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Change a numeric value as a string type in Persian to Latin


// 以下是要翻译的内容:

我想要改变数字字符串的本地化将所有字符从源本地化更改为目标本地化例如-fa 到 en- 或从 -mm 到 en-反之亦然),例如如果我有以下内容
String value = "꧱꧲꧳";

这在缅甸语中是 123,或者:

String value = "۱۲۳";


想要更改为 123,但要使用一个将本地化作为参数的函数,而不是逐个迭代字符。

下面的代码将数字在 'en' 中更改为任何其他本地化,但它有一些问题,它以 double 作为参数,但我需要传递一个字符串:

NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("fa"));
String result = fmt.format(123);


I want to change the local of the numeric string (change all character from source local to destination local eg: -fa to en-   or -mm to en- and vice versa ) for example if I have something like :
String value = &quot;꧱꧲꧳&quot;;

that is 123 in MYANMAR language, or :

String value = &quot;۱۲۳&quot;;

that is the same but in the Persian language.

want to change to 123 but with the use of a function that gives the local as a parameter, not by iterate character by character.

The following code changes the number in 'en' to any other local but it has some problem that it gives a double as a parameter but I need to pass a string:

NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale(&quot;fa&quot;));
String result = fmt.format(123);


得分: 3


Locale myanmar = Locale.forLanguageTag("my-MM");
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(myanmar);

String value = "꧱꧲꧳";
Number result = format.parse(value);


> 123




That’s built in.

	Locale myanmar = Locale.forLanguageTag(&quot;my-MM&quot;);
	NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(myanmar);
	String value = &quot;꧱꧲꧳&quot;;
	Number result = format.parse(value);

Output is:

> 123

Tailor to your needs.

Converting a number to a string is called formatting. The opposite conversion is parsing. And the methods you need to call to perform those conversions are named accordingly.


得分: 0




public class Persian {

    private static String[] persianNumbers = new String[]{ "۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹" };

    public static String persianalize(String text, boolean zeroToText) {
        if (text==null)
            return "";

        if (text.length() == 0) {
            return "";
        String out = "";
        int length = text.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            char c = text.charAt(i);
            if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
                int number = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c));
                out += persianNumbers[number];
            } else if (c == '٫') {
                out += '،';
            } else {
                out += c;
        if (zeroToText)
            if (out!=null && out.equals("۰"))
                return "صفر";
        return out;

    public static String convertNumberToEnglish(String num) {
        if (num==null)
            return "";
        String d = num;
        d = d.replace("۰", "0");
        d = d.replace("۱", "1");
        d = d.replace("۲", "2");
        d = d.replace("٣", "3");
        d = d.replace("٤", "4");
        d = d.replace("۵", "5");
        d = d.replace("٦", "6");
        d = d.replace("٧", "7");
        d = d.replace("۸", "8");
        d = d.replace("۹", "9");
        d = d.replace("،", ",");

        return d;

    public static String persianalize(long value, boolean zeroToText) {
        return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), zeroToText);

    public static String persianalize(long value) {
        return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), false);

    public static String persianalize(double value) {
        return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), false);

    public static String persianalize(String value) {
        return persianalize(value, false);

So you are trying to convert English formatted numbers to Persian, yeah? This class gives you a bunch of useful methods.


And the class:

public class Persian {
private static String[] persianNumbers = new String[]{ &quot;۰&quot;, &quot;۱&quot;, &quot;۲&quot;, &quot;۳&quot;, &quot;۴&quot;, &quot;۵&quot;, &quot;۶&quot;, &quot;۷&quot;, &quot;۸&quot;, &quot;۹&quot; };
public static String persianalize(String text, boolean zeroToText) {
if (text==null)
return &quot;&quot;;
if (text.length() == 0) {
return &quot;&quot;;
String out = &quot;&quot;;
int length = text.length();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; length; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (&#39;0&#39; &lt;= c &amp;&amp; c &lt;= &#39;9&#39;) {
int number = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c));
out += persianNumbers[number];
} else if (c == &#39;٫&#39;) {
out += &#39;،&#39;;
} else {
out += c;
if (zeroToText)
if (out!=null &amp;&amp; out.equals(&quot;۰&quot;))
return &quot;صفر&quot;;
return out;
public static String convertNumberToEnglish(String num) {
if (num==null)
return &quot;&quot;;
String d = num;
d = d.replace(&quot;۰&quot;, &quot;0&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;۱&quot;, &quot;1&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;۲&quot;, &quot;2&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;٣&quot;, &quot;3&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;٤&quot;, &quot;4&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;۵&quot;, &quot;5&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;٦&quot;, &quot;6&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;٧&quot;, &quot;7&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;۸&quot;, &quot;8&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;۹&quot;, &quot;9&quot;);
d = d.replace(&quot;،&quot;, &quot;,&quot;);
return d;
public static String persianalize(long value, boolean zeroToText) {
return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), zeroToText);
public static String persianalize(long value) {
return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), false);
public static String persianalize(double value) {
return persianalize(String.valueOf(value), false);
public static String persianalize(String value) {
return persianalize(value, false);



得分: 0

fun String.toJustEnglishNumber(): String {
    var value = ""

    for (character in this.toCharArray()) {
        var str = ""

        when (val ascii = character.toInt()) {
            in 1632..1641 -> {
                // Arabic
                val valueOld = ascii - 1584
                val valueChar = valueOld.toChar()
                str = valueChar.toString()
            in 1776..1785 -> {
                // Persian
                val valueOld = ascii - 1728
                val valueChar = valueOld.toChar()
                str = valueChar.toString()
            in 48..57 -> {
                // English
                str = character.toString()
        value += str
    return value

// Use this way

you can use this extension in kotlin

fun String.toJustEnglishNumber(): String {
var value = &quot;&quot;
for (character in this.toCharArray()) {
var str = &quot;&quot;
when (val ascii = character.toInt()) {
in 1632..1641 -&gt; {
// Arabic
val valueOld = ascii - 1584
val valueChar = valueOld.toChar()
str = valueChar.toString()
in 1776..1785 -&gt; {
// Persian
val valueOld = ascii - 1728
val valueChar = valueOld.toChar()
str = valueChar.toString()
in 48..57 -&gt; {
// English
str = character.toString()
value += str
return value

and use this way


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月7日 12:40:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63771471.html



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