如何告诉 Lombok 生成的 getter 是一个 @Override。

huangapple go评论68阅读模式

How to tell to lombok the generated getter is an @Override



public interface MyInterface {

    Object getA();


public class MyClass implements MyInterface {

    private Object a;

    private Object b;



我已经看过关于sonarqube + lombok = false positives的主题。




I'm using lombok in my project and I have an interface :

public interface MyInterface{

    Object getA()

And a class

public class MyClass implements MyInterface{

      private Object a;

      private Object b


And i've checked the generated class and the method generated in the class is not @Override

I'm wondering how to add this annotation ? And what are the consequences of a missing @Override ?

It's maybe an another question but this code is analyzed by sonarqube and sonar say that private field a is never used.

I've already seen the subject about sonarqube + lombok = false positives

But In my case b doesn't create a false positive. So I don't think this is directly related

Do you see a solution to avoid this problems without reimplement getA() ?


得分: 3

你可以使用注解的 [`onMethod` 属性](https://projectlombok.org/features/experimental/onX) 来向生成的方法添加任何你想要的注解。

    public class MyClass implements MyInterface{
        @Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
        private Object a;
        private Object b;

在这种情况下,作为一种风格,我可能会将类级别的 `@Getter` 移动到另一个字段上。如果还有 `c`、`d`、`e` 这些字段也应该使用普通(无注解)的 @Getter 逻辑,我会保持如上设置。

    public class MyClass implements MyInterface{
        @Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
        private Object a;
        private Object b;

你可能还想要[启用 Lombok 生成的注解](https://projectlombok.org/features/configuration)。这将阻止一些工具(覆盖率、静态分析等)去检查 Lombok 的方法。虽然不确定是否在这种情况下有帮助,但我几乎在我所有的项目中都启用了它。

    lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true

You can use the onMethod attribute of the annotation to add any annotation you want to the generated method.

public class MyClass implements MyInterface{
    @Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
    private Object a;
    private Object b

As a matter of style in this case, I would probably move the class-level @Getter to the other field. If there were c, d, e which should all use normal (no annotation) @Getter logic, I would leave it as above.

public class MyClass implements MyInterface{
    @Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
    private Object a;
    private Object b

You may also want to enable Lombok's generated annotations. It will prevent some tools (coverage, static analysis, etc) from bothering to check Lombok's methods. Not sure if it will help in this case, but I pretty much have it enabled in all of my projects.

lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true


得分: 2



@Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
private Object a;



You can add @Override to a particular field by using @Getter's onMethod.


@Getter(onMethod = @__(@Override))
private Object a;

@Override has no affect on the code itself. It simply informs the compiler that the method is overriding a method from its superclass. The compiler will fail the build if the method does not override a method from a superclass.


得分: 2

防止_Error Prone_(或类似工具)误报缺失的 @Override 的一种更通用的方法是配置 Lombok 以 @lombok.Generated 注释其生成的代码。这可以通过向 Lombok 的 lombok.config 添加以下条目来在全局范围内完成:

lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true

需要注意的是,这并不是一个通用的解决方案 - 相关工具需要尊重 @lombol.Generated(或者更好的是,任何 @*.Generated)注解。
类似 JacocoError Prone(最近)已经支持这一特性。


A more general way to prevent false positives detections of missing @Override by Error Prone (or similar tools) is to configure Lombok to annotate its generated code with @lombok.Generated. This can be done - globally - by adding the following entry to Lombok's lombok.config:

lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true

Note that this is not a universal solution - the relevant tool needs to respect @lombol.Generated (or better, any @*.Generated) annotation.

Tools like Jacoco and Error Prone (very recently) already support it.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月10日 22:17:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63831656.html



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