I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

huangapple go评论72阅读模式

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?



import "math"

// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB#Transformation

var byteDecoded [256]float32 = func() (floats [256]float32) {
	for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
		floats[i] = float32(i) / 255
	return floats

// Standard函数将线性RGB范围[0.0-1.0]内的v转换为sRGB颜色空间范围[0.0-1.0]内的值。
func Standard(v float32) float32 {
	if v <= 0.0031308 {
		return v * 12.92
	return float32(1.055*math.Pow(float64(v), 1.0/2.4) - 0.055)

// Standardb函数将线性RGB范围[0.0-1.0]内的v转换为sRGB颜色空间范围[0-255]内的值。
func Standardb(v float32) uint8 {
	if v >= 1 {
		return 255
	if v <= 0 {
		return 0
	return uint8(Standard(v)*255 + 0.5)

// Linear函数将sRGB范围[0.0-1.0]内的v转换为线性RGB颜色空间范围[0.0-1.0]内的值。
func Linear(v float32) float32 {
	if v <= 0.04045 {
		return v * (1.0 / 12.92)
	return float32(math.Pow((float64(v)+0.055)/1.055, 2.4))

// Linearb函数将sRGB范围[0-255]内的b转换为线性RGB颜色空间范围[0.0-1.0]内的值。
func Linearb(b uint8) float32 {
	return Linear(byteDecoded[b])


log.Printf("Half of sRGB 255 calculated in linear RGB is %d", Standardb(Linearb(255)/2))
输出 Half of sRGB 255 calculated in linear RGB is 188


I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

上半部分:交错排列的红色像素(255, 0, 0)和绿色像素(0, 255, 0)。
左下角:通过除以2进行简单混合得到的像素(128, 128, 0)。
右下角:(188, 188, 0)




log.Printf("Half of sRGB 64 calculated in linear RGB is %d", Standardb(Linearb(64)/2))
输出 Half of sRGB 64 calculated in linear RGB is 44


I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

上半部分:交错排列的深红色像素(64, 0, 0)和深绿色像素(0, 64, 0)。
左下角:通过除以2进行简单混合得到的像素(32, 32, 0)。
右下角:(44, 44, 0)




After a study of the Wikipedia entry on sRGB I implemented a set of functions to help with color conversions:

import &quot;math&quot;

// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB#Transformation

var byteDecoded [256]float32 = func() (floats [256]float32) {
	for i := 0; i &lt; 256; i++ {
		floats[i] = float32(i) / 255
	return floats

// Standard returns the sRGB color space value in range [0.0-1.0] for v, assuming v is in linear RGB in range [0.0-1.0].
func Standard(v float32) float32 {
	if v &lt;= 0.0031308 {
		return v * 12.92
	return float32(1.055*math.Pow(float64(v), 1.0/2.4) - 0.055)

// Standardb returns the sRGB color space value in range [0-255] for v, assuming v is in linear RGB in range [0.0-1.0].
func Standardb(v float32) uint8 {
	if v &gt;= 1 {
		return 255
	if v &lt;= 0 {
		return 0
	return uint8(Standard(v)*255 + 0.5)

// Linear returns the linear RGB color space value in range [0.0-1.0] for v, assuming v is in sRGB in range [0.0-1.0].
func Linear(v float32) float32 {
	if v &lt;= 0.04045 {
		return v * (1.0 / 12.92)
	return float32(math.Pow((float64(v)+0.055)/1.055, 2.4))

// Linearb returns the linear RGB color space value in range [0.0-1.0] for b, assuming b is in sRGB in range [0-255].
func Linearb(b uint8) float32 {
	return Linear(byteDecoded[b])

I then played with some results.

log.Printf(&quot;Half of sRGB 255 calculated in linear RGB is %d&quot;, Standardb(Linearb(255)/2))
prints Half of sRGB 255 calculated in linear RGB is 188.

I then made this:

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

Top half: checkerboarded red (255, 0, 0) and green (0, 255, 0) pixels.
Lower left: naive mixdown by division with 2 (128, 128, 0).
Lower right: (188, 188, 0)

The lower half shows two different attempts at what the top half could look like when scaled down by 50% on both axes. Since the top half is interleaved full green and full red pixels, a downscale would have to add half red and half green together, the value for which is what I calculated earlier (188).

The lower right matches the top half quite exactly on my plain consumer display monitor when crossing my eyes, so it seems like this whole conversion math is working out.

But what about darker colors?

log.Printf(&quot;Half of sRGB 64 calculated in linear RGB is %d&quot;, Standardb(Linearb(64)/2))
prints Half of sRGB 64 calculated in linear RGB is 44.

I do the same as before:

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

Top half: checkerboarded dark red (64, 0, 0) and dark green (0, 64, 0) pixels.
Lower left: naive mixdown by division with 2 (32, 32, 0).
Lower right: (44, 44, 0)

This time, on my display, the naive (incorrect) method matches the upper half almost perfectly, while the value that I went through the effort to calculate in the lower right looks way too bright.

Did I make a mistake? Or is this just the extent of error to expect on consumer display devices?


得分: 0


> 我犯了一个错误吗?


> 这只是在消费者显示设备上可以预期的错误程度吗?




I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?


I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?


I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

还要注意,“普通的消费者显示器”已经是一个范围很广的概念,涉及到显示的准确性。如果我把这个 Stackoverflow 窗口拖到我更便宜的第二个显示器上,由于其颜色输出的极不准确,我完全无法确认你所提出的任何断言。


> Did I make a mistake?

Yes and no. Your code is correct, but your testing methodology has an oversight:

> is this just the extent of error to expect on consumer display devices?

Yes. In particular, this likely is caused by the display panel's control driver. See someone making a similar observation here: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/401617/lcd-pixels-how-chess-board-pixel-fill-patterns-are-called

The intensity of the problem can be reduced by going from a checkerboard pixel pattern to alternatingly colored horizontal pixel lines. The math comes out the same, but the results can look wildly different.

First image with horizontal lines:

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

Second image with horizontal lines:

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

Bonus: second image with vertical lines (try squinting; it looks even more accurate for me):

I believe I converted between sRGB and linear RGB correctly, so why do the results look worse for dark colors?

Also note that "plain consumer monitor" is already a wide range in terms of the display's ability to be accurate. If I drag this here very Stackoverflow window over to my cheaper second monitor I am completely unable to confirm any of the assertions you are making due to how wildly inaccurate its color output is.

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年9月29日 22:09:52
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/73896966.html



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