
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Checking of variable implements interface without compiling



type MyPoint struct {
    X, Y int

func (pnt *MyPoint) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    return 42, nil


func main() {
    p := MyPoint{1, 2}


func checkType(tst interface{}) {
    switch tst.(type) {
    case nil:
    case *io.Reader:
        fmt.Printf("p is of type io.Reader\n")
    case MyPoint:
        fmt.Printf("p is of type MyPoint\n")
        fmt.Println("p is unknown.")

输出结果是:p is of type MyPoint。经过一些研究,我知道我应该预料到这个结果,因为Go的类型是静态的,所以p的类型是MyPoint,而不是io.Reader。此外,io.Reader是一个接口类型,与MyPoint类型不同。


var _ io.Reader = (*MyPoint)(nil)


i := interface{}(new(MyPoint))
if _, ok := i.(io.Reader); ok {
    fmt.Println("i is an io.Reader")
pType := reflect.TypeOf(p)
if _, ok := pType.(io.Reader); ok {
    fmt.Println("The type of p is compatible to io.Reader")

readerType := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
fmt.Printf("p impl. Reader %t \n", pType.Implements(readerType))


[0] http://play.golang.org/p/JCsFf7y74C(已修复)

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27803654/explanation-of-checking-if-value-implements-interface-golang


I want to know whether a concrete type implements a specefic interface and print it out.
I have written an example [0] with a self defined struct (MyPoint) beeing not an interface-type. MyPoint has the function Read as defined in the interface of io.Reader:

type MyPoint struct {
    X, Y int

func (pnt *MyPoint) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    return 42, nil

The aim is to get the information that the concrete type p implements the interface io.Writer.
Therefore I have written a short main trieng to get a true for the check.

func main() {
    p := MyPoint{1, 2}

The first idea was to check it with the help of reflection and a type-switch and adding check(p) to to the main-function.

func checkType(tst interface{}) {
	switch tst.(type) {
	case nil:
	case *io.Reader:
		fmt.Printf("p is of type io.Reader\n")
	case MyPoint:
		fmt.Printf("p is of type MyPoint\n")
		fmt.Println("p is unknown.")

The output is: p is of type MyPoint. After a bit of research I know that I should have expected that because Go's types are static and therefore the type of p is MyPoint and not io.Reader. In addition to that io.Reader is an interface-type which is different to type MyPoint.

I found one solution e.g. at [1] which checks whether MyPoint can be an io.Reader at compile time. It works.

var _ io.Reader = (*MyPoint)(nil)

But that isn't the solution I wanted. Tries like below fails, too. I think it's because of the reason above, isn't it?

i := interface{}(new(MyPoint))
	if _, ok := i.(io.Reader); ok {
		fmt.Println("i is an io.Reader")
pType := reflect.TypeOf(p)
if _, ok := pType.(io.Reader); ok {
	fmt.Println("The type of p is compatible to io.Reader")

readerType := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
fmt.Printf("p impl. Reader %t \n", pType.Implements(readerType))

Exists one solution to check whether p implements the interface without compiling? I hope that someone can help me.

[0] http://play.golang.org/p/JCsFf7y74C (fixed)
http://play.golang.org/p/cIStOOI84Y (old)

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27803654/explanation-of-checking-if-value-implements-interface-golang


得分: 8


package main

import (

type Other int

type MyPoint struct {
	X, Y int

func (pnt *MyPoint) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	return 42, nil

func check(x interface{}) bool {
	// 声明一个表示io.Reader的类型对象
	reader := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
	// 获取参数所表示对象的指针的类型对象,并判断是否实现了io.Reader接口
	return reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(x)).Implements(reader)

func main() {

	x := MyPoint{0, 0}
	y := Other(1)

	fmt.Println(check(x)) // true
	fmt.Println(check(y)) // false



It is perfectly possible to do what you want with the reflect package. Here is an example:

package main

import (

type Other int

type MyPoint struct {
    X, Y int

func (pnt *MyPoint) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    return 42, nil

func check(x interface{}) bool {
    // Declare a type object representing io.Reader
    reader := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
    // Get a type object of the pointer on the object represented by the parameter
    // and see if it implements io.Reader
    return reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(x)).Implements(reader)

func main() {

    x := MyPoint{0, 0}
    y := Other(1)

    fmt.Println(check(x)) // true
    fmt.Println(check(y)) // false

The tricky point is to pay attention to how pointers are handled.


得分: 5

存在一种方法可以在不编译代码的情况下检查 p 是否实现了接口吗?

是的:仔细阅读代码 检查变量是否实现了接口而不进行编译。

这怎么可能呢?如果 p 的方法集包含了接口 i,那么 p 就实现了接口 i。你总是需要编译代码。

我猜你想在运行时而不是在编译时失败。诀窍是获取一个非空的接口类型,然后可以使用 reflect.TypeImplements 方法进行测试:

pt := reflect.TypeOf(&MyPoint{})
ioReaderType := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
fmt.Println(pt.Implements(ioReaderType))  //  ==> true



> Exists one solution to check whether p implements the interface without compiling?

Yes: Careful reading of the code 检查变量是否实现了接口而不进行编译。

How could that be possible? p implements some interface i if the method set of p covers i. You will always have to compile the code.

I assume you want to fail not during compilation but just print during runtime.
The trick is getting a non-nil interface type which can be tested with the Implements method of reflect.Type:

pt := reflect.TypeOf(&MyPoint{})
ioReaderType := reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem()
fmt.Println(pt.Implements(ioReaderType))  //  ==> true


  • 本文由 发表于 2015年8月20日 16:45:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/32113597.html



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