Java Comparator类中的泛型。T和U的确切类型是什么?

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Generics in Java Comparator class. What is the exact type of T and U?



public static <T, U extends Comparable<? super U>> Comparator<T> comparing(
        Function<? super T, ? extends U> keyExtractor)
    return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
        (c1, c2) -> keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));
public static <T, U extends Comparable<? super U>> Comparator<T> comparingT(
        Function<T, ? extends U> keyExtractor) <-- 在这里检查使用了 T 而不是 ? super T
    return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
        (c1, c2) -> keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));

假设我有一个 List<GamingComputer> = { ASUS, MSI },其中 GamingComputer 扩展了 Computer。现在,我想对它们进行排序。

List.sort( comparing( Computer::getProperty ) )

T 的类型是什么?

我的直觉:T=GamingComputercomparing() 接受了类型为 Function<Computer super GamingComputer, Property>keyExtractor。最终,comparing() 返回 Comparator<GamingComputer>


Function<Computer, Property> f1 = Computer::getProperty;
Comparator<GamingComputer> c1 = comparing(f1);

现在,根据 PECS 原则,由于 c1c2 被添加到集合/构造函数/方法中,只要集合处理它们的父类,它就可以处理任何子类。这就是 <? super T> 背后的原因。


Function<Computer, Property> f2 = Computer::getProperty;
Comparator<GamingComputer> c2 = comparingT(f2); // 无法编译通过。所需类型:Comparator<GamingComputer>,提供的类型:Comparator<Computer>
Comparator<Computer> c2 = comparingT(f2); // 可以成功编译通过

因为 f2 对所有的 Computer 都适用,它也应该适用于任何 GamingComputer。然而,由于我们没有将类型声明为 <? super T>,所以我们无法构建一个 GamingComputers 的比较器。


Comparator<GamingComputer> c22 = comparingT(Computer::getProperty); // 可以成功编译通过... 什么鬼,原谅我的用词

我猜测:使用类型 T=GamingComputercomparingT()keyExtractor 上强制进行了一个向下转型,它是 Computer::getProperty。它强制所有的 Computer 使用 GamingComputer::getProperty,这可能不是问题,因为 Comparator<GamingComputer> 确实可以比较 GamingComputers


Function<Computer, Property> f22 = GamingComputer::getProperty;


无法从静态上下文中引用非静态方法,这可能是 IntelliJ 的一个 bug。



java: incompatible types: invalid method reference
    method getPart in class function.GamingComputer cannot be applied to given types
      required: no arguments
      found: function.Computer
      reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

Consider the two following methods. Their only difference is in their generic type declaration of Function<>

public static &lt;T, U extends Comparable&lt;? super U&gt;&gt; Comparator&lt;T&gt; comparing(
        Function&lt;? super T, ? extends U&gt; keyExtractor)
    return (Comparator&lt;T&gt; &amp; Serializable)
        (c1, c2) -&gt; keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));
public static &lt;T, U extends Comparable&lt;? super U&gt;&gt; Comparator&lt;T&gt; comparingT(
        Function&lt;T, ? extends U&gt; keyExtractor) &lt;-- Check here! T instead of ? super T
    return (Comparator&lt;T&gt; &amp; Serializable)
        (c1, c2) -&gt; keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));

Let's say I have a List&lt;GamingComputer&gt; = { ASUS, MSI }, where GamingComputer extends Computer. Now, I want to sort them.

List.sort( comparing( Computer::getProperty ) )

What is the type of T?

My intuition: T=GamingComputer. comparing() takes in keyExtractor, whose type is Function&lt;Computer super GamingComputer, Property&gt;. Finally, comparing() returns Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt;.

This code, proving my intuition, compiles perfectly:

Function&lt;Computer, Property&gt; f1 = Computer::getProperty;
Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c1 = comparing(f1);

Now, by PECS, since c1, c2 are being added to a collection/ constructor/ method, as long as the collection handles their parent class, it could handle any child class. That's the reason behind &lt;? super T&gt;.

As demonstrated in this code:

Function&lt;Computer, Property&gt; f2 = Computer::getProperty;
Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c2 = comparingT(f2); // FAILS to compile. Required Type: Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt;, Provided Comparator&lt;Computer&gt;
Comparator&lt;Computer&gt; c2 = comparingT(f2); // compiles successfuly

Since f2 works with all Computer, it should be able to work with any GamingComputer as well. However, because we did not declare type as &lt;? super T&gt;, we are unable to construct a Comparator of GamingComputers.

Makes sense. Then...

Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c22 = comparingT(Computer::getProperty); // compiles successfuly... WT, excuse mi French, heck???

My guess: comparingT() with type T=GamingComputer forces a downcast on keyExtractor, which is Computer::getProperty. It forces all Computers to use GamingComputer::getProperty, which is probably not an issue, since Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; does compare GamingComputers.

But, why does this NOT compile?

Function&lt;Computer, Property&gt; f22 = GamingComputer::getProperty;

The error is very peculiar:

Non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context, which is probably a bug from Intellij

Still, when compiling:

java: incompatible types: invalid method reference
    method getPart in class function.GamingComputer cannot be applied to given types
      required: no arguments
      found: function.Computer
      reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length


得分: 1



为什么Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c22 = comparingT(Computer::getProperty);能够编译?


// 在SomeClass中
public static Integer function(Object o) {
return 2;

// ...
Function<String, Object> function = SomeClass::function;


Function<GamingComputer, Property> f = Computer::getProperty;

方法引用的参数上“好像”有? super,返回类型上有? extends!详细信息可在Java语言规范的第15.13.2节中找到。因此对于c22T仍然是GamingComputer。方法引用Computer::getProperty可以转换为Function&lt;GamingComputer, Property&gt;,因为它是一个方法引用。


Comparator<GamingComputer> c2 = comparingT(f2);


为什么Function&lt;Computer, Property&gt; f22 = GamingComputer::getProperty;无法编译?



> My intuition: T=GamingComputer

Your intuition is correct.


> Why does Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c22 = comparingT(Computer::getProperty); compile?

This is because unlike instances of functional interfaces which are invariant, method references are covariant and contravariant. Using an example from here, you can do something like:

// in SomeClass
public static Integer function(Object o) {
    return 2;

// ...
Function&lt;String, Object&gt; function = SomeCLass::function;

Or using your classes, you can do:

Function&lt;GamingComputer, Property&gt; f = Computer::getProperty;

It's "as if" method references have ? super on their parameters and ? extends on the return types! The details of what works and what doesn't are specified in section 15.13.2 of the Java Language Specification.

So for c22, T is still GamingComputer. The method reference Computer::getProperty can be converted to Function&lt;GamingComputer, Property&gt; it's a method reference.

This does not compile, even though f2 "stores" Computer::getProperty:

Comparator&lt;GamingComputer&gt; c2 = comparingT(f2);

because f2 is not a method reference itself. It is a variable.

> Why does Function&lt;Computer, Property&gt; f22 = GamingComputer::getProperty; not compile?

f22 would be able to accept any kind of Computer, since it accepts Computer. If you give f22 another kind of computer (not GamingComputer), GamingComputer.getProperty certainly would not be able to handle that, would it?

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月9日 10:10:42
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