如何在 PostgreSQL 表中聚类匹配输入值或与其他匹配行中的任何值匹配的行?

huangapple go评论103阅读模式

How to cluster rows in a postgresql table that match an input value or match a value from any of the other matching rows?



如何在 PostgreSQL 表中聚类匹配输入值或与其他匹配行中的任何值匹配的行?






DuplicateCandidate firstDuplicate = db.sql("select * from duplicates where list_id = "+list_id+ " and ignore_duplicate is not true").first(DuplicateCandidate);
String sql = "select * from duplicates where list_id = "+list_id+ " and ignore_duplicate is not true "
        + "and (contact_id_a = ? or contact_id_b = ? or contact_id_a = ? or contact_id_b = ?";
List<DuplicateCandidate> groupOfDuplicates  = db.sql(sql, firstDuplicate.contact_id_a,firstDuplicate.contact_id_a, firstDuplicate.contact_id_b, firstDuplicate.contact_id_b).results(DuplicateCandidate.class);



I have a table that looks like this in my postgresql database

如何在 PostgreSQL 表中聚类匹配输入值或与其他匹配行中的任何值匹配的行?

How can I bring back a cluster of contacts where each contact in the cluster shares either the contact_id_a or contact_id_b value (or both) with another contact in the cluster?

In the example in the screenshot image above, rows 1-6 would be in the same cluster and row 8 would belong to no cluster.

How can this be achieved using either a SQL query or a SQL query in combination with Java code?

For context, this table lists all potential duplicate contacts in a list of contacts. We want to present to the list owner all of the contacts that are potential duplicates so that the user can manually manage these duplicates.

Here is my starting code:

DuplicateCandidate firstDuplicate = db.sql(&quot;select * from duplicates where list_id = &quot;+list_id+ &quot; and ignore_duplicate is not true&quot;).first(DuplicateCandidate);
		String sql = &quot;select * from duplicates where list_id = &quot;+list_id+ &quot;and ignore_duplicate is not true &quot;
				+ &quot;and (contact_id_a = ? or contact_id_b = ? or contact_id_a = ? or contact_id_b = ?&quot;;
		List&lt;DuplicateCandidate&gt; groupOfDuplicates  = db.sql(sql, firstDuplicate.contact_id_a,firstDuplicate.contact_id_a, firstDuplicate.contact_id_b, firstDuplicate.contact_id_b).results(DuplicateCandidate.class);

This will bring back the first row and any other rows containing 16247096 or 16247097, but not other essential rows matching the contact_ids from the second query's results.



得分: 2


with recursive d as (
      select row_number() over (order by contact_id_a, contact_id_b) as id, d.*
      from duplicates d
     cte (id, contact_id_a, contact_id_b, min_id, ids, lev) as (
      select id, contact_id_a, contact_id_b, id as min_id, array[id] as ids, 1 as lev
      from d
      union all
      select d.id, d.contact_id_a, d.contact_id_b, least(d.id, cte.min_id), ids || d.id, lev + 1
      from cte join
           on cte.contact_id_a = d.contact_id_a or cte.contact_id_b = d.contact_id_b
      where d.id <> ALL (cte.ids)
select distinct on (id) cte.*
from cte
order by id, min_id;




You can use a recursive CTE. This walks the graph and then assigns the minimum identifier in the graph for each row. Note that your data does not have a unique identifier for each row so this starts by generating one:

with recursive d as (
      select row_number() over (order by contact_id_a, contact_id_b) as id, d.*
      from duplicates d
     cte (id, contact_id_a, contact_id_b, min_id, ids, lev) as (
      select id, contact_id_a, contact_id_b, id as min_id, array[id] as ids, 1 as lev
      from d
      union all
      select d.id, d.contact_id_a, d.contact_id_b, least(d.id, cte.min_id), ids || d.id, lev + 1
      from cte join
           on cte.contact_id_a = d.contact_id_a or cte.contact_id_b = d.contact_id_b
      where d.id &lt;&gt; ALL (cte.ids)
select distinct on (id) cte.*
from cte
order by id, min_id;

The column min_id contains the grouping you want.

Here is a db<>fiddle illustrating the code.


得分: 0


我已经有六年没有在CRM上工作了,但以下函数类似于我们以前用来生成匹配组的方式。逐行执行这个操作对我们的工作负载来说性能不够好,而通过宿主语言(例如Java HashMap()HashSet() 以及倒排索引)来实现会创建非常混乱的代码。


\d contact_info 
                 表 "public.contact_info"
      列         |  类型   | 排序规则  | 可空 | 默认值 
 contact_id_a     | bigint  |           |          | 
 contact_id_b     | bigint  |           |          | 
 ignore_duplicate | boolean |           |          | false
 list_id          | integer |           |          | 496

select * from contact_info ;
 contact_id_a | contact_id_b | ignore_duplicate | list_id 
     16247096 |     16247097 | f                |     496
     16247096 |     16247098 | f                |     496
     16247096 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247097 |     16247098 | f                |     496
     16247097 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247098 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247094 |     16247095 | f                |     496
(7 rows)


create or replace function cluster_contact() 
  returns table (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) 
  language plpgsql as $$
  last_count bigint := 1;
  this_count bigint := 0;
  create temp table contact_match (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) on commit drop;
  create index cm_1 on contact_match (contact_id, clust_id);
  create index cm_2 on contact_match using hash (clust_id);
  create temp table contact_hold (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) on commit drop;

