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Value error while comparing a two columns



  1. df["Index"] = ""
  2. def function(df):
  3. for i in range(1, len(df.columns)-2):
  4. if((df.columns.values[1]) == (df.columns.values[i+1])):
  5. if((df.iloc[:,1]) < (0.9 * df.iloc[:,i+1])):
  6. df["Index"] = "Low"
  7. else:
  8. df["Index"] = "OK"
  9. function(df)





I am trying to compare the values of a particular column with one of columns, and store the result to a new column based upon their comparison index, say: Low if value differ by more than 10%, and OK if otherwise.

  1. df[&quot;Index&quot;] = &quot;&quot;
  2. def function(df):
  3. for i in range(1, len(df.columns)-2):
  4. if((df.columns.values[1]) == (df.columns.values[i+1])):
  5. if((df.iloc[:,1]) &lt; (0.9 * df.iloc[:,i+1])):
  6. df[&quot;Index&quot;] = &quot;Low&quot;
  7. else:
  8. df[&quot;Index&quot;] = &quot;OK&quot;
  9. function(df)

What is the relation of

  1. ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

to this? Would be great if someone can as well suggest ways to reduce the time complexity using same code structure.


得分: 0


  1. df = pd.DataFrame({'char':['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],'Age':[20, 21, 19, 18],'Age1':[29, 27, 25, 26],'Age2':[60, 48, 55, 62], 'Age3':[60, 48, 55, 62],'Age4':[60, 48, 55, 62],'Age5':[18, 19, 17, 12]})
  2. df["Index"] = ""
  3. def function(df):
  4. for i in range(1, len(df.columns)-2):
  5. df['Index'] = np.where(df.iloc[:, 1] < 0.9 * df.iloc[:, i + 1], 'Low', 'Ok')
  6. function(df)


  1. char Age Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Index
  2. 0 A 20 29 60 60 60 18 Ok
  3. 1 B 21 27 48 48 48 19 Ok
  4. 2 C 19 25 55 55 55 17 Ok
  5. 3 D 18 26 62 62 62 12 Ok


  1. df.loc[df.index[0], 'Age'] = 1
  2. function(df)


  1. char Age Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Index
  2. 0 A 1 29 60 60 60 18 Low
  3. 1 B 21 27 48 48 48 19 Ok
  4. 2 C 19 25 55 55 55 17 Ok
  5. 3 D 18 26 62 62 62 12 Ok



Do you want to check Age against any of the columns after it? And if one of them is 90% less then result in 'Ok'? I am not sure if the logic you need is this?

  1. df = pd.DataFrame({&#39;char&#39;:[&#39;A&#39;, &#39;B&#39;, &#39;C&#39;, &#39;D&#39;],&#39;Age&#39;:[20, 21, 19, 18],&#39;Age1&#39;:[29, 27, 25, 26],&#39;Age2&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62], &#39;Age3&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62],&#39;Age4&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62],&#39;Age5&#39;:[18, 19, 17, 12]})
  2. df[&quot;Index&quot;] = &quot;&quot;
  3. def function(df):
  4. for i in range(1, len(df.columns)-2):
  5. df[&#39;Index&#39;] = np.where(df.iloc[:, 1] &lt; 0.9 * df.iloc[:, i + 1], &#39;Low&#39;, &#39;Ok&#39;)
  6. function(df)


  1. char Age Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Index
  2. 0 A 20 29 60 60 60 18 Ok
  3. 1 B 21 27 48 48 48 19 Ok
  4. 2 C 19 25 55 55 55 17 Ok
  5. 3 D 18 26 62 62 62 12 Ok

If I change one of the Age values to 1 so that the Age[i+1] columns are more than 90% then result is

  1. char Age Age1 Age2 Age3 Age4 Age5 Index
  2. 0 A 1 29 60 60 60 18 Low
  3. 1 B 21 27 48 48 48 19 Ok
  4. 2 C 19 25 55 55 55 17 Ok
  5. 3 D 18 26 62 62 62 12 Ok


得分: 0


"I'm not quite sure about the logic behind your question but if there are many columns you could consider to use something like"

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. df = pd.DataFrame({'char':['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
  3. 'Age':[20, 21, 19, 18],
  4. 'Age1':[29, 27, 25, 26],
  5. 'Age2':[60, 48, 55, 62],
  6. 'Age3':[60, 48, 55, 62],
  7. 'Age4':[60, 48, 55, 62],
  8. 'Age5':[18, 19, 17, 12]})
  9. cols2compare = df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith("Age")]
  10. diz = {True:"Ok", False:"Low"}
  11. df["Index"] = df[cols2compare].apply(lambda x: x["Age"] < x.max()*.9,
  12. axis=1).map(diz)

I'm not quite sure about the logic behind your question but if there are many columns you could consider to use something like

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. df = pd.DataFrame({&#39;char&#39;:[&#39;A&#39;, &#39;B&#39;, &#39;C&#39;, &#39;D&#39;],
  3. &#39;Age&#39;:[20, 21, 19, 18],
  4. &#39;Age1&#39;:[29, 27, 25, 26],
  5. &#39;Age2&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62],
  6. &#39;Age3&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62],
  7. &#39;Age4&#39;:[60, 48, 55, 62],
  8. &#39;Age5&#39;:[18, 19, 17, 12]})
  9. cols2compare = df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith(&quot;Age&quot;)]
  10. diz = {True:&quot;Ok&quot;, False:&quot;Low&quot;}
  11. df[&quot;Index&quot;] = df[cols2compare].apply(lambda x: x[&quot;Age&quot;] &lt; x.max()*.9,
  12. axis=1).map(diz)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月3日 19:41:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59578010.html



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