当 Goroutines 切换时,CPU 上下文会发生什么变化?

huangapple go评论113阅读模式

What happens with CPU context when Goroutines are switching?




在检测哪个goroutine请求了哪些数据方面,有什么机制?例如:我从goroutine A发送请求到数据库,并且不等待响应,同时切换到下一个goroutine。系统如何知道请求来自A而不是B或C?


If I correctly understand how goroutines work on top of system threads - they run from queue one by one. But does it mean that every goroutine loads\unloads it's context to CPU? If yes what's difference between system threads and goroutines?

The most significant problem is time-cost of context-switching. Is it correct?

What mechanism lays under detecting which data was requested by which goroutine? For example: I am sending request to DB from goroutine A and doesn't wait for response and at the same time occurred switch to a next goroutine. How system understands that a request came from A and not from B or C?


得分: 15




Goroutines是协作调度的,当切换发生时,只需要保存/恢复3个寄存器 - 程序计数器、堆栈指针和DX寄存器。从操作系统的角度来看,Go程序的行为类似于事件驱动程序。









Goroutines, memory and OS threads

Go has a segmented stack that grows as needed. Go runtime does the scheduling, not the OS. The runtime multiplexes the goroutines onto a relatively small number of real OS threads.

Goroutines switch cost

Goroutines are scheduled cooperatively and when a switch occurs, only 3 registers need to be saved/restored - Program Counter, Stack Pointer, and DX. From the OS's perspective Go program behaves as an event-driven program.

Goroutines and CPU

You cannot directly control the number of threads that the runtime will create. It is possible to set the number of processor cores used by the program by setting the variable GOMAXPROCS with a call of runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n).

Program Counter

and a completely different story

In computing, a program is a specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform. An instruction is an order given to a computer processor by a program. Within a computer, an address is a specific location in memory or storage. A program counter register is one of a small set of data holding places that the processor uses.

This is a different story of how programs work and communicate with each other and it doesn't directly relate to a goroutine topic.



得分: 5











Gs, Ms, Ps

A "G" is simply a goroutine. It's represented by type g. When a goroutine exits, its g object is returned to a pool of free gs and can later be reused for some other goroutine.

An "M" is an OS thread that can be executing user Go code, runtime code, a system call, or be idle. It's represented by type m. There can be any number of Ms at a time since any number of threads may be blocked in system calls.

Finally, a "P" represents the resources required to execute user Go code, such as scheduler and memory allocator state. It's represented by type p. There are exactly GOMAXPROCS Ps. A P can be thought of like a CPU in the OS scheduler and the contents of the p type like per-CPU state. This is a good place to put state that needs to be sharded for efficiency, but doesn't need to be per-thread or per-goroutine.

The scheduler's job is to match up a G (the code to execute), an M (where to execute it), and a P (the rights and resources to execute it). When an M stops executing user Go code, for example by entering a system call, it returns its P to the idle P pool. In order to resume executing user Go code, for example on return from a system call, it must acquire a P from the idle pool.

All g, m, and p objects are heap allocated, but are never freed, so their memory remains type stable. As a result, the runtime can avoid write barriers in the depths of the scheduler.

User stacks and system stacks

Every non-dead G has a user stack associated with it, which is what user Go code executes on. User stacks start small (e.g., 2K) and grow or shrink dynamically.

Every M has a system stack associated with it (also known as the M's "g0" stack because it's implemented as a stub G) and, on Unix platforms, a signal stack (also known as the M's "gsignal" stack). System and signal stacks cannot grow, but are large enough to execute runtime and cgo code (8K in a pure Go binary; system-allocated in a cgo binary).

Runtime code often temporarily switches to the system stack using systemstack, mcall, or asmcgocall to perform tasks that must not be preempted, that must not grow the user stack, or that switch user goroutines. Code running on the system stack is implicitly non-preemptible and the garbage collector does not scan system stacks. While running on the system stack, the current user stack is not used for execution.

Ref: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/HACKING.md

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年12月9日 01:28:23
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