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Matploltib quiver plot: argument order



问题: 尽管matplotlib.pyplot.quiver()期望的参数顺序是quiver([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw),但为什么我的代码只在使用quiver([X, Y], V, U)(即U和V的顺序相反)时才得到预期的答案?


以下是Python 3.5和matplotlib v3.x的代码:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise(bearing_deg):
    """Vector magnitude and direction calculations assume angle is relative to the x axis 
    i.e. 0 degrees north is at 3 o'clock
    Adjust compass bearings to be relative to standard position
    std_pos = (450 - bearing_deg) % 360
    return std_pos

def calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction(angle_degrees, magnitude=1):
    """Calculates the components of a vector given in magnitude (U) and direction (V) form
    angle: Expected that angles are in standard position 
    i.e. relative to the x axis or where 3 o'clock is zero and not the compass bearing 
    where 12 o'clock is 0
    magnitude: defaults to 1
    angle_rad = np.deg2rad(angle_degrees)
    x = magnitude * np.cos(angle_rad) # change in x == U
    y = magnitude * np.sin(angle_rad) # change in y == V
    return x, y

def array_indices(arr, indexing='xy'):
    """Calculates index positions of each cell in array
    These can be used to map to e.g. when creating a quiver plot
    indexing: Giving the string 'ij' returns a meshgrid with
        matrix indexing, while 'xy' returns a meshgrid with Cartesian indexing.
        In the 2-D case with inputs of length M and N, the outputs are of shape
        (N, M) for 'xy' indexing and (M, N) for 'ij' indexing.
    nrows, ncols = arr.shape
    nx = 1
    ny = 1
    x = np.linspace(0, ncols-1, ncols)
    y = np.linspace(0, nrows-1, nrows)
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing=indexing)
    return xi, yi

# 创建一个方位角度网格(北方为0度)
aspect_grid = np.array([[216, 226, 151],
                       [74, 323, 268],
                       [177, 204, 84]])

# 获取数组索引
x, y = array_indices(aspect_grid, indexing='xy')

# 获取U和V
x_change, y_change = calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction(aspect_grid.flatten())

# 在imshow上绘制quiver
cmap = 'twilight_shifted' # 这需要matplotlib v3.x
plt.imshow(np.floor(aspect_grid), cmap=cmap, origin='lower')
plt.colorbar(label="Aspect (degrees N)")
plt.quiver(x, y, y_change, x_change, pivot='middle') # <<< 为什么不是x、y、x_change、y_change?
plt.title("Surface aspect values")

Given a 2D array of aspect values (compass bearings e.g. as represented by the aspect derivative of an elevation model), I'm creating a quiver plot using matplotlib. This is being placed over a coloured matrix of the aspect values to act as a check.

The code is working in that it creates what I want but only where the arguments are opposite to what I expect. I'm making a simple mistake but can't spot it.

QUESTION: Although matplotlib.pyplot.quiver() expects quiver([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kw), why does my code only give the expected answer where quiver([X, Y], V, U) (i.e. U and V are the other way around) is used?

Incidentally, when plotting, I've shifted the origin of plt.imshow to lower (as discussed here). I think the problem lies somewhere related to my indexing etc.

Code below (using python 3.5 and matplotlib v3.x):

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise(bearing_deg):
	&quot;&quot;&quot;Vector magnitude and direction calculations assume angle is relative to the x axis 
          i.e. 0 degrees north is at 3 o&#39;clock
	Adjust compass bearings to be relative to standard position
	std_pos=(450 - bearing_deg) % 360

def calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction(angle_degrees, magnitude=1):
	&quot;&quot;&quot;Calculates the components of a vector given in magnitude (U) and direction (V) form
	angle: Expected that angles are in standard position 
            i.e. relative to the x axis or where 3 o&#39;clock is zero and not the compass bearing 
            where 12 o&#39;clock is 0
	magnitude: defaults to 1
	x = magnitude * np.cos(angle_rad) # change in x == U
	y = magnitude * np.sin(angle_rad) # change in y == V

def array_indices(arr, indexing=&#39;xy&#39;):
	&quot;&quot;&quot;Calculates index positions of each cell in array
	These can be used to map to e.g. when creating a quiver plot

	indexing: Giving the string &#39;ij&#39; returns a meshgrid with
		matrix indexing, while &#39;xy&#39; returns a meshgrid with Cartesian indexing.
		In the 2-D case with inputs of length M and N, the outputs are of shape
		(N, M) for &#39;xy&#39; indexing and (M, N) for &#39;ij&#39; indexing.
	nrows, ncols = arr.shape
	nx = 1
	ny = 1
	x = np.linspace(0, ncols-1, ncols)
	y = np.linspace(0, nrows-1, nrows)
	#y = np.linspace(nrows-1, 0, nrows) # note that the largest vlue is first
	xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing=indexing)
	return(xi, yi)

#Create a toy aspect grid (degrees North)
aspect_grid=np.array([[ 216,  226,  151],
       [  74,  323,  268],
       [ 177,  204,   84]])

#Get the array indices
x,y=array_indices(aspect_grid, indexing=&#39;xy&#39;)

#Get U and V 

#Plot quiver over imshow
cmap = &#39;twilight_shifted&#39; # this will expect matplotlib v3.x
plt.imshow(np.floor(aspect_grid), cmap=cmap, origin=&#39;lower&#39;)
plt.colorbar(label=&quot;Aspect (degrees N)&quot;)
plt.quiver(x, y, y_change, x_change, pivot=&#39;middle&#39;) # &lt;&lt;&lt; why not x,y,x_change,y_change?
plt.title(&quot;Surface aspect values&quot;)


得分: 1

When you pass your aspect_grid array into calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction, you aren't converting them from absolute bearing to counterclockwise degrees since compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise is not being called in calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction. Due to the 90-degree misalignment of the two conventions, this leads cos(angle) to correspond to the y component and sin(angle) to correspond to the x component (due to the property cos(x - pi/2) == sin(x)). In order to correct this, you simply need to use the conversion you have set up (which does correctly convert from bearing to standard position) by doing something like:

angle_degrees = compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise(angle_degrees)
angle_rad = np.deg2rad(angle_degrees)

in calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction. This will then allow you to use:

plt.quiver(x, y, x_change, y_change, pivot='middle')

and get the correct result.


When you pass your aspect_grid array into calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction you aren't converting them from absolute bearing to counterclockwise degrees since compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise is not being called in calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction. Due to the 90-degree misalignment of the two conventions this leads cos(angle) to correspond to the y component and sin(angle) to correspond to the x component (due to the property cos(x - pi/2) == sin(x)). In order to correct this you simply need to use the conversion you have set up (which does correctly convert from bearing to standard position) by doing something like

angle_degrees = compassBearing_to_standardPosition__degrees_counterClockwise(angle_degrees)

in calculate_U_and_V__vector_magnitude_and_direction. This will then allow you to use

plt.quiver(x, y, x_change, y_change, pivot=&#39;middle&#39;)

and get the correct result:


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月3日 22:56:22
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