
huangapple go评论83阅读模式

Is there a downside to using multiple nested for-loops in R for running intensive matrix calculations?






seriesVector <- function() {c("mat_One", "mat_Two")}
matList <- list(mat_One = c("Boy", "Cat"), mat_Two = c("Boy", "Bat"))
allocate <- list(mat_One = c(0.6,0.5,0.4), mat_Two = c(0.4,0.5,0.6))
flowVector <- c(6,5,4)

createBucket <- function(nbr_rows) {
  series <- seriesVector()
  flowMat <- vector("list", length = length(series))
  # 遍历"seriesVector"中列出的每个系列
  for (i in seq_along(series)) {
    series_name <- series[i]
    mat_elements <- matList[[series_name]]
    mat_list <- vector("list", length = length(mat_elements))
    # 遍历"matList"中每个系列列出的每个向量元素(例如Boy/Cat等)
    for (j in seq_along(mat_elements)) {
      element <- mat_elements[j]
      mat <- matrix(0, nbr_rows, 4)
      colnames(mat) <- c('Inflow','Due','Cover_due','Outflow')
      # 遍历矩阵的行数,以及每个系列和矩阵中的每个元素,按矩阵中的行数和每个系列和矩阵中的元素计算列
      for (k in 1:nbr_rows) {
        allocate_value <- allocate[[series_name]][k]
        flow_value <- flowVector[k]
        mat[k, "Inflow"] <- allocate_value * flow_value
      mat_list[[j]] <- mat
    names(mat_list) <- mat_elements
    flowMat[[i]] <- setNames(mat_list, mat_elements)
  names(flowMat) <- series

In the example code presented below, I use 3 nested for-loops to expand a list of elements (from the matList list object) into a series of matrices, with example simple calculations between the below listed vectors and the code-generated/expanded matrices. This is done by executing function createBucket(). The code works as intended, with the output of running the function createBucket(3) shown in the image at the bottom.

This is a simple extraction from larger code. The calculations in the larger code are intensive with many matrices and vectors "speaking to each other" with the transfer of data between them. The larger code works with large datasets. I also understand that for-loops are not necessarily slower than apply functions.

Is there a downside to nesting multiple for-loops like this? There are more loops and nesting in the larger code this example derives from. I tried lapply() but the advantage of a for-loop is that it is easier to develop algorithms and troubleshoot by executing each line of code, line by line, to get it working right. It is easier to visualize and understand.

Also, secondarily, are there other more streamlined, yet comprehensible, ways to get at what I'm doing with createBucket()?


seriesVector &lt;- function() {c(&quot;mat_One&quot;, &quot;mat_Two&quot;)}
matList &lt;- list(mat_One = c(&quot;Boy&quot;, &quot;Cat&quot;),mat_Two = c(&quot;Boy&quot;, &quot;Bat&quot;))
allocate &lt;- list(mat_One = c(0.6,0.5,0.4),mat_Two = c(0.4,0.5,0.6))
flowVector &lt;- c(6,5,4)

createBucket &lt;- function(nbr_rows) {
  series &lt;- seriesVector()
  flowMat &lt;- vector(&quot;list&quot;, length = length(series))
  # sequences through each of the series listed in &quot;seriesVector&quot;
  for (i in seq_along(series)) {
    series_name &lt;- series[i]
    mat_elements &lt;- matList[[series_name]]
    mat_list &lt;- vector(&quot;list&quot;, length = length(mat_elements))
    # sequences through each vector element (Boy/Cat/etc.) for each series listed in &quot;matList&quot;
    for (j in seq_along(mat_elements)) {
      element &lt;- mat_elements[j]
      mat &lt;- matrix(0, nbr_rows, 4)
      colnames(mat) &lt;- c(&#39;Inflow&#39;,&#39;Due&#39;,&#39;Cover_due&#39;,&#39;Outflow&#39;)
      # sequences through each element of &quot;allocate&quot; and &quot;flowVector&quot; by the number of rows in
      # the matrices, and for each series and each element in the matrices calculates columns
      for (k in 1:nbr_rows) {
        allocate_value &lt;- allocate[[series_name]][k]
        flow_value &lt;- flowVector[k]
        mat[k, &quot;Inflow&quot;] &lt;- allocate_value * flow_value
      mat_list[[j]] &lt;- mat
    names(mat_list) &lt;- mat_elements
    flowMat[[i]] &lt;- setNames(mat_list, mat_elements)
  names(flowMat) &lt;- series



