Python Beginner: How do I print the name of a variable instead of the int that is connected to the variable?

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Python Beginner: How do I print the name of a variable instead of the int that is connected to the variable?









week = input("输入当前工作周:")
id = input("输入员工ID:")
name = input("输入员工姓名:")
monday = int(input("输入星期一工作时间:"))
tuesday = int(input("输入星期二工作时间:"))
wednesday = int(input("输入星期三工作时间:"))
thursday = int(input("输入星期四工作时间:"))
friday = int(input("输入星期五工作时间:"))

print("员工总结:", id,)
for i in [monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday]:
    if i > 8:
    elif i < 4:



Beginner in python here.
For an assignment I need to get input from the user for whole hours worked on weekdays.
After I get this, I need to print a summary and based on the hours that the user inputs, messages show up saying they worked too much or not enough on a given day.
However. I understand that because I have given the variable a weekday name, the integer I get is a number.
So when I link this it prints just the numbers and not the weekday name.

How can I improve the code so the message would print Too many hours worked on Monday instead of Too many hours worked on 9.

However. I understand that because I have given the variable a weekday name, the integer I get is a number.
So when I link this it prints just the numbers and not the weekday name.

How can I improve the code so the message would print Too many hours worked on Monday instead of Too many hours worked on 9.
I know in the code I have put the days of the week in a row so it prints Too many hours worked on 9 etc

The code I wrote is as follows:

week = input(&quot;Enter Current Working Week: &quot;)
id = input(&quot;Enter Employee ID: &quot;)
name = input(&quot;Enter Employee Name: &quot;)
monday = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Monday: &quot;))
tuesday = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Tuesday: &quot;))
wednesday = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Wednesday: &quot;))
thursday = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Thursday: &quot;))
friday = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Friday: &quot;))

print(&quot;Summary for Employee&quot;, id,)
for i in monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday:
    if i &gt; 8:
        print(&quot;Too many hours worked on&quot;, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday)
    elif i &lt; 4:
     print(&quot;Insufficient hours worked on&quot;, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday)) 


得分: 0


# 星期几数字到名称的字典映射
weekday_names = {
    1: "星期一",
    2: "星期二",
    3: "星期三",
    4: "星期四",
    5: "星期五"

# 初始化一个空列表,用于存储每个工作日的工作小时数
hours_worked = []

# 获取用户输入的每个工作日的工作小时数
for i in range(1, 6):
    hours = int(input(f"输入 {weekday_names[i]} 工作的小时数:"))

# 打印摘要并检查工作小时数
for i in range(5):
    if hours_worked[i] > 8:
        print(f"{weekday_names[i+1]} 工作时间太长。")
    elif hours_worked[i] < 8:
        print(f"{weekday_names[i+1]} 工作时间不够。")
        print(f"{weekday_names[i+1]} 工作了正好8小时。")

注意:我已将 HTML 实体编码(")还原为普通的双引号(")以便更好地理解代码。


Here is simple Example, you can modify whatever you needed.

# Dictionary mapping weekday numbers to names
weekday_names = {
    1: &quot;Monday&quot;,
    2: &quot;Tuesday&quot;,
    3: &quot;Wednesday&quot;,
    4: &quot;Thursday&quot;,
    5: &quot;Friday&quot;

# Initialize an empty list to store the hours worked for each weekday
hours_worked = []

# Get input from the user for each weekday
for i in range(1, 6):
    hours = int(input(f&quot;Enter the number of hours worked on {weekday_names[i]}: &quot;))

# Print the summary and check for hours worked
for i in range(5):
    if hours_worked[i] &gt; 8:
        print(f&quot;Too many hours worked on {weekday_names[i+1]}.&quot;)
    elif hours_worked[i] &lt; 8:
        print(f&quot;Not enough hours worked on {weekday_names[i+1]}.&quot;)
        print(f&quot;Worked exactly 8 hours on {weekday_names[i+1]}.&quot;)


