SSIS脚本任务 – 计算输出对象中唯一行的数量

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SSIS Script Task - Count Number of Unique Rows in Output Object



WOProductBuffer.WorkOrderId = workOrderId;
WOProductBuffer.WorkOrderProductId = workOrderProductId;
目标: 计算行数,按WorkOrderIdWorkOrderProductId分组,并将此计数值设置为WopCount





  1. WOProductBuffer添加到列表中,并在PostExecute()方法中循环。这似乎不起作用,因为每行似乎不包含任何值。
  2. 如何在新的脚本任务中循环遍历输入行。

My SSIS script task generates 5 rows of records into an Output script component.

if (conditionMeets)
    WOProductBuffer.WorkOrderId = workOrderId;
    WOProductBuffer.WorkOrderProductId = workOrderProductId;
    //other fields

SSIS脚本任务 – 计算输出对象中唯一行的数量

> Objective: Count number of rows, group by WorkOrderId and WorkOrderProductId, and set this count value to WopCount

I realized that PostExecute() method is unable to read the Output object WOProduct, so it is likely not possible.

Based on all the rows, is there a way to implement this within the same script task?

Or the only way is to create a new script task, loop all the records in PreExecute() method to generate the count value?

What I have tried:

  1. Adding WOProductBuffer to a list, and loop in PostExecute() method. This didn't work as each row doesn't seem to contain any value

Currently trying:

  1. How to loop through Input rows in a new script task


得分: 0


public class WorkOrderProduct
    public Guid workOrderId;
    public Guid workOrderProductId;





  • 我理解和希望维护什么?
  • 与列表的大小相对的预期基数是什么 - 即我们预计有多少总行与有多少唯一行?如果小于百万,嗯,我无法想象您选择哪个会有什么不同。超过一百万,我会开始使用我的咨询卡,但我怀疑您会没事。十亿?是的,我打赌事情将开始变得有趣。如果什么都不行,您可能需要使用LongCount而不是Count方法。

创建一个类成员 - 选择一个(或两个并尝试它们)

List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>> option1;
List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>> option2;


this.option1 = new List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>>();
this.option2 = new List<KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>>();



if (conditionMeets)
    // 在此处执行业务流程

    KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid> newItem = new KeyValuePair<Guid, Guid>(workOrderId, workOrderProductId);
    if (!option1.Contains(newItem))

    // 只是添加它,我们稍后会找出它


对于option2,我们将调用Distinct方法,然后链接一个对Count()方法的调用。请注意这里括号的使用差异,否则您的代码将出现“无法将'method group'转换为int”的语法错误。


bool pbFireAgain = false;
int uniqueCount = 0;

// 选项1方法
uniqueCount = option1.Count;
// 将该值推送到运行日志,以便我们可以跟踪生成了什么
this.ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, "SCR PostExecute Counts", string.Format("option1 count is {0}", option1.Count), "", 0, ref pbFireAgain);

// 选项2逻辑
uniqueCount = option2.Distinct().Count();
// 将选项2的值推送到输出日志
this.ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, "SCR PostExecute Counts", string.Format("option2 Distinct Count is {0}, total Count is {1}", option2.Distinct().Count(), option2.Count()), "", 0, ref pbFireAgain);

this.Variables.MySSISVariable = uniqueCount;

From an earlier question, you have a class something like this

public class WorkOrderProduct
    public Guid workOrderId;
    public Guid workOrderProductId;

In a script task, you'll want to update an SSIS Variable with the final count so we know that can only take place in the PostExecute method.

Similar to how we moved the declaration of wopList to the class level on we would create a similar list, just with different a type.

There are two ways of doing this. You can either implement the distinct logic in your code and only add to the list unique items. The other option is to use a tiny bit of LINQ and let it do the logic for you.

The decision points become:

  • What do I understand and want to maintain?
  • What's the expected cardinality relative to the size of the list - aka how many total rows would we expect versus how many uniques? If it's under millions, eh, I can't imagine it making a difference which you choose. Above a million, I'll start pulling out my consulting "It Depends" card but I suspect you'll be fine. Billions? yeah, I bet things will start to get interesting. If nothing else, you'll probably need LongCount instead of the Count method.

Create a class member - pick one (or both and try them out)

List&lt;KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt;&gt; option1;
List&lt;KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt;&gt; option2;

In your PreExecute method, instantiate the List(s)

this.option1 = new List&lt;KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt;&gt;();
this.option2 = new List&lt;KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt;&gt;();

In your existing logic, as a final step, implement option 1 or 2. We will create a KeyValuePair of our two Guids.

We will then ask the existing List if it has one of those already? If it does not, we'll add it to our option1 list.
Finally, we'll just add it to option2 list as we'll figure out uniques later.

if (conditionMeets)
    // Doing our business process here thing

    KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt; newItem = new KeyValuePair&lt;Guid, Guid&gt;(workOrderId, workOrderProductId);
    if (!option1.Contains(newItem))

    // Just add it and we&#39;ll figure it out later

In your PostExecute method, you can use the Count property on the option1 List as you've already done the heavy lifting to only add distinct values.

For option2, we'll invoke the Distinct Method and then chain a call to Count() method. Do note the difference in when we use parentheses here otherwise you'll have "Cannot convert from 'method group' to int" syntax error in your code.

Finally, Console.WriteLine doesn't do you any good. Instead you'll assign values back to your Variable or as I showed in

bool pbFireAgain = false;
int uniqueCount = 0;

// Option 1 approach
uniqueCount = option1.Count;
// Pop the value into the run log so we can trace what was generated
this.ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, &quot;SCR PostExecute Counts&quot;, string.Format(&quot;option1 count is {0}&quot;, option1.Count), &quot;&quot;, 0, ref pbFireAgain);

// Option 2 logic
uniqueCount = option2.Distinct().Count();
// Push the option 2 values into the output log
this.ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, &quot;SCR PostExecute Counts&quot;, string.Format(&quot;option2 Distinct Count is {0}, total Count is {1}&quot;, option2.Distinct().Count(), option2.Count()), &quot;&quot;, 0, ref pbFireAgain);

this.Variables.MySSISVariable = uniqueCount;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月10日 10:58:10
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