
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

A regex for Go, that matches content including balanced parentheses




func getRegex(name string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(`$__%s\b(?:\((.*?)\))?`, name)

func main() {
	var rawSQL = `(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time))`
	rgx, err := regexp.Compile(getRegex("timeFilter"))
	if err != nil {
	var match = rgx.FindAllStringSubmatch(rawSQL, -1)




(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time) ) OK
(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time)) NOK
select * from foo where $__timeFilter(cast(sth as timestamp)) OK
select * from foo where $__timeFilter(cast(sth as timestamp) ) NOK




So my use case is as follows: I am parsing an SQL query trying to grab a function name and respective parameters sent to this function. This requires my regex to be able to find the name, opening parenthesis, content and the closing parenthesis. Unfortunately while testing it turned out it's sometimes too greedy, grabbing additional parenthesis and other times it misses the closing one.

Here's my test code on playground:

func getRegex(name string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("\$__%s\\b(?:\\((.*?\\)?)\\))?", name)

func main() {
	var rawSQL = "(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time))"
	rgx, err := regexp.Compile(getRegex("timeFilter"))
	if err != nil {
	var match = rgx.FindAllStringSubmatch(rawSQL, -1)


with a live example https://go.dev/play/p/4FpZblia7Ks

The 4 cases I am testing are as follows:

(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time) ) OK
(select min(time) from table where $__timeFilter(time)) NOK
select * from foo where $__timeFilter(cast(sth as timestamp)) OK
select * from foo where $__timeFilter(cast(sth as timestamp) ) NOK

here's a live regexr version https://regexr.com/700oh

I come from the javascript world so never used recursive regexes and looks like this might be the case for one ?


得分: 2


  1. 正则表达式在处理递归匹配时本质上存在问题,比如匹配开闭括号组,因为它们没有记忆功能。在你的情况下,我认为你尝试通过限制自己在几种特定情况下来解决这个问题,但是正则表达式的贪婪性在这里起到了反作用。
  2. 你没有匹配可能在闭括号前存在空格的情况。



if strings.HasPrefix(rawSql, "(") {
    rawSql = rawSql[1:len(rawSql) - 1]


接下来,你需要修改你的正则表达式,以处理内部函数调用和 $__timeFilter 调用之间可能存在空格的情况:

func getRegex(name string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("\$__%s\\b((.*?\\)?)\\s*)?", name)

完成这些步骤后,你的正则表达式应该可以工作了。你可以在这个 playground 链接上找到一个完整的示例。


It appears that your regex has two main problems, one of which is easier to deal with than the other:

  1. Regular expressions are inherently bad at handling recursive matching, such as grouping opening and closing parentheses, because they have no memory. In your case, I think you've tried to work around this issue by restricting yourself to a few particular cases, but the greedy nature of regular expressions is working against you here.
  2. You don't match for the case where there might be whitespace before a closing parenthesis.

These two issues are together causing your regex to fail on those two cases but also causing your first case to match.

To fix this, you'll have to do some preprocessing on the string before sending it to the regex:

if strings.HasPrefix(rawSql, "(") {
    rawSql = rawSql[1:len(rawSql) - 1]

This will strip off any outer parentheses, which a regex would not be able to ignore without memory or extra clauses.

Next, you'll want to modify your regex to handle the case where whitespace could exist between your inner function call and $__timeFilter call:

func getRegex(name string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("\$__%s\\b(\\((.*?\\)?)\\s*\\))?", name)

After doing this, your regex should work. You can find a full example on this playground link.


得分: 0


// getMacroMatches从给定的SQL输入中提取带有相应参数的宏字符串
// 它手动解析字符串以找到宏的闭合括号(因为正则表达式没有记忆)
func getMacroMatches(input string, name string) ([][]string, error) {
    macroName := fmt.Sprintf("\\$__%s\\b", name)
    matchedMacros := [][]string{}
    rgx, err := regexp.Compile(macroName)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // 获取所有匹配的宏实例
    matched := rgx.FindAllStringIndex(input, -1)

    if matched == nil {
        return nil, nil

    for matchedIndex := 0; matchedIndex < len(matched); matchedIndex++ {
        var macroEnd = 0
        var argStart = 0
        macroStart := matched[matchedIndex][0]
        inputCopy := input[macroStart:]
        cache := make([]rune, 0)

        // 找到开放和闭合参数括号
        for idx, r := range inputCopy {
            if len(cache) == 0 && macroEnd > 0 {
            switch r {
            case '(':
                cache = append(cache, r)
                if argStart == 0 {
                    argStart = idx + 1
            case ')':
                l := len(cache)
                if l == 0 {
                cache = cache[:l-1]
                macroEnd = idx + 1

        // 如果macroEnd等于0,表示没有括号,所以将其设置为正则表达式匹配的结尾
        if macroEnd == 0 {
            macroEnd = matched[matchedIndex][1] - macroStart
        macroString := inputCopy[0:macroEnd]
        macroMatch := []string{macroString}

        args := ""
        // 如果找到了开放括号,提取内容作为参数
        if argStart > 0 {
            args = inputCopy[argStart : macroEnd-1]
        macroMatch = append(macroMatch, args)
        matchedMacros = append(matchedMacros, macroMatch)
    return matchedMacros, nil

Go playground链接:https://go.dev/play/p/-odWKMBLCBv


I selected Woody's answer as the correct one even though I finally had to go a different route. The attached test cases didn't include for some scenarios AND it turned out I also had to be able to extract the arguments inside of parentheses. So here's my final solution, where I manually parse the text, find the bounding parentheses and extract whatever is in between them:

// getMacroMatches extracts macro strings with their respective arguments from the sql input given
// It manually parses the string to find the closing parenthesis of the macro (because regex has no memory)
func getMacroMatches(input string, name string) ([][]string, error) {
macroName := fmt.Sprintf(&quot;\\$__%s\\b&quot;, name)
matchedMacros := [][]string{}
rgx, err := regexp.Compile(macroName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get all matching macro instances
matched := rgx.FindAllStringIndex(input, -1)
if matched == nil {
return nil, nil
for matchedIndex := 0; matchedIndex &lt; len(matched); matchedIndex++ {
var macroEnd = 0
var argStart = 0
macroStart := matched[matchedIndex][0]
inputCopy := input[macroStart:]
cache := make([]rune, 0)
// find the opening and closing arguments brackets
for idx, r := range inputCopy {
if len(cache) == 0 &amp;&amp; macroEnd &gt; 0 {
switch r {
case &#39;(&#39;:
cache = append(cache, r)
if argStart == 0 {
argStart = idx + 1
case &#39;)&#39;:
l := len(cache)
if l == 0 {
cache = cache[:l-1]
macroEnd = idx + 1
// macroEnd equals to 0 means there are no parentheses, so just set it
// to the end of the regex match
if macroEnd == 0 {
macroEnd = matched[matchedIndex][1] - macroStart
macroString := inputCopy[0:macroEnd]
macroMatch := []string{macroString}
args := &quot;&quot;
// if opening parenthesis was found, extract contents as arguments
if argStart &gt; 0 {
args = inputCopy[argStart : macroEnd-1]
macroMatch = append(macroMatch, args)
matchedMacros = append(matchedMacros, macroMatch)
return matchedMacros, nil

Go playground link: https://go.dev/play/p/-odWKMBLCBv

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年10月13日 07:39:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/74049023.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
