook's return.


得分: 6


npm i -D typescript ts-node


npx wdio



The simplest way to get this running is to add typescript and ts-node to the project.

npm i -D typescript ts-node

Then npx wdio

I opted not to use the compiler in a WebdriverIO project but then started getting this error after a few weeks. I just added the libraries above rather than try to chase down the config i likely messed up, in order to eliminate the error message.


得分: 1

这个错误开始出现在 Node 版本 >= 16.17.0,因为实验性 ESM Loader Hooks API 的一些更改。


  1. 降级 Node 版本到 16.16.0,就不会看到这个错误了。
  2. 由于您正在使用 appium v2.x 与 wdio javascript,请运行以下命令安装依赖项 ts-node
npm install ts-node --save-dev


Appium v1.x 不原生支持 TypeScript,因此它不使用 tsconfig.json 文件。 Appium v1.x 基于 Node.js,原生支持 JavaScript,但不包含 TypeScript 支持。

Appium v2.x 将原生提供更好的 TypeScript 支持。Appium 的新版本基于 WebDriver 协议,并且将以 TypeScript 实现。这意味着开发人员可以在 TypeScript 中编写测试,无需设置单独的 TypeScript 编译器或手动配置 TypeScript。在 Appium 2.0 中使用 TypeScripttsconfig 带来了几个好处,如更好的代码可维护性和错误检查,改进的代码可读性以及更好的工具支持。


如果您在 wdio 中使用最新的 Node 版本(>16.16.0),则不会出现此错误,即使使用 Appium v1.x


This error started to occur from node version >= 16.17.0 due to some changes in the Experimental ESM Loader Hooks API.

Solution to resolve this error:

  1. Downgrade the node version to 16.16.0 and you will not see this error.
  2. Since you were using appium v2.x with wdio javascript, install dependency ts-node by running the following command:
npm install ts-node --save-dev


Appium v1.x does not support TypeScript natively, and therefore it does not use the tsconfig.json file. Appium v1.x is based on Node.js, which supports JavaScript natively but does not include TypeScript support out of the box.

Appium v2.x will have better TypeScript support out of the box. The new version of Appium is based on the WebDriver protocol and will be implemented in TypeScript. This means that developers will be able to write tests in TypeScript without having to set up a separate TypeScript compiler or configure TypeScript manually. Using TypeScript and tsconfig in Appium 2.0 brings several benefits, such as better code maintainability and error checking, improved code readability, and better tooling support.

Important Note

This error will not occur if you use Appium v1.x with latest node version (>16.16.0) in the wdio.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月16日 18:54:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75471228.html



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