
huangapple go评论70阅读模式

Golang: help understanding pointers, assignment, and unexpected behavior



func main() {
    start := time.Now()
    var powers []*big.Int
    for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
        I := big.NewInt(int64(i))
        I.Mul(I, I)
        powers = append(powers, I)
    start = time.Now()
    var seqDiffs []*big.Int
    diff := new(big.Int)
    for i, v := range powers {
        if i == len(powers)-2 {
        diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
        seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)


diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v)


v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, v)


diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)


diff := new(*big.Int)
for i, v := range powers {
    if i == len(powers)-2 {
    diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
    seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)


*./sequentialPowers.go:26: calling method Sub with receiver diff (type **big.Int) requires explicit dereference
./sequentialPowers.go:27: cannot use diff (type **big.Int) as type *big.Int in append*



So I am back with more beginner questions that I can not seem to wrap my head around.
I was experimenting with the following code.

func main() {
start := time.Now()
var powers []*big.Int
for i := 1; i &lt; 1000; i++ {
	I := big.NewInt(int64(i))
	I.Mul(I, I)
	powers = append(powers, I)
start = time.Now()
var seqDiffs []*big.Int
diff := new(big.Int)
for i, v := range powers {
	if i == len(powers)-2 {
	diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
	seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)

my intention was to assign the result of Sub() to diff in the following way

diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v)

however this results in seqDiffs's value being 1995 (the correct last value) repeated over and over. I know that this is likely because seqDiffs is just a list of pointers to the same memory address but what I dont understand is why the following works just fine

v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, v)

this results in seqDiffs being a list of all the odd numbers from 3 to 1995 which is correct but isn't this essentially still a list of pointers to the same memory address as well?
Also why is the following correct when it should also result in seqDiffs being a list of pointers to the same memory address as well?

diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)

also I tried to do it the following way

diff := new(*big.Int)
for i, v := range powers {
if i == len(powers)-2 {
diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)

but received these errors from the ide:

*./sequentialPowers.go:26: calling method Sub with receiver diff (type **big.Int) requires explicit dereference
./sequentialPowers.go:27: cannot use diff (type **big.Int) as type *big.Int in append*

How would I make an "explicit" dereference?


得分: 2


关于你的第一个问题,为什么将diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v)的结果追加到*big.Int切片中会导致每个索引都是相同的值 - 这是因为你更新了diff所分配的内存地址上的值,并将该指针的副本追加到切片中。因此,切片中的所有值都是指向相同值的指针。


for _, val := range seqDiffs {
    fmt.Printf("%p\n", val) // 当我运行这段代码时,每次迭代都打印出0xc4200b7d40


var seqDiffs []*big.Int
diff := new(big.Int)
for i, v := range powers {
    if i == len(powers)-2 {
    diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
    fmt.Printf("%p\n", diff) // 第一次迭代打印0xc4200109e0,第二次打印0xc420010a00,第三次打印0xc420010a20,以此类推
    seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)

关于你的第二个问题 - 在Go语言中,使用new关键字会为指定类型分配内存,但不会对其进行初始化(请参考文档)。在你的情况下,调用new会为指向big.Int的指针类型(**big.Int)分配内存,因此编译器会报错,说你不能在append的调用中使用这种类型。


(*diff).Sub(powers[i+1], v)




seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, *diff)

When debugging issues with pointers in Go, one way to understand what is going on is use fmt.Printf using %p to print the memory address of variables of interest.

In regards to your first question as to why when appending the results of diff.Sub(powers[i+1], v) to your slice of *big.Int results in a slice where every index is the same value - you are updating the value at the memory address diff is assigned to and appending a copy of that pointer to the slice. Thus all values in the slice are pointers to the same value.

Printing the memory address of diff will show this to be the case. After populating your slice - doing something like the following:

for _, val := range seqDiffs {
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%p\n&quot;, val) // when i ran this - it printed 0xc4200b7d40 every iteration

In your second example, the the value v is pointer to a big.Int at a different address. You are assigning the the result of v.Sub(..) to diff, which updates the underlying address diff is pointing to. So when you append diff to your slice, you are appending a copy of of a pointer at a unique address. Using fmt.Printf you can see this like so -

var seqDiffs []*big.Int
diff := new(big.Int)
for i, v := range powers {
	if i == len(powers)-2 {
	diff = v.Sub(powers[i+1], v)
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%p\n&quot;, diff) // 1st iteration 0xc4200109e0, 2nd 0xc420010a00, 3rd 0xc420010a20, etc
	seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, diff)

Regarding your second question - using the new keyword in Go allocates memory of the specified type but does not initialize it (check the docs). A call to new in your case allocates a type of pointer to a pointer to a big.Int (**big.Int), thus the compiler error saying you cannot use this type in your call to append.

To explicitly dereference diff in order to call the Sub on it, you would have to modify your code to the following:

(*diff).Sub(powers[i+1], v)

In Go, a selector expression dereferences pointers to structs for you, but in this case you are calling a method on a pointer to a pointer, thus you have to explicitly dereference it.

A very informative read on calling methods on structs (selector expressions) in Go can be found here

And to add it to the slice

seqDiffs = append(seqDiffs, *diff)

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月20日 23:13:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44087509.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
