App Engine弹性环境与GRPC和Cloud Endpoints

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App Engine Flex environment with GRPC and Cloud Endpoints


我正在使用Google Cloud GKE环境中的gRPC。根据这个URL "",可以使用gRPC与App Engine Flexible环境配合使用。然而,从文档中无法找到如何在App Engine flexible runtime中使用ESP来公开健康检查并将gRPC端口暴露给ESP的方法。我尝试过,但是我无法找到如何通过我的App Engine URL同时公开我的健康检查和暴露gRPC端口。我基于这个进行了测试:

App Engine弹性环境与GRPC和Cloud Endpoints

请问有关于在这个环境中使用gRPC和ESP(基于nginx的可扩展服务代理)的文档在哪里?是文档有误还是我的假设有误,我可以像在GKE上那样使用Firebase JWT Auth?我更倾向于在我的服务器上使用App Engine Flexible。我使用iOS作为移动客户端,完全依赖于Google/Firebase。


I am using gRPC on Google Cloud GKE environment. Given this URL "" it implies that we can use gRPC with App Engine Flexible environment. However from the documentation it is impossible to find in how we can use ESP with the App Engine flexible runtime. I've tried it, but I cannot see how to expose both my health checks and expose the gRPC ports through to ESP given my App Engine URL. I based my tests on this:

App Engine弹性环境与GRPC和Cloud Endpoints

Where is the documentation so I can use gRPC, with ESP (Extensible service proxy, nginx based) on this environment? Is the documentation wrong or is my assumption that I can use Firebase JWT Auth like I do on GKE? I prefer to use App Engine Flexible for my server. I use iOS as a mobile client, fully locked in to Google/Firebase.


得分: 1

文档中有一个错误。App Engine弹性环境不支持gRPC。文档已经更新。对于造成的困惑,我们表示抱歉。


That was mistake in the documentation. gRPC with App Engine flex is not supported. The documentation has been updated. Sorry for the confusion.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年9月7日 23:38:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:
  • go
  • google-app-engine
  • google-cloud-endpoints
  • google-cloud-platform
  • grpc



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