得分: 0


import calendar

days_worked = {}
hid = 8  # 一天中的小时数

# 创建一个以星期几名称为键的字典
for dow in calendar.day_name[:5]:
    days_worked[dow] = float(input(f'输入在 {dow} 工作的小时数:'))
# 分析字典
for k, v in days_worked.items():
    msg = '工作时间过多' if v > hid else '工作时间不足' if v < hid else f'工作时间恰好 {hid} 小时'
    print(f'{k} 工作了 {msg} 小时')

The calendar module has a convenient means of getting the names of the days of the week. This means that you can simplify your code like this:

import calendar

days_worked = {}
hid = 8 # hours in a day

# build a dictionary keyed by day names
for dow in calendar.day_name[:5]:
    days_worked[dow] = float(input(f&#39;Enter the number of hours worked on {dow}: &#39;))
# analyse the dictionary
for k, v in days_worked.items():
    msg = &#39;Too many&#39; if v &gt; hid else &#39;Too few&#39; if v &lt; hid else f&#39;Exactly {hid}&#39;
    print(f&#39;{msg} hours worked on {k}&#39;)


得分: 0

week = input("输入当前工作周:")
id = input("输入员工编号:")
name = input("输入员工姓名:")


hours = {}


for day in ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五']:
hours[day] = int(input("输入" + day + "的工作小时数:"))

print("员工摘要", id)
for day in hours:
if hours[day] > 8:
print(day + "工作小时数过多")
elif hours[day] < 4:
print(day + "工作小时数不足")

week = input(&quot;Enter Current Working Week: &quot;)
id = input(&quot;Enter Employee ID: &quot;)
name = input(&quot;Enter Employee Name: &quot;)
# dictionary to store hour worked for each day
hours = {}
# loop to get hours worked for each day
for day in [&#39;Monday&#39;, &#39;Tuesday&#39;, &#39;Wednesday&#39;, &#39;Thursday&#39;, &#39;Friday&#39;]:
hours[day] = int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for &quot; + day + &quot;: &quot;))

print(&quot;Summary for Employee&quot;, id,)
for day in hours:
    if hours[day] &gt; 8:
       print(&quot;Too many hours worked on&quot;, day)
    elif hours[day] &lt; 4:
        print(&quot;Insufficient hours worked on&quot;, day)

I think this will help you understand it more easily on how to use dictionaries


得分: -1



week = input("输入当前工作周:")
id = input("输入员工ID:")
name = input("输入员工姓名:")

# 创建一个字典来存储日期和工作小时数
work_hours = {
    "星期一": int(input("输入星期一的工作小时数:")),
    "星期二": int(input("输入星期二的工作小时数:")),
    "星期三": int(input("输入星期三的工作小时数:")),
    "星期四": int(input("输入星期四的工作小时数:")),
    "星期五": int(input("输入星期五的工作小时数:"))

print("员工", id, "的工作摘要")
for day, hours in work_hours.items():
    if hours > 8:
        print(day, "工作小时数过多")
    elif hours < 4:
        print(day, "工作小时数不足")



The issue is that you're printing the hours worked directly, instead of printing the day those hours correspond to. You can solve this problem by storing the days and their corresponding hours in a dictionary, and then iterating over that.

Here's how you can modify your code:

week = input(&quot;Enter Current Working Week: &quot;)
id = input(&quot;Enter Employee ID: &quot;)
name = input(&quot;Enter Employee Name: &quot;)

# Create a dictionary to store days and hours
work_hours = {
    &quot;Monday&quot;: int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Monday: &quot;)),
    &quot;Tuesday&quot;: int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Tuesday: &quot;)),
    &quot;Wednesday&quot;: int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Wednesday: &quot;)),
    &quot;Thursday&quot;: int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Thursday: &quot;)),
    &quot;Friday&quot;: int(input(&quot;Enter hours worked for Friday: &quot;))

print(&quot;Summary for Employee&quot;, id,)
for day, hours in work_hours.items():
    if hours &gt; 8:
        print(&quot;Too many hours worked on&quot;, day)
    elif hours &lt; 4:
        print(&quot;Insufficient hours worked on&quot;, day)

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