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Chess: quiescence search dominating runtime





// 执行Alpha-Beta搜索。
func ab(b *dragontoothmg.Board, alpha int16, beta int16, depth int8, halt chan bool, stop *bool) (int16, dragontoothmg.Move) {
    if *stop {
        return alpha, 0

    found, tableMove, tableEval, tableDepth, tableNodeType := transtable.Get(b)
    if found && tableDepth >= depth {
        if tableNodeType == transtable.Exact {
            return tableEval, tableMove
        } else if tableNodeType == transtable.LowerBound {
            alpha = max(alpha, tableEval)
        } else { // upperbound
            beta = min(beta, tableEval)
        if alpha >= beta {
            return tableEval, tableMove
    if depth == 0 {
        //return eval.Evaluate(b), 0
        return quiesce(b, alpha, beta, stop), 0

    alpha0 := alpha
    bestVal := int16(negInf) 
    moves := b.GenerateLegalMoves()
    var bestMove dragontoothmg.Move
    if len(moves) > 0 {
        bestMove = moves[0] // 随机选择一些移动
    for _, move := range moves {
        unapply := b.Apply(move)
        var score int16
        score, _ = ab(b, -beta, -alpha, depth-1, halt, stop)
        score = -score
        if score > bestVal {
            bestMove = move
            bestVal = score
        alpha = max(alpha, score)
        if alpha >= beta {

    if *stop {
        return bestVal, bestMove

    var nodeType uint8
    if bestVal <= alpha0 {
        nodeType = transtable.UpperBound
    } else if bestVal >= beta {
        nodeType = transtable.LowerBound
    } else {
        nodeType = transtable.Exact
    transtable.Put(b, bestMove, bestVal, depth, nodeType)
    return bestVal, bestMove

func quiesce(b *dragontoothmg.Board, alpha int16, beta int16, stop *bool) int16 {
    if *stop {
        return alpha
    var standPat int16
    found, _, evalresult, _, ntype := transtable.Get(b)
    if found && ntype == transtable.Exact {
        standPat = evalresult
    } else {
        standPat = eval.Evaluate(b)
        transtable.Put(b, 0, standPat, 0, transtable.Exact)
    if standPat >= beta {
        return beta
    if alpha < standPat {
        alpha = standPat
    moves := b.GenerateLegalMoves()
    if len(moves) == 0 { // TODO(dylhunn): 那么和棋呢?
        return negInf
    for _, move := range moves {
        if !isCapture(move, b) {
        unapply := b.Apply(move)
        score := -quiesce(b, -beta, -alpha, stop)
        if score >= beta {
            return beta
        if score > alpha {
            alpha = score
    return alpha

func isCapture(m dragontoothmg.Move, b *dragontoothmg.Board) bool {
    toBitboard := (uint64(1) << m.To())
    return (toBitboard&b.White.All != 0) || (toBitboard&b.Black.All != 0)

I have implemented an alpha-beta search with quiescence search for my chess engine. However, in most positions, the quiescence search is taking 80-90% of the total execution time, as indicated by my profiler. Do I have a bug with my pruning?

I have included both the alpha-beta routine and the quiescence routine.

My quiescence search is based directly on this pseudocode.

// Perform the alpha-beta search.
func ab(b *dragontoothmg.Board, alpha int16, beta int16, depth int8, halt chan bool, stop *bool) (int16, dragontoothmg.Move) {
	if *stop {
		return alpha, 0

	found, tableMove, tableEval, tableDepth, tableNodeType := transtable.Get(b)
	if found &amp;&amp; tableDepth &gt;= depth {
		if tableNodeType == transtable.Exact {
			return tableEval, tableMove
		} else if tableNodeType == transtable.LowerBound {
			alpha = max(alpha, tableEval)
		} else { // upperbound
			beta = min(beta, tableEval)
		if alpha &gt;= beta {
			return tableEval, tableMove
	if depth == 0 {
		//return eval.Evaluate(b), 0
		return quiesce(b, alpha, beta, stop), 0

	alpha0 := alpha
	bestVal := int16(negInf) 
	moves := b.GenerateLegalMoves()
	var bestMove dragontoothmg.Move
	if len(moves) &gt; 0 {
		bestMove = moves[0] // randomly pick some move
	for _, move := range moves {
		unapply := b.Apply(move)
		var score int16
		score, _ = ab(b, -beta, -alpha, depth-1, halt, stop)
		score = -score
		if score &gt; bestVal {
			bestMove = move
			bestVal = score
		alpha = max(alpha, score)
		if alpha &gt;= beta {

	if *stop {
		return bestVal, bestMove

	var nodeType uint8
	if bestVal &lt;= alpha0 {
		nodeType = transtable.UpperBound
	} else if bestVal &gt;= beta {
		nodeType = transtable.LowerBound
	} else {
		nodeType = transtable.Exact
	transtable.Put(b, bestMove, bestVal, depth, nodeType)
	return bestVal, bestMove

func quiesce(b *dragontoothmg.Board, alpha int16, beta int16, stop *bool) int16 {
	if *stop {
		return alpha
	var standPat int16
	found, _, evalresult, _, ntype := transtable.Get(b)
	if found &amp;&amp; ntype == transtable.Exact {
		standPat = evalresult
	} else {
		standPat = eval.Evaluate(b)
		transtable.Put(b, 0, standPat, 0, transtable.Exact)
	if standPat &gt;= beta {
		return beta
	if alpha &lt; standPat {
		alpha = standPat
	moves := b.GenerateLegalMoves()
	if len(moves) == 0 { // TODO(dylhunn): What about stalemate?
		return negInf
	for _, move := range moves {
		if !isCapture(move, b) {
		unapply := b.Apply(move)
		score := -quiesce(b, -beta, -alpha, stop)
		if score &gt;= beta {
			return beta
		if score &gt; alpha {
			alpha = score
	return alpha

func isCapture(m dragontoothmg.Move, b *dragontoothmg.Board) bool {
	toBitboard := (uint64(1) &lt;&lt; m.To())
	return (toBitboard&amp;b.White.All != 0) || (toBitboard&amp;b.Black.All != 0)


得分: 1




FEN:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/1PP1PPP1/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1


  • Rxa7
  • Qxd7+
  • Rxh7








If I read your code correctly, you are searching all captures. What you can do to save work, is to prune the hopeless captures move. It turns out that it is quite common that moves are so bad that it is safe to skip them, so the technique is quite safe.

For example, take a look at this position:


FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/1PP1PPP1/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

There are three captures:

  • Rxa7
  • Qxd7+
  • Rxh7

Let us assume the engine first tries the capture move with the queen. Black has four ways to capture back, but any of these moves will likely result in a cutoff.

For instance, black plays Bxd7. Now white has two captures in the resulting position, Rxa7 or Rxh7.

Here, most engines will recognize that white has already fallen back in material (in comparison to beta) that even capturing a pawn will not help. So, both of this rook captures are unlikely to result in a cutoff.

Here, your current search would still continue to search these moves. Detecting such cases and skipping these moves will save a lot of work.

There are further optimizations. For example, strong engines with static exchange evaluation will immediately see that Qxd7 will win one pawn but will loose the queen. As this is a bad trade, the engine can immediately skip this move. The same goes for the other two rook captures.

As always, there is a trade-off, though. If you prune too aggressively, you will eventually prune good moves, too. In general, I would recommend to spend more time in the normal search, not in the quiescence search, so aggressive pruning should be fine.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月18日 07:46:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44036416.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
