How can I implement UnmarshalJSON for a type derived from a scalar in Go?

huangapple go评论66阅读模式

How can I implement UnmarshalJSON for a type derived from a scalar in Go?



以下是我想要的示例。我希望它打印出"Hello Ralph"四次,但实际上它打印出"Hello Bob"四次,因为PersonID没有被修改。

package main

import (

type PersonID int

const (
	Bob PersonID = iota
	Nobody = -1

var nameMap = map[string]PersonID{
	"Bob":    Bob,
	"Jane":   Jane,
	"Ralph":  Ralph,
	"Nobody": Nobody,

var idMap = map[PersonID]string{
	Bob:    "Bob",
	Jane:   "Jane",
	Ralph:  "Ralph",
	Nobody: "Nobody",

func (intValue PersonID) Name() string {
	return idMap[intValue]

func Lookup(name string) PersonID {
	return nameMap[name]

func (intValue *PersonID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	*intValue = Lookup(string(data))
	return nil

type MyType struct {
	Person   PersonID `json:"person"`
	Count    int      `json:"count"`
	Greeting string   `json:"greeting"`

func main() {
	var m MyType
	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"person": "Ralph", "count": 4, "greeting": "Hello"}`), &m); err != nil {
	} else {
		for i := 0; i < m.Count; i++ {
			fmt.Println(m.Greeting, m.Person.Name())



I have a simple type that implements conversion of subtyped integer consts to strings and vice versa in Go. I want to be able to automatically unmarshal strings in JSON to values of this type. I can't, because UnmarshalJSON doesn't give me a way to return or modify the scalar value. It's expecting a struct, whose members are set by UnmarshalJSON. The ",string" method doesn't work either for other than builtin scalar types. Is there a way to implement UnmarshalJSON correctly for a derived scalar type?

Here's an example of what I'm after. I want it to print "Hello Ralph" four times, but it prints "Hello Bob" four times because the PersonID isn't being changed.

package main
import (
type PersonID int
const (
Bob PersonID = iota
Nobody = -1
var nameMap = map[string]PersonID{
&quot;Bob&quot;:    Bob,
&quot;Jane&quot;:   Jane,
&quot;Ralph&quot;:  Ralph,
&quot;Nobody&quot;: Nobody,
var idMap = map[PersonID]string{
Bob:    &quot;Bob&quot;,
Jane:   &quot;Jane&quot;,
Ralph:  &quot;Ralph&quot;,
Nobody: &quot;Nobody&quot;,
func (intValue PersonID) Name() string {
return idMap[intValue]
func Lookup(name string) PersonID {
return nameMap[name]
func (intValue PersonID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// The following line is not correct
intValue = Lookup(string(data))
return nil
type MyType struct {
Person   PersonID `json: &quot;person&quot;`
Count    int      `json: &quot;count&quot;`
Greeting string   `json: &quot;greeting&quot;`
func main() {
var m MyType
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{&quot;person&quot;: &quot;Ralph&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 4, &quot;greeting&quot;: &quot;Hello&quot;}`), &amp;m); err != nil {
} else {
for i := 0; i &lt; m.Count; i++ {
fmt.Println(m.Greeting, m.Person.Name())


得分: 5

请使用指针接收器(pointer receiver)来实现unmarshal方法。如果使用值接收器(value receiver),当方法返回时对接收器的更改将丢失。


func (intValue *PersonID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    var s string
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s); err != nil {
        return err
    *intValue = Lookup(s)
    return nil


if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"person": "Ralph", "count": 4, "greeting": "Hello"}`), &m); err != nil {



Use a pointer receiver for the unmarshal method. If a value receiver is used, changes to the receiver are lost when the method returns.

The argument to the unmarshal method is JSON text. Unmarshal the JSON text to get a plain string with all JSON quoting removed.

func (intValue *PersonID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &amp;s); err != nil {
return err
*intValue = Lookup(s)
return nil

There's a mismatch between the JSON tags an the example JSON. I changed the JSON to match the tag, but you can change it the other way.

if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{&quot;person&quot;: &quot;Ralph&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 4, &quot;greeting&quot;: &quot;Hello&quot;}`), &amp;m); err != nil {

<kbd>playground example</kbd>


得分: 0


type MyType struct {
    Id       PersonID
    Name     string `json:"name"`
    Count    int    `json:"count"`
    Greeting string `json:"greeting"`

func main() {
    var m MyType
    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "Ralph", "count": 4, "greeting": "Hello"}`), &m); err != nil {
    } else {
        m.Id = Lookup(m.Name) // 注意这不是解组
        // 最好将数据保持原样,然后进行单独的转换
        for i := 0; i < m.Count; i++ {
            fmt.Println(m.Greeting, m.Person.Name())

Here's an answer based on my comment. I'm not sure this is exactly what you want to do as some of your questions wording confuses me however the basic idea is to separate unmarshalling and transformation into two different steps. First unmarshal raw data into a compatible type, after do a transformation to another type or enrich the type you already have like in the example below. You're welcome to hide this behavior in a custom implementation of UnmarshalJSON if you'd like but I would personally advise against it. Here's my two reasons; 1) it's just not consistent with Go's explicit verbose coding style 2) I despise highly obfuscated packages/libraries/languages that do stuff like this for you because sooner or later it bites you in the ass an costs you a lot more than adding that 1 line of extra code in a few places (like hours trying to debug something that makes no sense to you).

type MyType struct {
Id   PersonID
Name     string   `json: &quot;name&quot;` 
Count    int      `json: &quot;count&quot;`
Greeting string   `json: &quot;greeting&quot;`
func main() {
var m MyType
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Ralph&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 4, &quot;greeting&quot;: &quot;Hello&quot;}`), &amp;m); err != nil {
} else {
m.Id = Lookup(m.Name) // see this isn&#39;t unmarshalling
// better to take the data as is and do transformation separate
for i := 0; i &lt; m.Count; i++ {
fmt.Println(m.Greeting, m.Person.Name())

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