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mysql insert in two tables








  1. +-----------------+--------------------+
  2. | organisation_id | organisation_name |
  3. +-----------------+--------------------+
  4. | 1 | Google |
  5. | 2 | Facebook |
  6. +-----------------+--------------------+


  1. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+
  2. | user_id | email | password | organisation_id |
  3. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+
  4. | 1 | test@gmail.com | ***** | 1 |
  5. | 2 | test@outlook.com | ****** | 2 |
  6. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+


  1. // 检查数据库中是否存在相同的电子邮件地址
  2. $get_email_stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE email = ?');
  3. $get_email_stmt->bind_param('s', $user_email);
  4. $get_email_stmt->execute();
  5. $get_email_result = $get_email_stmt->get_result();
  6. $row = $get_email_result->fetch_assoc();
  7. if ($row['email'] == $user_email) {
  8. $_SESSION["exists"] = "email";
  9. header('Location: ../register');
  10. }
  11. // 检查数据库中是否存在相同的组织名称
  12. $get_organisation_stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT `organisation_name` FROM `organisations` WHERE organisation_name = ?');
  13. $get_organisation_stmt->bind_param('s', $organisation_name);
  14. $get_organisation_stmt->execute();
  15. $get_organisation_result = $get_organisation_stmt->get_result();
  16. $row = $get_organisation_result->fetch_assoc();
  17. if ($row['organisation_name'] == $organisation_name) {
  18. $_SESSION["exists"] = "organisation";
  19. header('Location: ../register');
  20. }
  21. // 插入组织
  22. $post_organisation_stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO `organisations` (organisation_name, zipcode, cityname, country, organisation_phonenumber, organisation_email, organisation_type, organisation_url, organisation_vat, agreed_to_avg)
  23. VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
  24. $post_organisation_stmt->bind_param('sssssssssi', $organisation_name, $zipcode, $cityname, $country, $organisation_phonenumber, $organisation_email, $request, $organisation_url, $organisation_vat, $agreed_to_avg);
  25. if ($post_organisation_stmt->execute()) {
  26. $organisation_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
  27. $post_organisation_stmt->close();
  28. // 插入用户
  29. $post_user_stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO `users` (firstname, lastname, email, phonenumber, organisation_id, hpassword, permission, agreed_to_avg)
  30. VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
  31. $post_user_stmt->bind_param('sssssssi', $firstname, $lastname, $user_email, $user_phonenumber, $organisation_id, $hPassword, $permission, $agreed_to_avg);
  32. if ($post_user_stmt->execute()) {
  33. $_SESSION["newaccount"] = "success";
  34. header('Location: ../login');
  35. } else {
  36. echo "Error updating record: " . mysqli_error($conn);
  37. $_SESSION["exists"] = "error";
  38. header('Location: ../register');
  39. }
  40. }



I am trying to make a register form where you can register your organisation and account at the same time.
But at the moment I do not know how to insert the data correctly.
Because if you want to insert the user in the table you do not know the organisation_id yet...

I have tried using mysqli_insert_id($conn) to get the last inserted id but that is not really practical.

I also came to the problem that if the email of the user already existed that it would still register the organisation.

At this moment I am completely lost...

Here is a sample of my table structure with some dummy data:

organisations table

  1. +-----------------+--------------------+
  2. | organisation_id | organisation_name |
  3. +-----------------+--------------------+
  4. | 1 | Google |
  5. | 2 | Facebook |
  6. +-----------------+--------------------+

users table

  1. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+
  2. | user_id | email | password | organisation_id |
  3. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+
  4. | 1 | test@gmail.com | ***** | 1 |
  5. | 2 | test@outlook.com | ****** | 2 |
  6. +---------+------------------+----------+-----------------+
  1. //check for existing emails for user in database
  2. $get_email_stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE email = ?');
  3. $get_email_stmt->bind_param('s', $user_email);
  4. $get_email_stmt->execute();
  5. $get_email_result = $get_email_stmt->get_result();
  6. $row = $get_email_result->fetch_assoc();
  7. //if email does not exists execute query
  8. if ($row['email'] == $user_email) {
  9. //give error email exists
  10. $_SESSION["exists"] = "email";
  11. header('Location: ../register');
  12. }
  13. //check for existing organisation name for user in database
  14. $get_organisation_stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT `organisation_name` FROM `organisations` WHERE organisation_name = ?');
  15. $get_organisation_stmt->bind_param('s', $organisation_name);
  16. $get_organisation_stmt->execute();
  17. $get_organisation_result = $get_organisation_stmt->get_result();
  18. $row = $get_organisation_result->fetch_assoc();
  19. //if email does not exists execute query
  20. if ($row['organisation_name'] == $organisation_name) {
  21. //give error email exists
  22. $_SESSION["exists"] = "organisation";
  23. header('Location: ../register');
  24. }
  25. //insert organisation
  26. $post_organisation_stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO `organisations` (organisation_name, zipcode, cityname, country, organisation_phonenumber, organisation_email, organisation_type, organisation_url, organisation_vat, agreed_to_avg)
  27. VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
  28. $post_organisation_stmt->bind_param('sssssssssi', $organisation_name, $zipcode, $cityname, $country, $organisation_phonenumber, $organisation_email, $request, $organisation_url, $organisation_vat, $agreed_to_avg);
  29. //execute query
  30. if ($post_organisation_stmt->execute()) {
  31. $organistation_id = mysql_insert_id($conn);
  32. $post_organisation_stmt->close();
  33. //insert user
  34. $post_user_stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO `users` (firstname, lastname, email, phonenumber, organisation_id, hpassword, permission, agreed_to_avg)
  35. VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
  36. $post_user_stmt->bind_param('sssssssi', $firstname, $lastname, $user_email, $user_phonenumber, $organisation_id, $hPassword, $permission, $agreed_to_avg);
  37. //execute query
  38. if ($post_user_stmt->execute()) {
  39. //succes
  40. $post_answer_stmt->close();
  41. $_SESSION["newaccount"] = "success";
  42. header('Location: ../login');
  43. } else {
  44. //error
  45. echo "Error updating record: " . mysqli_error($conn);
  46. $post_answer_stmt->close();
  47. $_SESSION["exists"] = "error";
  48. header('Location: ../register');
  49. }
  50. }


得分: 0


  1. 将数据插入到组织表中。
  2. 获取插入的组织ID。
  3. 将数据插入到用户表中。
  4. 如果电子邮件已存在,则不创建用户,但组织仍然存在于数据库中。

可以通过使用事务来解决此问题,详见 https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.begin-transaction.php 如果使用mysqli。



It seems that the problem you are describing is this:

  1. INSERT INTO organisation
  2. Get inserted organisation id
  3. INSERT INTO user
  4. If email already exists, then no user is created but the organisation remains in the database.

This can be resolved by using a transaction, see https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.begin-transaction.php if using mysqli.

When you run both queries in a transaction, then all changes can be rolled back when an exception occurs such as a unique constraint violation for the user email.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 18:39:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59610603.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
