
huangapple go评论74阅读模式

Null instead of value in LinkedHashmap


我正在创建一个 Android 应用程序,使用我创建的 Spring 应用程序将一些数据发送到数据库。


public void save(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> dataCollected) {
    String sql = "INSERT INTO sys001.lm.bottle_neck_reject (" 
        + "\n col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4," 
        + "\n col_5, col_6, col_7, col_8, col_9," 
        + "\n col_10, col_11, col_12," 
        + "\n col_13)"
        + "\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,"
        + "\n ?, ?, ?, convert(datetime, ? + ' ' + ?, 103), ?," 
        + "\n ?, ?, ?, ?)";

      dataCollected.forEach((key, value) -> {
        System.out.println(key + " > " + value); // output: key_one > value_one

    try(Connection conn = getConnection();
        PreparedStatement saveStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql)){
      saveStatement.setString(1, (String) dataCollected.get("key_one"));
      saveStatement.setString(2, "WH"); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(3, "PC"); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(4, (String) dataCollected.get("key_two"));
      saveStatement.setString(5, "UN"); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(6, (String) dataCollected.get("key_three"));
      saveStatement.setString(7, (String) dataCollected.get("key_four"));
      saveStatement.setString(8, (String) dataCollected.get("date"));
      saveStatement.setString(9, (String) dataCollected.get("time"));
      saveStatement.setString(10, (String) dataCollected.get("key_five"));
      saveStatement.setString(11, (String) dataCollected.get("key_six"));
      saveStatement.setString(12, (String) dataCollected.get("key_seven"));
      saveStatement.setString(13, (String) dataCollected.get("key_eight"));
      saveStatement.setString(14, (String) dataCollected.get("key_nine"));

    } catch (SQLException e) {

问题在于,当我在 forEach 循环中使用这个方法时,我可以正确地看到并获取 keyvalues,但是当我向数据库发送查询时,记录被创建,但除了位置 2、3 和 5('WH'、'PC'、'UN')之外,所有值都是 null,这些位置的值被正确创建。



I am creating android application which sending some data to database using Spring application also create by me.

Method which I am using to save data is this:

public void save(LinkedHashMap&lt;String, Object&gt; dataCollected) {
    String sql = &quot;INSERT INTO sys001.lm.bottle_neck_reject (&quot; 
        + &quot;\n col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4,&quot; 
        + &quot;\n col_5, col_6, col_7, col_8, col_9,&quot; 
        + &quot;\n col_10, col_11, col_12,&quot; 
        + &quot;\n col_13)&quot;
        + &quot;\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,&quot;
        + &quot;\n ?, ?, ?, convert(datetime, ? + &#39; &#39; + ?, 103), ?,&quot; 
        + &quot;\n ?, ?, ?, ?)&quot;;

      dataCollected.forEach((key, value) -&gt; {
        System.out.println(key + &quot; &gt; &quot; + value); // output: key_one &gt; value_one

    try(Connection conn = getConnection();
        PreparedStatement saveStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql)){
      saveStatement.setString(1, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_one&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(2, &quot;WH&quot;); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(3, &quot;PC&quot;); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(4, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_two&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(5, &quot;UN&quot;); // this value are saved
      saveStatement.setString(6, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_three&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(7, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_four&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(8, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;date&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(9, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;time&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(10, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_five&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(11, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_six&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(12, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_seven&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(13, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_eight&quot;));
      saveStatement.setString(14, (String) dataCollected.get(&quot;key_nine&quot;));

    } catch (SQLException e) {

Problem is that when I am using this method in forEach loop I can properly see and get key and values but when I am sending query to database, record is create but all values are null except position 2, 3 and 5 ('WH', 'PC', 'UN') those are created properly.

Can anyone let me know what is wrong with my code? Or maybe is some other problem, not related to the code? I have no clue, any advice will be appreciated.


