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How to create a package to use any logger, depending on the "caller" program in golang?









As I can see, each developer has its own need and approach to solve same things/needs. As an example, logging. There are many logging packages that works in different ways and each developer choose the one that best fits their needs/preferences. Thinking on that, I would like to create a package that should use the caller's logging package. Is it possible? Someone have a way to do that?

Something like this:

Main code using logrus package:

package main

import (



var Log = logrus.New()

var myPack pack.Pack

func main() {
	isDebug := os.Getenv("MYAPP_LOGLEVEL")
	switch isDebug {
	case "Debug":
		Log.Level = logrus.DebugLevel
	case "Info":
		Log.Level = logrus.InfoLevel
		Log.Level = logrus.ErrorLevel
	Log.Formatter = &logrus.TextFormatter{
		ForceColors: true,


	myPack.Logger = Log


mypack code:

package pack

type Pack struct {
	Logger interface{}

func (mp *Pack) DoSomething() {
	//	Logger.Debug("Debugging...")
	//	Logger.Info("Informing...")
	//	Logger.Error("Normal...")


得分: 2



If I understand what you're trying to do, you need to define an interface that a logging package would implement. If you define Logger as an empty interface, you won't be able to call any of those methods. Instead, you need to define an interface that contains the methods you want to use (Debug, Info, Error, etc.). Any logging package would then have to implement those methods. If a particular logging package doesn't have the right set of methods already, you would have to write some wrapper code to implement the interface as you define it.


得分: 0

正如引用的帖子所提到的,处理这个问题的一种方法是始终向调用者发送“必要”的信息以供处理。但通常仅适用于错误、致命错误和可能的信息级别事件。但是对于调试和跟踪等情况,这在开发库时并不“实用”(由于很多原因),因此我认为一个重要原因是当开发人员开发库时,他已经需要所有的调试和跟踪来进行测试,但不一定需要发送回调用者。帖子中详细介绍的另一种方法是使用处理程序,但通过这样做,库的开发人员将需要做更多的工作。正如安迪所回答的(并且在帖子中也讨论过),另一种选择是创建一个接口,该接口将接收主程序的日志记录器并使用它,为了使此选项正常工作,它应该使用stdlib log(或实现最常见的日志级别的某个日志库),以防调用程序不关心日志记录。


I kept searching and found this post. Very interesting.
As a infrastructure manager/technician, one thing that I've always missed from many software that I use (and have used) is the ability to have as deeper information as possible to identify and fix issues or even for logging everything for auditing/security proposal. Many times, we face with some issues that even in debug mode we aren't able to find the exactly cause of the problem, we ended up just finding the "probable" cause. Now getting back into development world, and seeing how developer are working with logs and libraries, I'm thinking that this could be one reason (the lack of "interoperability between the main programs and its libraries). As libraries usually have "their own" logging (or not loggin at all) and many times, doesn't give a "full control" on what is happening inside the library, in most cases the developer who is developing the main program (using such libraries) will not be able to give its own application the necessary logging details. Of course, I understand that in the open source world, if you want to have a more detailed information including from libraries that you use, as it is open source, you can simple make your changes and it is done. But then, this could make the use of a library (thinking in the advantage of using libraries mainly for not spending time to "recreate the wheel", in other world reusability) not as helpful as it should be.
As the referenced post mentioned, one way to handle it is by always sending to the caller the "necessary" information to be handled. But usually it works for errors, fatals and maybe info level events. But for debug and trace for instance, it isn't "pratical" when developing libraries (for many reasons), and then I think that one big reason is that when a developer is developing a library, he will already need all debugs and traces for testing, but not necessarily sending back to the caller. Another way detailed in the post is by using handlers, but by doing this, the developer of the library will have much more work to do. As Andy answered (and is discussed in the post too), an alternative is to create an interface that will receive the main's program logger and use it and for this option to work properly, it should use the stdlib log (or some logging library that implement the most comum logging levels) in case the caller program doesn't case about logging.
For my "wishes" right now (as I'm benning in programming again and totally beggining in Go), I will create some "ugly code" to handle my needs and keep learning and trying ways to accomplish the "perfect logging system" which by now, IMHO is using interfaces as Andy suggested.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年3月22日 01:54:50
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