  with dedup as (
    select distinct least(ci.contact_id_a) as clust_id,
           greatest(ci.contact_id_b) as contact_id
      from contact_info ci
     where not ci.ignore_duplicate
  insert into contact_match
    select d.clust_id, d.clust_id from dedup d
    select d.clust_id, d.contact_id from dedup d;

  while last_count > this_count loop

    if this_count = 0 then 
      select count(distinct cm.clust_id) into last_count from contact_match cm;
      last_count := this_count;
    end if;

    with new_cid as (
      select cm.contact_id as clust_id_old,
             min(cm.clust_id) as clust_id_new
        from contact_match cm
       group by cm.contact_id
    update contact_match
       set clust_id = nc.clust_id_new
      from new_cid nc
     where contact_match.clust_id = nc.clust_id_old;

    truncate table contact_hold;
    insert into contact_hold 
      select distinct * from contact_match;
    truncate table contact_match;
    insert into contact_match
      select * from contact_hold;

    select count(distinct cm.clust_id) into this_count from contact_match cm;

  end loop;

  return query select * from contact_match order by clust_id, contact_id;
end $$;


select * from cluster_contact();
 clust_id | contact_id 
 16247094 |   16247094
 16247094 |   16247095
 16247096 |   16247096
 16247096 |   16247097
 16247096 |   16247098
 16247096 |   16247099
(6 rows)



如果您希望clust_id1开始连续,只需将函数中的return query更改为以下内容:

  return query 
    select dense_rank() over (order by cm.clust_id) as clust_id, 
      from contact_match cm 
     order by clust_id, contact_id;


select * from cluster_contact();
 clust_id | contact_id 
        1 |   16247094
        1 |   16247095
        2 |   16247096
        2 |   16247097
        2 |   16247098
        2 |   16247099
(6 rows)

Clustering like this is an iterative process with an unknown number of steps. I have never found a solution that can be done within a recursive query.

I have not worked on CRM in over six years, but the following function is similar to how we used to generate match groups. Doing this row-by-row did not perform well enough for our workload, and accomplishing this via host language using e.g. Java HashMap() and HashSet() and inverted indexing creates very messy code.

Assuming this schema:

\d contact_info 
                 Table &quot;public.contact_info&quot;
      Column      |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 contact_id_a     | bigint  |           |          | 
 contact_id_b     | bigint  |           |          | 
 ignore_duplicate | boolean |           |          | false
 list_id          | integer |           |          | 496

select * from contact_info ;
 contact_id_a | contact_id_b | ignore_duplicate | list_id 
     16247096 |     16247097 | f                |     496
     16247096 |     16247098 | f                |     496
     16247096 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247097 |     16247098 | f                |     496
     16247097 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247098 |     16247099 | f                |     496
     16247094 |     16247095 | f                |     496
(7 rows)

This function creates two temp tables to hold intermediate clusters and then returns the result once there is no more clustering possible.

create or replace function cluster_contact() 
  returns table (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) 
  language plpgsql as $$
  last_count bigint := 1;
  this_count bigint := 0;
  create temp table contact_match (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) on commit drop;
  create index cm_1 on contact_match (contact_id, clust_id);
  create index cm_2 on contact_match using hash (clust_id);
  create temp table contact_hold (clust_id bigint, contact_id bigint) on commit drop;

  with dedup as (
    select distinct least(ci.contact_id_a) as clust_id,
           greatest(ci.contact_id_b) as contact_id
      from contact_info ci
     where not ci.ignore_duplicate
  insert into contact_match
    select d.clust_id, d.clust_id from dedup d
    select d.clust_id, d.contact_id from dedup d;

  while last_count &gt; this_count loop

    if this_count = 0 then 
      select count(distinct cm.clust_id) into last_count from contact_match cm;
      last_count := this_count;
    end if;

    with new_cid as (
      select cm.contact_id as clust_id_old,
             min(cm.clust_id) as clust_id_new
        from contact_match cm
       group by cm.contact_id
    update contact_match
       set clust_id = nc.clust_id_new
      from new_cid nc
     where contact_match.clust_id = nc.clust_id_old;

    truncate table contact_hold;
    insert into contact_hold 
      select distinct * from contact_match;
    truncate table contact_match;
    insert into contact_match
      select * from contact_hold;

    select count(distinct cm.clust_id) into this_count from contact_match cm;

  end loop;

  return query select * from contact_match order by clust_id, contact_id;
end $$;

One of the biggest mental blocks I have seen developers face is neglecting to include the relationship of a contact_id to itself. This leads to disjoint handling and a mental model needlessly complicated by a left-side and a right-side.

select * from cluster_contact();
 clust_id | contact_id 
 16247094 |   16247094
 16247094 |   16247095
 16247096 |   16247096
 16247096 |   16247097
 16247096 |   16247098
 16247096 |   16247099
(6 rows)

Please comment if you need clarification on any of the steps in this solution or if it does not work for you.

Also, know that Levenshtein is available in fuzzystrmatch, and it works well.

If you would rather have sequential clust_id starting at 1, change your return query in the function to this:

  return query 
    select dense_rank() over (order by cm.clust_id) as clust_id, 
      from contact_match cm 
     order by clust_id, contact_id;

It will yield:

select * from cluster_contact();
 clust_id | contact_id 
        1 |   16247094
        1 |   16247095
        2 |   16247096
        2 |   16247097
        2 |   16247098
        2 |   16247099
(6 rows)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月4日 10:38:40
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63239474.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
