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Speedup problems with go




核心 时间(秒) 加速比
1 60.0153 1
2 47.358 1.27
4 34.459 1.75
8 28.686 2.10



package main

import (

func factorize(n *big.Int, start int, step int, c chan *big.Int) {

	var m big.Int
	i := big.NewInt(int64(start))
	s := big.NewInt(int64(step))
	z := big.NewInt(0)

	for {
		m.Mod(n, i)
		if m.Cmp(z) == 0{
			c &lt;- i
		i.Add(i, s)

func main() {
	var np *int = flag.Int(&quot;n&quot;, 1, &quot;进程数&quot;)


	var n big.Int
	n.SetString(flag.Arg(0), 10) // 使用命令行给出的数字
	c := make(chan *big.Int)
	for i:=0; i&lt;*np; i++ {
		go factorize(&amp;n, 2+i, *np, c)




I wrote a very simple program in go to test performances of a parallel program. I wrote a very simple program that factorizes a big semiprime number by division trials. Since no communications are involved, I expected an almost perfect speedup. However, the program seems to scale very badly.

I timed the program with 1, 2, 4, and 8 processes, running on a 8 (real, not HT) cores computer, using the system timecommand. The number I factorized is "28808539627864609". Here are my results:

cores time (sec) speedup
1 60.0153 1
2 47.358 1.27
4 34.459 1.75
8 28.686 2.10

How to explain such bad speedups? Is it a bug in my program, or is it a problem with go runtime? How could I get better performances? I'm not talking about the algorithm by itself (I know there are better algorithms to factorize semiprime numbers), but about the way I parallelized it.

Here is the source code of my program:

package main

import (

func factorize(n *big.Int, start int, step int, c chan *big.Int) {

	var m big.Int
	i := big.NewInt(int64(start))
	s := big.NewInt(int64(step))
	z := big.NewInt(0)

	for {
		m.Mod(n, i)
		if m.Cmp(z) == 0{
			c &lt;- i
		i.Add(i, s)

func main() {
	var np *int = flag.Int(&quot;n&quot;, 1, &quot;Number of processes&quot;)


	var n big.Int
	n.SetString(flag.Arg(0), 10) // Uses number given on command line
	c := make(chan *big.Int)
	for i:=0; i&lt;*np; i++ {
		go factorize(&amp;n, 2+i, *np, c)


Problem really seems to be related to Mod function. Replacing it by Rem gives better but still imperfect performances and speedups. Replacing it by QuoRem gives 3 times faster performances, and perfect speedup. Conclusion: it seems memory allocation kills parallel performances in Go. Why? Do you have any references about this?


得分: 3





Big.Int methods generally have to allocate memory, usually to hold the result of the computation. The problem is that there is just one heap and all memory operations are serialized. In this program, the numbers are fairly small and the (parallelizable) computation time needed for things like Mod and Add is small compared to the non-parallelizable operations of repeatedly allocating all the tiny little bits of memory.

As far as speeding it up, there is the obvious answer of don't use big.Ints if you don't have to. Your example number happens to fit in 64 bits. If you plan on working with really big big numbers though, the problem will kind of go away on its own. You will spend much more time doing computations, and the time spent in the heap will be relatively much less.

There is a bug in your program, by the way, although it's not related to performance. When you find a factor and return the result on the channel, you send a pointer to the local variable i. This is fine, except that you don't break out of the loop then. The loop in the goroutine continues incrementing i and by the time the main goroutine gets around to fishing the pointer out of the channel and following it, the value is almost certain to be wrong.


