在 ggplotly 中,图例中的元素分组失败。

huangapple go评论143阅读模式

Grouping elements in legend fails with ggplotly




> plot

ggplotly(p = plot)将三个geom_segments中的两个添加到图例中。


在 ggplotly 中,图例中的元素分组失败。
在 ggplotly 中,图例中的元素分组失败。

编辑: 看起来与ggplotly中的组合geom_bar和geom_point图例有关。


In the following example, grouping ggplot-elements appears to work, until I convert the plot with plotly::ggplotly(). I'm struggling to understand if this is because I'm doing something wrong, or if this is another plotly-bug.

Reproducible Example

  1. # example data
  2. df <- structure(list(a = structure(list(est_score = c(0.208979731611907,0.328919041901827, 0.396166493743658), upper_bound = c(0.992965325427929,1.11290463571785, 1.18015208755968), lower_bound = c(-0.575005862204114,-0.455066551914195, -0.387819100072363), ci_range = c(1.56797118763204,1.56797118763204, 1.56797118763204)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame")), b = structure(list(est_score = c(0.688612399809063,0.584376397356391, 0.63451482411474), upper_bound = c(1.47259799362508,1.36836199117241, 1.41850041793076), lower_bound = c(-0.0953731940069589,-0.19960919645963, -0.149470769701281), ci_range = c(1.56797118763204,1.56797118763204, 1.56797118763204)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame")), c = structure(list(est_score = c(0.462245718948543,0.636445740051568, 0.206650576367974), upper_bound = c(1.24623131276456,1.42043133386759, 0.990636170183996), lower_bound = c(-0.321739874867478,-0.147539853764454, -0.577335017448047), ci_range = c(1.56797118763204,1.56797118763204, 1.56797118763204)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame")), d = structure(list(est_score = c(0.105384588986635,0.456747563555837, 0.281916436739266), upper_bound = c(0.889370182802657,1.24073315737186, 1.06590203055529), lower_bound = c(-0.678601004829386,-0.327238030260185, -0.502069157076755), ci_range = c(1.56797118763204,1.56797118763204, 1.56797118763204)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame"))), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame"))
  1. library(dplyr)
  2. library(tidyr)
  3. library(ggplot2)
  4. library(plotly)
  5. y_names <- colnames(df) %>% unique()
  6. y_n <- length(y_names)
  7. plot_data <- df %>% mutate("case_id" = row_number()) %>%
  8. tidyr::pivot_longer(
  9. cols = -case_id
  10. ) %>%
  11. arrange(name)
  12. plot <- ggplot()
  13. plot <- plot + geom_point(
  14. data = plot_data,
  15. aes(
  16. x = value$est_score,
  17. y = factor(name),
  18. shape = factor(case_id),
  19. color = factor(case_id)
  20. ),
  21. size = 2
  22. )
  23. plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_segment(
  24. data = plot_data,
  25. aes(
  26. y = factor(name),
  27. yend = factor(name),
  28. x = value$lower_bound,
  29. xend = value$upper_bound,
  30. color = factor(case_id)
  31. ),
  32. size = .2
  33. )

Desired output

As you can see, the legend in ggplot is grouped correctly

> plot

While ggplotly(p = plot) adds two of the three geom_segments to the legend.

Why does this happen and how to prevent this?

在 ggplotly 中,图例中的元素分组失败。
在 ggplotly 中,图例中的元素分组失败。

EDIT: Appears to be related to Combined geom_bar and geom_point legend in ggplotly


得分: 1


  1. pp <- ggplotly(
  2. p = plot
  3. )


  1. n_cases <- length(unique(plot_data$case_id))
  2. for (i in 1:n_cases) {
  3. pp$x$data[[i]]$name <- i
  4. pp$x$data[[i]]$legendgroup <- i
  5. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$name <- i
  6. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$legendgroup <- i
  7. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$showlegend <- FALSE
  8. }



I took a look at the converted plotly-object and figured out a temporary (but ugly) fix:

  1. pp &lt;- ggplotly(
  2. p = plot
  3. )

When examining pp$x$data, it becomes apparent that name, legendgroup and showlegend are set differently for some of the geoms. This can be fixed manually, e.g. by looping through the converted object:

  1. n_cases &lt;- length(unique(plot_data$case_id))
  2. for (i in 1:n_cases) {
  3. pp$x$data[[i]]$name &lt;- i
  4. pp$x$data[[i]]$legendgroup &lt;- i
  5. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$name &lt;- i
  6. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$legendgroup &lt;- i
  7. pp$x$data[[i + n_cases]]$showlegend &lt;- FALSE
  8. }

This is probably a bug in plotly, but for the lack of alternatives, I will stick to this solution.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 22:25:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59613787.html



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