
huangapple go评论73阅读模式

Filter on inner map key and value pair in order to sum on an attribute value



我正在学习Java 8的流式处理(streams),并且想要理解如何实现以下操作:


  1. class RegionDate {
  2. LocalDate regionDate;
  3. String region;
  4. }
  5. enum StudentType {
  6. ACTIVE,
  8. }
  9. class Score {
  10. double grade;
  11. boolean isValid;
  12. }
  13. // 我拥有的集合
  14. Map<RegionDate, Map<StudentType, List<Score>>> groupedTotals;
  • i) 我想要根据RegionDate键中的LocalDate匹配日期进行过滤。
  • 然后,在内部的Map的键中过滤出StudentType为ACTIVE的。
  • 接着,在分数(Score)的列表中过滤出isValid属性为true的分数。
  • 对grade属性进行求和,返回学生在特定日期和类型下所有有效分数的总和。


  1. groupedTotals
  2. .entrySet().stream()
  3. .filter(e -> e.getKey().regionDate.equals(date)) // 根据日期过滤
  4. .map(Map.Entry::getValue) // 获取内部Map
  5. .flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream()) // 将内部Map转换为流
  6. .filter(innerEntry -> innerEntry.getKey() == StudentType.ACTIVE) // 过滤学生类型为ACTIVE的
  7. .flatMap(innerEntry -> innerEntry.getValue().stream()) // 将分数列表转换为流
  8. .filter(Score::isValid) // 过滤有效的分数
  9. .mapToDouble(score -> score.grade) // 提取分数的成绩
  10. .sum(); // 返回所有成绩的总和



I am learning java 8 streams and want to understand how to accomplish the below

I have a map of map and I want to apply filter on attributes on the attributes within the keys of the map of maps

  1. class RegionDate {
  2. LocalDate regionDate;
  3. String region;
  4. }
  5. enum StudentType {
  6. ACTIVE,
  8. }
  9. class Score {
  10. double grade;
  11. boolean isValid;
  12. }

Collection that I have

  1. Map&lt;RegionDate, Map&lt;StudentType, List&lt;Score&gt;&gt;&gt; groupedTotals
  • i) I want to filter for a date that matches the localdate in
    RegionDate key
  • then filter on the StudentType to be active on the
    inner map key
  • then filter on the isValid attributes on the list
    of scores
  • do a sum of the grade attribute to return the sum of
    grades of students for a date and type and having valid scores.

I tried a few options but I am not clear how to get to the inner map and access the key and values and filter on them. I end up building a Steam of Map after the first filter and then how do I filter on the key of the second map and the values as well?

  1. groupedTotals
  2. .entrySet().stream()
  3. .filter(e -&gt; e.getKey().date().equals(date))
  4. //filter on inner map key for student Type Active
  5. //filter on inner map values for isValid is true
  6. .filter(s -&gt; s.isValid())
  7. .map(v -&gt; v.grade())
  8. .mapToDouble(Double::doubleValue)
  9. .sum(); //return a sum of the double values of all grades


得分: 0

  1. groupedTotals
  2. .entrySet().stream()
  3. .filter(e -> e.getKey().date().equals(date))
  4. .map(Entry::getValue)
  5. .map(m -> m.get(StudentType.ACTIVE))
  6. .filter(Objects::nonNull)
  7. .flatMap(List::stream)
  8. .filter(Score::isValid)
  9. .mapToDouble(Score::grade)
  10. .sum()
  1. groupedTotals
  2. .entrySet().stream()
  3. .filter(e -&gt; e.getKey().date().equals(date)) // same so far
  4. .map(Entry::getValue) // get out the Map&lt;StudentType, List&lt;Score&gt;&gt;
  5. .map(m -&gt; m.get(StudentType.ACTIVE)) // get the List&lt;Score&gt;
  6. .filter(Objects::nonNull) // remove nulls from maps without ACTIVE
  7. .flatMap(List::stream) // get just a Stream&lt;Score&gt;
  8. .filter(Score::isValid) // filter the valid scores
  9. .mapToDouble(Score::grade) // map directly to double
  10. .sum() // sum results

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月1日 02:58:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/64144090.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
