
huangapple go评论142阅读模式

How do I calculate semi-colon separated values within a cell?



  1. 将每个单元格中的值拆分成两部分,使用分号分割。在R中,您可以使用strsplit函数来做到这一点。

  2. 将拆分后的值转换为数字类型。

  3. 计算HH列中的两个数字相除的结果。

  4. 计算NLNL列中的数字。

  5. NLNL中的值减去HH中的值。

  6. 将结果放入一个新的列,比如diff


# 假设您的数据框叫做dt
dt$HH <- as.character(dt$HH) # 将HH列转换为字符类型
dt$NLNL <- as.character(dt$NLNL) # 将NLNL列转换为字符类型

# 分割HH列和NLNL列中的值
dt$HH <- sapply(strsplit(dt$HH, ";"), function(x) as.numeric(x[1])/as.numeric(x[2]))
dt$NLNL <- sapply(strsplit(dt$NLNL, ";"), function(x) as.numeric(x[1]))

# 计算diff列
dt$diff <- dt$NLNL - dt$HH



I have a table that looks like this:

&gt; head(dt)
               variant_id           transcript_id        HH     HNL  NLNL
1: chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 32968;685 1440;20 337;1
2: chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1
3: chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1
4: chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1
5: chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1
6: chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1

What I would like to do is take values in column HH and divide the numbers before the semi-colon by the numbers after the semi-colon. For example, for the first row, I would like to do 32968/685 (which would be 48.13). Then, I would like to do the same for the values in column NLNL (so for the first row that would be 337), and then I would like to subtract the value found from column HH from the value in column NLNL, so 337-48.13 = 228.87. I would then like to take that value in place it into a new column called diff for all rows.

How would I go about doing this? I can pretty easily figure out how to divide the values of one column with another and put the result in a new column, but I don't know how to extract semi-colon separated values from within a cell and manipulate them.


得分: 3



dt[, new := unlist(lapply(strsplit(HH, ";"), 
            function(x) as.numeric(x[1])/as.numeric(x[2])))]


dt[, new := fread(text = .SD[["HH"]], sep=";")[, V1/V2]]


dt[, paste0("new", 1:3) := lapply(.SD, function(x) 
             fread(text = x, sep=";")[, V1/V2]), .SDcols = HH:NLNL]


dt %>%
    mutate(rn = row_number()) %>%
    separate_rows(HH, HNL, NLNL, convert = TRUE) %>%
    group_by(rn, variant_id, transcript_id) %>%
    summarise_at(vars(HH:NLNL), ~ first(.)/last(.)) %>%
    ungroup %>%


dt %>%
    mutate(across(HH:NLNL, ~ fread(text = ., sep=";") %>%


dt <- structure(list(variant_id = c("chr10_60842447_A_G_b38", 
    "chr10_60847284_C_T_b38", "chr10_60849980_T_C_b38", "chr10_60850566_A_T_b38", 
    "chr10_60852394_C_A_b38"), transcript_id = c("chr10_60871326_60871443", 
    "chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443", 
    "chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443"), HH = c("32968;685", 
    "33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690"
    ), HNL = c("1440;20", "1251;15", "1251;15", "1251;15", "1251;15", 
    "1251;15"), NLNL = c("337;1", "337;1", "337;1", "337;1", "337;1", 
    "337;1")), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, 



One option is to split by ; with strsplit, convert to numeric and divide the first element by the second

dt[, new := unlist(lapply(strsplit(HH, &quot;;&quot;), 
        function(x) as.numeric(x[1])/as.numeric(x[2])))]

Or another option is reading the column as a data.table with fread and then do the division

dt[, new := fread(text = .SD[[&quot;HH&quot;]], sep=&quot;;&quot;)[, V1/V2]]

For multiple columns, specify the columns in .SDcols, loop over the columns and do the same thing

dt[, paste0(&quot;new&quot;, 1:3) := lapply(.SD, function(x) 
         fread(text = x, sep=&quot;;&quot;)[, V1/V2]), .SDcols = HH:NLNL]
#               variant_id           transcript_id        HH     HNL  NLNL     new1 new2 new3
#1: chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 32968;685 1440;20 337;1 48.12847 72.0  337
#2: chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362 83.4  337
#3: chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362 83.4  337
#4: chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362 83.4  337
#5: chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362 83.4  337
#6: chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362 83.4  337