得分: 2



dataCollected.get("key_one") 返回了null。你在输入映射中打印了这些值,而且你确实看到了'key_one',但是。

也许键是 " key_one"(注意空格!),或者是类似于'key_one'但不等于'key_one'的其他内容。大多数字体中都有与这些字母看起来完全相同但实际上不是那个字母的符号。例如,字母o有许多非常相似的符号。还有零宽度空格字符和其他在println语句中看不到的创造性空白字符。


  1. 使用断点,或者只需添加一个sysout语句,在方法的非常顶部甚至在打开任何数据库连接之前,打印该获取调用的结果:System.out.println(dataCollected.get("key_one")); - 那应该是null,这明确表明无论如何你认为你在foreach循环中看到了什么键,"key_one"都不在那个映射中。

  2. 然后,为了看看在映射中存在的类似key_one的键是什么,循环遍历其中的每个键并打印每个符号的字符值:

public void debugString(String in) {
    System.out.print(": ");
    for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
        System.out.print((int) c);
        System.out.print(" ");


debugString("key_one"); // 看看“真正”的key_one是什么样的
for (String key : dataCollected.keySet()) {
    debugString(key); // 现在逐个调试打印每个键




也许这是LinkedHashMap的某个子类的实例(或者不是java.util.LinkedHashMap,这是有问题的)。通过打印来检查:System.out.println(dataCollected.getClass())。这应该打印出java.util.LinkedHashMap - 如果不是,这值得进一步调查。




This code properly 'closes' the connection after executing the UPDATE call, which is why you're witnessing a new row.

The fact that you observe the values (almost) all being NULL can only mean one thing.

dataCollected.get(&quot;key_one&quot;) is returning null. You're printing the values in the input map, and you do see 'key_one', however.

Perhaps the key is &quot; key_one&quot; (note the space!), or otherwise something that looks (almost?) exactly like "key_one" but isn't equal to "key_one". There are symbols that look exactly like these letters in most fonts but aren't that letter. For example, the o has a boatload of symbols that look very very similarly. There's also zero-width space characters and other creative whitespace that you won't see in a println statement.

Here's how to debug your code:

  1. Use a breakpoint, or just add a sysout statement, to print, right at the very top of the method before you even open any db connections, the result of that get call: System.out.println(dataCollected.get(&quot;key_one&quot;)); - that should be null, which indicates beyond any doubt that regardless of what you think you're seeing with that foreach loop to print keys, &quot;key_one&quot; is not in that map.

  2. Then, to see what key_one-esque key IS in the map, loop through each key in it and print the char values of each symbol:

public void debugString(String in) {
System.out.print(&quot;: &quot;);
for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
System.out.print((int) c);
System.out.print(&quot; &quot;);

... and then in your save method, at the top:

debugString(&quot;key_one&quot;); // see what a &#39;real&#39; key_one looks like
for (String key : dataCollected.keySet()) {
debugString(key); // now debug-print each key

Likely this will show the problem by giving a different sequence of numbers. Find the difference, grab an ascii chart or unicode table, and look up what's wonky.

For example, if the first print shows that the 4th number is 95 but the key has as 4th number 818, then the key is using this alternate underscore character that will look exactly, or almost exactly, like an underscore, but it's not the same character, therefore, wouldn't be found by .get(&quot;key_one&quot;).

Other exotic option A: Broken map impl

Perhaps that is an instance of some subclass of LinkedHashMap (or not java.util.LinkedHashMap which is broken. Check by printing: System.out.println(dataCollected.getClass()). This should print java.util.LinkedHashMap - if it does not, this is worth investigating further.

Other exotic option B: Broken string

It is possible, but tricky, to use hacks and reflection to make a string (which is normally immutable) contain different characters, which you'd witness when you try to print it. There's no reason to ever do such a thing except as an intentional exercise to mess up code. If that's the case, find the prankster and tell them to cut it out.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月24日 22:35:28
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63075795.html



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