addCruise() — 找不到元素异常:未找到任何行。

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addCruise() -- NoSuchElementException: No line found



  1. public static void addCruise() {
  2. Scanner newCruiseInput = new Scanner(;
  3. System.out.print("Enter the name of the new cruise: ");
  4. String newCruiseName = newCruiseInput.nextLine();
  5. // 验证是否已存在同名的航线
  6. for (Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList) {
  7. if (eachCruise.getCruiseName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCruiseName)) {
  8. System.out.println("A cruise by that name already exists. Exiting to menu...");
  9. return; // 退出 addCruise() 方法的处理
  10. }
  11. }
  12. // 获取邮轮名称
  13. Scanner cruiseShipInput = new Scanner(;
  14. System.out.print("Enter name of cruise ship: ");
  15. String cruiseShipName = cruiseShipInput.nextLine();
  16. cruiseShipInput.close();
  17. // 获取出发港口
  18. Scanner cruiseDepartureInput = new Scanner(;
  19. System.out.print("Enter cruise's departure port: ");
  20. String departPort = cruiseDepartureInput.nextLine();
  21. cruiseDepartureInput.close();
  22. }

所以,如上所示,在那个 cruiseDepartureInput 扫描器之前,我对任何事物都没有困扰。但在我提供该行的输入之前,Eclipse 抛出了错误,完整的错误信息如下:

输入邮轮出发港口:主线程中的异常 "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: 找不到行

  • 在 java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextLine(
  • 在 Driver.addCruise(
  • 在 Driver.main(




Not to revisit old topics, but I'm working on a project for a course and I'm repeatedly encountering this error at one particular segment, where I've got various other bits of code in the same format that are giving me no grief whatsoever.

  1. public static void addCruise() {
  2. Scanner newCruiseInput = new Scanner(;
  3. System.out.print("Enter the name of the new cruise: ");
  4. String newCruiseName = newCruiseInput.nextLine();
  5. // Verify no cruise of same name already exists
  6. for (Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList) {
  7. if (eachCruise.getCruiseName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCruiseName)) {
  8. System.out.println("A cruise by that name already exists. Exiting to menu...");
  9. return; // Quits addCruise() method processing
  10. }
  11. }
  12. // Get name of cruise ship
  13. Scanner cruiseShipInput = new Scanner(;
  14. System.out.print("Enter name of cruise ship: ");
  15. String cruiseShipName = cruiseShipInput.nextLine();
  16. cruiseShipInput.close();
  17. // Get port of departure
  18. Scanner cruiseDepartureInput = new Scanner(;
  19. System.out.print("Enter cruise's departure port: ");
  20. String departPort = cruiseDepartureInput.nextLine();
  21. cruiseDepartureInput.close();

So, as above, I've got no trouble with anything up until that cruiseDepartureInput scanner. But before I get to provide the input for that line, Eclipse is throwing the error, which in full reads:

Enter cruise's departure port: Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

  • at java.base/java.util.Scanner.nextLine(
  • at Driver.addCruise(
  • at Driver.main(

Why would I be facing this exception here, but not anywhere else in the rest of the program? Everything else tested and functioned as expected, but this particular input is turning into a headache.

Also, forgive my error formatting, best I could do with how little the editor wanted to cooperate


得分: 0



问题在于您关闭了 流,这意味着您不能再获取任何输入。因此,当您尝试使用 启动新的扫描器时,会因为流不再存在而失败。


  1. public static void addCruise() {
  2. // 创建一个可以在整个项目中使用的单个扫描器。
  3. // 如果您有多个需要使用输入的类,那么需要创建一个包装类来管理扫描器输入
  4. Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(;
  5. // 现在进行其余的输入
  6. System.out.print("输入新邮轮的名称:");
  7. String newCruiseName = inputScanner.nextLine();
  8. // 验证是否已经存在同名的邮轮
  9. for (Cruise eachCruise : cruiseList) {
  10. if (eachCruise.getCruiseName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCruiseName)) {
  11. System.out.println("已经存在同名的邮轮。退出到菜单...");
  12. return; // 退出 addCruise() 方法处理
  13. }
  14. }
  15. // 获取邮轮名称
  16. System.out.print("输入邮轮名称:");
  17. String cruiseShipName = inputScanner.nextLine();
  18. // 获取出发港口
  19. System.out.print("输入出发港口:");
  20. String departPort = inputScanner.nextLine();
  21. }

Remove this line and you will notice that your issue will go away (for now):

  1. cruiseShipInput.close();

The problem here is that you are closing the stream, which means you can no longer take any input. So when you attempt to start a new scanner using it will fail because the stream no longer exists.

For a simple project the correct answer is to not close the scanner, or better yet, only create a single scanner that you use throughout your entire project:

  1. public static void addCruise() {
  2. //Create a single scanner that you can use throughout your project.
  3. //If you have multiple classes then need to use input then create a wrapper class to manage the scanner inputs
  4. Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(;
  5. //Now do the rest of your inputs
  6. System.out.print("Enter the name of the new cruise: ");
  7. String newCruiseName = inputScanner.nextLine();
  8. // Verify no cruise of same name already exists
  9. for (Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList) {
  10. if (eachCruise.getCruiseName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCruiseName)) {
  11. System.out.println("A cruise by that name already exists. Exiting to menu...");
  12. return; // Quits addCruise() method processing
  13. }
  14. }
  15. // Get name of cruise ship
  16. System.out.print("Enter name of cruise ship: ");
  17. String cruiseShipName = inputScanner.nextLine();
  18. // Get port of departure
  19. System.out.print("Enter cruise's departure port: ");
  20. String departPort = inputScanner.nextLine();

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月18日 22:09:19
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