Or an option with tidyverse

dt %&gt;%
    mutate(rn = row_number()) %&gt;% 
    separate_rows(HH, HNL, NLNL, convert = TRUE) %&gt;% 
    group_by(rn, variant_id, transcript_id) %&gt;% 
    summarise_at(vars(HH:NLNL), ~ first(.)/last(.)) %&gt;%
    ungroup %&gt;% 
# A tibble: 6 x 5
#  variant_id             transcript_id              HH   HNL  NLNL
#  &lt;chr&gt;                  &lt;chr&gt;                   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
#1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  72     337
#2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337

It can be also done in a compact way with

library(dplyr)# v
dt %&gt;%
     mutate(across(HH:NLNL, ~ fread(text = ., sep=&quot;;&quot;) %&gt;% 
#              variant_id           transcript_id       HH  HNL NLNL
#1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.12847 72.0  337
#2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.05362 83.4  337
#3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.05362 83.4  337
#4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.05362 83.4  337
#5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.05362 83.4  337
#6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.05362 83.4  337


dt &lt;- structure(list(variant_id = c(&quot;chr10_60842447_A_G_b38&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60847284_C_T_b38&quot;, &quot;chr10_60849980_T_C_b38&quot;, &quot;chr10_60850566_A_T_b38&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60852394_C_A_b38&quot;), transcript_id = c(&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;), HH = c(&quot;32968;685&quot;, 
&quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;
), HNL = c(&quot;1440;20&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, 
&quot;1251;15&quot;), NLNL = c(&quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, 
&quot;337;1&quot;)), class = c(&quot;data.table&quot;, &quot;data.frame&quot;), row.names = c(NA, 


得分: 2

一种涉及 dplyrgsubfn 的选项可能是:

df %>%
  mutate_at(vars(HH, HNL, NLNL), ~ gsubfn("([0-9]+);([0-9]+)", function(x, y) as.numeric(x)/as.numeric(y), .))

             variant_id           transcript_id               HH   HNL  NLNL
1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.1284671532847 72.0 337.0
2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4 337.0
3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4 337.0
4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4 337.0
5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4 337.0
6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  33.0

注意:上述代码是将 HHHNLNLNL 列中的数据按指定的正则表达式模式进行替换。


One option involving dplyr and gsubfn could be:

df %&gt;%
 mutate_at(vars(HH, HNL, NLNL), ~ gsubfn(&quot;([0-9]+);([0-9]+)&quot;, function(x, y) as.numeric(x)/as.numeric(y), .))

             variant_id           transcript_id               HH  HNL NLNL
1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.1284671532847   72  337
2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  337
3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  337
4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  337
5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  337
6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 48.0536231884058 83.4  33


得分: 2



dt %>%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(~str_split(., ";") )) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(~map_dbl(., ~as.numeric(.x) %>% {.[[1]]/.[[2]]}))) 


dt %>%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(new = ~str_split(., ";") )) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(HH_new:NLNL_new), list(~map_dbl(., ~as.numeric(.x) %>% {.[[1]]/.[[2]]})))



Here is another option. We split the data in a nested cell, then map out the values.


dt %&gt;%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(~str_split(., &quot;;&quot;) )) %&gt;%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(~map_dbl(., ~as.numeric(.x) %&gt;% {.[[1]]/.[[2]]}))) 

#&gt;   variant_id             transcript_id              HH   HNL  NLNL
#&gt;   &lt;chr&gt;                  &lt;chr&gt;                   &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
#&gt; 1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  72     337
#&gt; 2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#&gt; 3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#&gt; 4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#&gt; 5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337
#&gt; 6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443  48.1  83.4   337

EDIT: All you have to do to have new variables is to name them in the list:

dt %&gt;%
  mutate_at(vars(HH:NLNL), list(new = ~str_split(., &quot;;&quot;) )) %&gt;%
  mutate_at(vars(HH_new:NLNL_new), list(~map_dbl(., ~as.numeric(.x) %&gt;% {.[[1]]/.[[2]]})))

