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Is it possible to dump golang db.Query() output to a string?





rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = $1", age)

if err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
    var name string
    if err := rows.Scan(&name); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%s is %d\n", name, age)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {

I have a small Heroku app in which i print out name and age from each rows after query execution.

I want to avoid looping rows.Next(),Scan().. and just want to show what database returned after query execution which may be some data or error.

Can we directly dump data to a string for printing?

rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = $1", age)

if err != nil {
for rows.Next() {
    var name string
    if err := rows.Scan(&name); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%s is %d\n", name, age)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {


得分: 7



func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)

如果你打印它(fmt.Printf("%#v\n", rows)),你会看到如下内容:

&sql.Rows{dc:(*sql.driverConn)(0xc8201225a0), releaseConn:(func(error))(0x4802c0), rowsi:(*pq.rows)(0xc820166700), closed:false, lastcols:[]driver.Value(nil), lasterr:error(nil), closeStmt:driver.Stmt(nil)}



type Rows struct {
    dc          *driverConn // owned; must call releaseConn when closed to release
    releaseConn func(error)
    rowsi       driver.Rows
    closed    bool
    lastcols  []driver.Value
    lasterr   error       // non-nil only if closed is true
    closeStmt driver.Stmt // if non-nil, statement to Close on close





在调用rows.Next()之后,如果你再次执行相同的fmt.Printf("%#v\n", rows),你应该会看到[]driver.Value不再为空,但它仍然不会是你可以读取的内容,更可能是类似于[]driver.Value{[]uint8{0x47, 0x65...的东西。


Scan方法非常简洁,有着冗长的注释,我不会在这里粘贴,但真正重要的部分是它遍历来自Next方法的当前行中的列,并调用convertAssign(dest[i], sv),你可以在这里看到它:





如果你想要隐藏/泛化整个Query() ---> Next() ---> Scan()的习惯用法,我认为你最好将它放入另一个函数中,在函数的背后进行处理...编写一个包,在其中抽象出这个更高级别的实现,就像sql包抽象出一些特定于驱动程序的细节、转换和复制、填充Rows等一样。


Pretty much: No.

The Query method is going to return a pointer to a Rows struct:

func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error)

If you print that (fmt.Printf("%#v\n", rows)) you'll see something such as:

&sql.Rows{dc:(*sql.driverConn)(0xc8201225a0), releaseConn:(func(error)(0x4802c0), rowsi:(*pq.rows)(0xc820166700), closed:false, lastcols:[]driver.Value(nil), lasterr:error(nil), closeStmt:driver.Stmt(nil)}

...probably not what you want.

Those correspond to the Rows struct from the sql package (you'll notice the fields are not exported):

type Rows struct {
    dc          *driverConn // owned; must call releaseConn when closed to release
  	releaseConn func(error)
  	rowsi       driver.Rows
  	closed    bool
  	lastcols  []driver.Value
  	lasterr   error       // non-nil only if closed is true
 	closeStmt driver.Stmt // if non-nil, statement to Close on close

You'll see []driver.Value (an interface from the driver package), that looks like where we can expect to find some useful, maybe even human readable data. But when directly printed it doesn't appear useful, it's even empty... So you have to somehow get at the underlying information. The sql package gives us the Next method to start with:

> Next prepares the next result row for reading with the Scan method.
> It returns true on success, or false if there is no next
> result row or an error happened while preparing it. Err
> should be consulted to distinguish between the two cases.
>Every call to Scan, even the first one, must be preceded by a call to Next.

Next is going to make a []driver.Value the same size as the number of columns I have, which is accessible (within the sql package) through driver.Rows (the rowsi field) and populate it with values from the query.

After calling rows.Next() if you did the same fmt.Printf("%#v\n", rows) you should now see that []diver.Value is no longer empty but it's still not going to be anything that you can read, more likely something resembling:[]diver.Value{[]uint8{0x47, 0x65...

And since the field isn't exported you can't even try and convert it to something more meaningful. But the sql package gives us a means to do something with the data, which is Scan.

The Scan method is pretty concise, with lengthy comments that I won't paste here, but the really important bit is that it ranges over the columns in the current row you get from the Next method and calls convertAssign(dest[i], sv), which you can see here:

It's pretty long but actually relatively simple, it essentially switches on the type of the source and destination and converts where it can, and copies from source to destination; the function comments tell us:

>convertAssign copies to dest the value in src, converting it if possible. An error is returned if the copy would result in loss of information. dest should be a pointer type.

So now you have a method (Scan) which you can call directly and which hands you back converted values. Your code sample above is fine (except maybe the call to Fatal() on a Scan error).

It's important to realize that the sql package has to work with a specific driver, which is in turn implemented for specific database software, so there is quite some work going on behind the scenes.

I think your best bet if you want to hide/generalize the whole Query() ---> Next() ---> Scan() idiom is to drop it into another function which does it behind the scenes... write a package in which you abstract away that higher level implementation, as the sql package abstracts away some of the driver-specific details, the converting and copying, populating the Rows, etc.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年4月19日 19:12:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/36716699.html



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