得分: 2




seriesVector <- function() {c("mat_One", "mat_Two")}
matList <- list(mat_One = c("Boy", "Cat"),mat_Two = c("Boy", "Bat"))
allocate <- list(mat_One = c(0.6,0.5,0.4),mat_Two = c(0.4,0.5,0.6))
flowVector <- c(6,5,4)

createBucket <- function(){
map(allocate, \(alc) alc*flowVector) |>
  map2(matList, \(alc, matL) expand.grid(V1 = matL, 
                                         Inflow = alc,
                                         Due = 0,
                                         Cover_due = 0,
                                         Outflow = 0)) |>
  map(\(dfs) group_split(dfs, V1, .keep = FALSE) |>
        map(as.matrix))  |>
  map2(matList, ~set_names(.x, .y))

#> $mat_One
#> $mat_One$Boy
#>      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#> [1,]    3.6   0         0       0
#> [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#> [3,]    1.6   0         0       0
#> $mat_One$Cat
#>      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#> [1,]    3.6   0         0       0
#> [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#> [3,]    1.6   0         0       0
#> $mat_Two
#> $mat_Two$Boy
#>      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#> [1,]    2.4   0         0       0
#> [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#> [3,]    2.4   0         0       0
#> $mat_Two$Bat
#>      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#> [1,]    2.4   0         0       0
#> [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#> [3,]    2.4   0         0       0


I&#39;m not sure if its faster, but definitely more compact would be to map everything out rather than a bunch of loops. Here is a pseudo-one liner that recreates your function. I recommend trying this out and doing some speed tests for yourself.

``` r

seriesVector &lt;- function() {c(&quot;mat_One&quot;, &quot;mat_Two&quot;)}
matList &lt;- list(mat_One = c(&quot;Boy&quot;, &quot;Cat&quot;),mat_Two = c(&quot;Boy&quot;, &quot;Bat&quot;))
allocate &lt;- list(mat_One = c(0.6,0.5,0.4),mat_Two = c(0.4,0.5,0.6))
flowVector &lt;- c(6,5,4)

createBucket &lt;- function(){
map(allocate, \(alc) alc*flowVector) |&gt;
  map2(matList, \(alc, matL) expand.grid(V1 = matL, 
                                         Inflow = alc,
                                         Due = 0,
                                         Cover_due = 0,
                                         Outflow = 0)) |&gt;
  map(\(dfs) group_split(dfs, V1, .keep = FALSE) |&gt;
        map(as.matrix))  |&gt;
  map2(matList, ~set_names(.x, .y))

#&gt; $mat_One
#&gt; $mat_One$Boy
#&gt;      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#&gt; [1,]    3.6   0         0       0
#&gt; [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#&gt; [3,]    1.6   0         0       0
#&gt; $mat_One$Cat
#&gt;      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#&gt; [1,]    3.6   0         0       0
#&gt; [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#&gt; [3,]    1.6   0         0       0
#&gt; $mat_Two
#&gt; $mat_Two$Boy
#&gt;      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#&gt; [1,]    2.4   0         0       0
#&gt; [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#&gt; [3,]    2.4   0         0       0
#&gt; $mat_Two$Bat
#&gt;      Inflow Due Cover_due Outflow
#&gt; [1,]    2.4   0         0       0
#&gt; [2,]    2.5   0         0       0
#&gt; [3,]    2.4   0         0       0

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月12日 01:58:11
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76451792.html



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