#&gt;   variant_id       transcript_id      HH     HNL   NLNL  HH_new HNL_new NLNL_new
#&gt;   &lt;chr&gt;            &lt;chr&gt;              &lt;chr&gt;  &lt;chr&gt; &lt;chr&gt;  &lt;dbl&gt;   &lt;dbl&gt;    &lt;dbl&gt;
#&gt; 1 chr10_60842447_… chr10_60871326_60… 32968… 1440… 337;1   48.1    72        337
#&gt; 2 chr10_60846892_… chr10_60871326_60… 33157… 1251… 337;1   48.1    83.4      337
#&gt; 3 chr10_60847284_… chr10_60871326_60… 33157… 1251… 337;1   48.1    83.4      337
#&gt; 4 chr10_60849980_… chr10_60871326_60… 33157… 1251… 337;1   48.1    83.4      337
#&gt; 5 chr10_60850566_… chr10_60871326_60… 33157… 1251… 337;1   48.1    83.4      337
#&gt; 6 chr10_60852394_… chr10_60871326_60… 33157… 1251… 337;1   48.1    83.4      337


得分: 1


df <- cbind(df, `colnames<-`(sapply(c("HH", "HNL", "NLNL"),
                             function(v) sapply(strsplit(df[,v], split = ";"),
                                                function(x) Reduce("/", as.numeric(x)))), c("HHnew", "HNLnew", "NLNLnew")))
df$diff <- with(df, NLNLnew - HHnew)


> df
              variant_id           transcript_id        HH     HNL  NLNL    HHnew HNLnew NLNLnew     diff
1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 32968;685 1440;20 337;1 48.12847   72.0     337 288.8715
2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464


df <- structure(list(variant_id = c("chr10_60842447_A_G_b38", "chr10_60846892_G_A_b38", 
"chr10_60847284_C_T_b38", "chr10_60849980_T_C_b38", "chr10_60850566_A_T_b38", 
"chr10_60852394_C_A_b38"), transcript_id = c("chr10_60871326_60871443", 
"chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443", 
"chr10_60871326_60871443", "chr10_60871326_60871443"), HH = c("32968;685", 
"33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690", "33157;690"
), HNL = c("1440;20", "1251;15", "1251;15", "1251;15", "1251;15", 
"1251;15"), NLNL = c("337;1", "337;1", "337;1", "337;1", "337;1", 
"337;1")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

Here is a base R solution using strsplit to deal with semicolon separated values in a cell:

df &lt;- cbind(df,`colnames&lt;-`(sapply(c(&quot;HH&quot;,&quot;HNL&quot;,&quot;NLNL&quot;),
                             function(v) sapply(strsplit(df[,v],split = &quot;;&quot;),
                                                function(x) Reduce(&quot;/&quot;,as.numeric(x)))),c(&quot;HHnew&quot;,&quot;HNLnew&quot;,&quot;NLNLnew&quot;)))
df$diff &lt;- with(df,NLNLnew - HHnew)

such that

&gt; df
              variant_id           transcript_id        HH     HNL  NLNL    HHnew HNLnew NLNLnew     diff
1 chr10_60842447_A_G_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 32968;685 1440;20 337;1 48.12847   72.0     337 288.8715
2 chr10_60846892_G_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
3 chr10_60847284_C_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
4 chr10_60849980_T_C_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
5 chr10_60850566_A_T_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464
6 chr10_60852394_C_A_b38 chr10_60871326_60871443 33157;690 1251;15 337;1 48.05362   83.4     337 288.9464


df &lt;- structure(list(variant_id = c(&quot;chr10_60842447_A_G_b38&quot;, &quot;chr10_60846892_G_A_b38&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60847284_C_T_b38&quot;, &quot;chr10_60849980_T_C_b38&quot;, &quot;chr10_60850566_A_T_b38&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60852394_C_A_b38&quot;), transcript_id = c(&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, 
&quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;, &quot;chr10_60871326_60871443&quot;), HH = c(&quot;32968;685&quot;, 
&quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;, &quot;33157;690&quot;
), HNL = c(&quot;1440;20&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, &quot;1251;15&quot;, 
&quot;1251;15&quot;), NLNL = c(&quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, &quot;337;1&quot;, 
&quot;337;1&quot;)), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;, row.names = c(NA, -6L))

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月7日 02:20:46
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59617033.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