得分: 3


if m.Cmp(z) == 0 {
    c <- i
    i = new(big.Int).Set(i)

这是必要的,因为不能保证fmt.Println在第fmt.Println(<-c)行接收到整数时会处理它。fmt.Println通常不会导致goroutine切换,所以如果i不被新分配的big.Int替换,并且运行时切换回在函数factorize中执行的for循环,那么for循环将在打印之前覆盖i - 在这种情况下,程序将不会打印出通过通道发送的第一个整数。

fmt.Println可能导致goroutine切换的事实意味着函数factorize中的for循环在main goroutine从通道c接收到整数之后和main goroutine终止之前可能会消耗大量的CPU时间。类似这样:

继续运行factorize()   //消耗不必要的CPU时间


func factorize(n *big.Int, start int, step int, c chan *big.Int) {
    var q, r big.Int
    i := big.NewInt(int64(start))
    s := big.NewInt(int64(step))
    z := big.NewInt(0)

    for {
        q.QuoRem(n, i, &r)
        if r.Cmp(z) == 0 {
            c <- i
            i = new(big.Int).Set(i)
        i.Add(i, s)

不幸的是,Go release r60.3中的goroutine调度器存在一个bug,阻止了该代码使用所有CPU核心。当使用-n=2(GOMAXPROCS=2)启动程序时,运行时只会使用1个线程。


多核减速的另一个潜在因素已经在用户“High Performance Mark”的答案中提到。如果程序将工作分成多个子任务,并且结果仅来自1个子任务,这意味着其他子任务可能会做一些“额外的工作”。使用n>=2运行程序可能总体上比使用n=1运行程序消耗更多的CPU时间。



After sending i through the channel, i should be replaced with a newly allocated big.Int:

if m.Cmp(z) == 0 {
    c &lt;- i
    i = new(big.Int).Set(i)

This is necessary because there is no guarantee when fmt.Println will process the integer received on line fmt.Println(&lt;-c). It isn't usual for fmt.Println to cause goroutine switching, so if i isn't replaced with a newly allocated big.Int and the run-time switches back to executing the for-loop in function factorize then the for-loop will overwrite i before it is printed - in which case the program won't print out the 1st integer sent through the channel.

The fact that fmt.Println can cause goroutine switching means that the for-loop in function factorize may potentially consume a lot of CPU time between the moment when the main goroutine receives from channel c and the moment when the main goroutine terminates. Something like this:

run factorize()
&lt;-c in main()
call fmt.Println()
continue running factorize()   // Unnecessary CPU time consumed
return from fmt.Println()
return from main() and terminate program

Another reason for the small multi-core speedup is memory allocation. The function (*Int).Mod is internally using (*Int).QuoRem and will create a new big.Int each time it is called. To avoid the memory allocation, use QuoRem directly:

func factorize(n *big.Int, start int, step int, c chan *big.Int) {
    var q, r big.Int
    i := big.NewInt(int64(start))
    s := big.NewInt(int64(step))
    z := big.NewInt(0)

    for {
        q.QuoRem(n, i, &amp;r)
        if r.Cmp(z) == 0 {
            c &lt;- i
            i = new(big.Int).Set(i)
        i.Add(i, s)

Unfortunately, the goroutine scheduler in Go release r60.3 contains a bug which prevents this code to use all CPU cores. When the program is started with -n=2 (GOMAXPROCS=2), the run-time will utilize only 1 thread.

Go weekly release has a better run-time and can utilize 2 threads if n=2 is passed to the program. This gives a speedup of approximately 1.9 on my machine.

Another potential contributing factor to multi-core slowdown has been mentioned in the answer by user "High Performance Mark". If the program is splitting the work into multiple sub-tasks and the result comes only from 1 sub-task, it means that the other sub-tasks may do some "extra work". Running the program with n&gt;=2 may in total consume more CPU time than running the program with n=1.

The learn how much extra work is being done, you may want to (somehow) print out values of all i's in all goroutines at the moment the program is exiting the function main().


得分: 0





I don't read go so this is probably the answer to a question which is not what you asked. If so, downvote or delete as you wish.

If you were to make a plot of 'time to factorise integer n' against 'n' you would get a plot that goes up and down somewhat randomly. For any n you choose there will be an integer in the range 1..n that takes longest to factorise on one processor. If your parallelisation strategy is to distribute the n integers across p processors one of those processors will take at least the time to factorise the hardest integer, then the time to factorise the rest of its load.

Perhaps you've done something similar ?

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年3月10日 00:40:12
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/9637725.html



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