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mux.Vars is not able to retrieve var from httpTest request


我正在为将来的项目编写一个简单的 REST 脚手架,目前我正在为我的控制器编写一些测试。我正在尝试通过 /todo/{id} 来获取一个待办事项,以下是处理程序的代码:

  1. func (t TodoController) GetById(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2. params := mux.Vars(r)
  3. id, err := strconv.Atoi(params["id"])
  4. if err != nil {
  5. w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest)
  6. return
  7. }
  8. todo, err := t.todoService.GetById(id)
  9. if err != nil {
  10. w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
  11. return
  12. }
  13. helpers.SendResponse(http.StatusOK, todo, w)
  14. }


  1. var (
  2. todoController TodoController
  3. recorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder
  4. todos []models.Todo
  5. )
  6. func setup() {
  7. todoController = *NewTodoController(services.NewTodoService())
  8. recorder = httptest.NewRecorder()
  9. todos = []models.Todo{
  10. {
  11. ID: 0,
  12. Todo: "购买牛奶",
  13. Completed: false,
  14. },
  15. {
  16. ID: 1,
  17. Todo: "购买奶酪",
  18. Completed: false,
  19. },
  20. {
  21. ID: 2,
  22. Todo: "购买鸡蛋",
  23. Completed: false,
  24. },
  25. }
  26. }
  27. func TestGetById(t *testing.T) {
  28. // 准备
  29. setup()
  30. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/1", nil)
  31. var response models.Todo
  32. // 执行
  33. todoController.GetById(recorder, request)
  34. result := recorder.Result()
  35. defer result.Body.Close()
  36. data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(result.Body)
  37. err = json.Unmarshal(data, &response)
  38. // 断言
  39. if err != nil {
  40. t.Errorf("期望的错误为 nil,但得到了 %v", err)
  41. }
  42. assert.Equal(t, result.StatusCode, http.StatusOK, "响应应该是 200 OK")
  43. assert.Equal(t, response, todos[1], "响应与预期结果不匹配")
  44. }

看起来当发送请求到 /todo/1 时,mux 无法获取到 Id,因此返回了一个 BadRequest 错误。



I'm writting a simple rest boiler plate for future projects, I'm currently working on some tests for my controller, I'm trying to retrieve a todo by it's Id at /todo/{id}, here's the handler.

  1. func (t TodoController) GetById(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2. params := mux.Vars(r)
  3. id, err := strconv.Atoi(params["id"])
  4. if err != nil {
  5. w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest)
  6. return
  7. }
  8. todo, err := t.todoService.GetById(id)
  9. if err != nil {
  10. w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
  11. return
  12. }
  13. helpers.SendResponse(http.StatusOK, todo, w)
  14. }

And here's the test for this controller.

  1. var (
  2. todoController TodoController
  3. recorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder
  4. todos []models.Todo
  5. )
  6. func setup() {
  7. todoController = *NewTodoController(services.NewTodoService())
  8. recorder = httptest.NewRecorder()
  9. todos = []models.Todo{
  10. {
  11. ID: 0,
  12. Todo: "Buy milk",
  13. Completed: false,
  14. },
  15. {
  16. ID: 1,
  17. Todo: "Buy cheese",
  18. Completed: false,
  19. },
  20. {
  21. ID: 2,
  22. Todo: "Buy eggs",
  23. Completed: false,
  24. },
  25. }
  26. }
  27. func TestGetById(t *testing.T) {
  28. // Arrange
  29. setup()
  30. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/1", nil)
  31. var response models.Todo
  32. // Act
  33. todoController.GetById(recorder, request)
  34. result := recorder.Result()
  35. defer result.Body.Close()
  36. data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(result.Body)
  37. err = json.Unmarshal(data, &response)
  38. // Assert
  39. if err != nil {
  40. t.Errorf("Expected error to be nil but got %v", err)
  41. }
  42. assert.Equal(t, result.StatusCode, http.StatusOK, "Response should have been 200 Ok")
  43. assert.Equal(t, response, todos[1], "Response did not match the expected result")
  44. }

It looks like when sending a request to /todo/1 mux is not able to retrieve the Id, so it end up returning a BadRequest error.

Here's a link to this repo:


得分: 1

Mux提供了两种注入请求参数的方法 - SetURLVars助手和使用mux.Router包装器而不是直接调用处理程序。

SetURLVars正是你想要的 - 将本来无法访问的参数注入到HTTP请求中。



  1. // 我们在请求路径中使用2
  2. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/2", nil)
  3. // 我们在请求参数中使用1
  4. request = SetURLVars(request, map[string]string{"id":"1"})






  1. func InitRouter(t TodoController) http.handler
  2. r := mux.NewRouter()
  3. r.HandleFunc("/todo/{id}", t.GetById).Methods(http.MethodGet)
  4. return r


  1. func TestGetById(t *testing.T) {
  2. // 准备
  3. setup()
  4. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/1", nil)
  5. var response models.Todo
  6. // 添加准备
  7. sut := InitRouter(todoController)
  8. // 执行
  9. // 更改执行 - 通过生产路由器调用GetById
  10. sut.ServeHTTP(recorder, request)
  11. // 之后没有更改
  12. result := recorder.Result()
  13. defer result.Body.Close()
  14. ...
  15. }

Mux provides two ways to inject request params - SetURLVars helper and using mux.Router wrapper instead of direct handler call.

SetURLVars does exactly what you want - injects otherwise not accessible parameters into HTTP request.

This method is simple, but has one issue though. Used URL and injected parameters are out of sync.

None forbids developers to write this code:

  1. // we use 2 in request path
  2. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/2", nil)
  3. // and we use 1 in request param
  4. request = SetURLVars(request, map[string]string{"id":"1"})

This is not very clean testing practice.

We do not test if our var names in routing is correct. We can use item_id in router instead of id and test does not catch that.

Not only that, but we can use wrong path in router definition and map different handler. Client can delete order instead of todo item if we make that mistake.

That could be solved if we use our production Router in test.

Assume it is our production code:

  1. func InitRouter(t TodoController) http.handler
  2. r := mux.NewRouter()
  3. r.HandleFunc("/todo/{id}", t.GetById).Methods(http.MethodGet)
  4. return r

In test, we can test GetById through router we created in InitRouter function:

  1. func TestGetById(t *testing.T) {
  2. // Arrange
  3. setup()
  4. request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/todo/1", nil)
  5. var response models.Todo
  6. // added setup
  7. sut := InitRouter(todoController)
  8. // Act
  9. // changed act - calling GetById through production router
  10. sut.ServeHTTP(recorder, request)
  11. // no chnages after that
  12. result := recorder.Result()
  13. defer result.Body.Close()
  14. ...
  15. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年5月31日 01:31:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



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