Golang 依赖管理最佳实践

huangapple go评论77阅读模式

Golang Dependency Management Best Practice



import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary"



import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary#v1.4.8"



I. 版本模块



import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary/v1"


import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary/v2"


II. Forking


例如,您可以将github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary fork到您自己的GitHub帐户中,然后在您的代码中这样做:

import "github.com/ForkingUser/somelibrary"




In Golang, we can specify open source libraries on GitHub as dependencies. For example:

import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary"

This will try to look for a branch based on your Go version and default to master if I understand correctly.

So there is no way to import a specific release of a dependency, e.g.:

import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary#v1.4.8"

What is the best practise to manage dependencies in Go then?

I can see two approaches.

I. Version Modules

Is it to create new modules for major versions with breaking changes?

For example, my Go library could define modules v1 and v2 so then you could do:

import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary/v1"


import "github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary/v2"

Based on what you need. Any changes made to v1 or v2 would be required not to break any APIs or working functionality.

II. Forking

This would give you a complete control over a version of external dependency your Go code requires.

For example, you could fork github.com/RichardKnop/somelibrary into your own GitHub account and then in your code do:

import "github.com/ForkingUser/somelibrary"

Then you would have to fork all external dependencies which seems a bit overkill. However it would give you total control over versions. You could keep your forks at a version you know is working with your code and only update forks once you have checked that new releases of dependencies do not break anything.



得分: 16


**2015年8月版:**Go 1.5版本带有内置的(但仍处于实验阶段的)供应商支持。设置环境变量GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT将使go build和相关命令在./vendor目录和GOPATH中查找包。有关更多详细信息,请参见VonC的答案设计文档

III. 供应商


>* 正式推荐将依赖项供应商化到“internal”目录,并进行导入重写(而不是GOPATH修改),作为固定依赖项的规范方式。
>* 定义依赖关系和供应商的通用配置文件格式
>* 在Go 1.5中不对cmd/go进行任何代码更改。外部工具如“godep”或“nut”将实现1)和2)。我们可以重新评估是否在Go 1.6+中包含此类工具。


Feb. 2018: the vendoring approach presented below (in 2015/2016) might end up disappearing if vgo is integrated to the toolchain.
See my answer below.

August 2015 edition: Go 1.5 comes with a built-in (but still experimental) vendoring support. Setting the environment variable GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT will make go build and friends look for packages in ./vendor directory as well as GOPATH. See VonC's answer and the design document for more details.

III. Vendoring

AFAIK, this is the most widely used way of ensuring that your builds are reproducible and predictable. The Go team itself uses vendoring in their repo. The Go team is now discussing the unified dependency manifest file format. From the Go toolchain developers mailing list:

>In Google’s internal source tree, we vendor (copy) all our dependencies into our source tree and have at most one copy of any given external library. We have the equivalent of only one GOPATH and rewrite our imports to refer to our vendored copy. For example, Go code inside Google wanting to use “golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp” would instead import it as something like “google/third_party/golang.org/x/crypto/openpgp”.
>Our proposal is that the Go project,
>* officially recommends vendoring into an “internal” directory with import rewriting (not GOPATH modifications) as the canonical way to pin dependencies.
>* defines a common config file format for dependencies & vendoring
>* makes no code changes to cmd/go in Go 1.5. External tools such as “godep” or “nut” will implement 1) and 2). We can reevaluate including such a tool in Go 1.6+.


得分: 12

注意:2015年6月,Go 1.5首次支持供应商(vendoring)!请参见c/10923/

> 当环境中存在GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1时,此CL根据Go 1.5供应商提案更改了导入路径的解析方式:

> - 如果存在源目录d/vendor,那么在编译以d为根的子树中的源文件时,import "p"将被解释为import "d/vendor/p"(如果存在)。

  • 当存在多个可能的解析时,选择最具体(最长)的路径。
  • 必须始终使用短形式:导入路径不能显式包含“/vendor/”。
  • 在供应商包中忽略导入注释。

更新于2016年1月:Go 1.6将使供应商成为默认选项。

> 1.6为大多数工具(如oracle)带来了对/vendor/的支持;使用Beta版重新构建它们。


Note: June 2015, the first support for vendoring appears in Go 1.5!

See c/10923/:

> When GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 is in the environment, this CL changes the resolution of import paths according to the Go 1.5 vendor proposal:

> - If there is a source directory d/vendor, then, when compiling a source file within the subtree rooted at d, import "p" is interpreted as import "d/vendor/p" if that exists.

  • When there are multiple possible resolutions, the most specific (longest) path wins.
  • The short form must always be used: no import path can contain “/vendor/” explicitly.
  • Import comments are ignored in vendored packages.

Update January 2016: Go 1.6 will make vendoring the default.
And as detailed in the article "MOST GO TOOLS NOW WORK WITH GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT":

> 1.6 brings support for /vendor/ to most tools (like the oracle) out of the box; use the Beta to rebuild them.


得分: 11

2018年8月更新:现在已经使用Go 1.11和模块实现了以下内容(下面介绍的vgo)。


核心Golang开发团队的Russ Cox开发了一种新的方法。


go get -u golang.org/x/vgo


  • 保留了go get的优点,
  • 增加了可复现构建,
  • 采用了语义化版本控制,
  • 消除了vendoring,
  • 弃用了GOPATH,采用基于项目的工作流程,
  • 提供了从dep及其前身平滑迁移的路径。

它基于一个新的"MVS("Minimal Version Selection")算法:

Golang 依赖管理最佳实践



最近发布的Artifactory 5.11增加了对与vgo兼容的Go注册表(和go代理)的支持,为开发Go提供了各种能力。

  • Artifactory中的本地仓库允许您设置安全的、私有的Go注册表,并根据项目或开发团队对软件包进行细粒度的访问控制。
  • Artifactory中的远程仓库是对远程Go资源(如GitHub项目)的缓存代理。通过Artifactory访问go代理可以消除对网络或GitHub的依赖,因为所有Go构建所需的依赖都被缓存在Artifactory中,因此在本地可用。这也消除了某人对版本控制中的依赖进行更改或删除,或更糟糕的是,对远程Git标签进行强制推送从而更改了应该是不可变版本的风险,这可能给依赖项目带来很多混乱和不稳定性。
  • Artifactory中的虚拟仓库聚合了本地和远程Go注册表,使您可以从单个URL访问所有构建所需的Go资源,隐藏了使用本地和远程资源的复杂性。

Update August 2018: this (vgo presented below) is now implemented with Go 1.11 and modules.

Update Feb. 2018, 3 years later.

There is a new approach developed by Russ Cox, from the core Golang development team.

The vgo project.

go get -u golang.org/x/vgo

> This proposal:
> - keeps the best parts of go get,
>- adds reproducible builds,
>- adopts semantic versioning,
>- eliminates vendoring,
>- deprecates GOPATH in favor of a project-based workflow, and
>- provides a smooth migration path from dep and its predecessors.

Golang 依赖管理最佳实践

It is based on a new MVS ("Minimal Version Selection") algorithm:

Golang 依赖管理最佳实践

You can see:

May 2018: Artifactory proposes a vgo proxy

> The recent release of Artifactory 5.11 added support for vgo-compatible Go registries (and go proxy) giving the community a variety of capabilities when developing with Go.
Here are just a few of them:

> - Local repositories in Artifactory let you set up secure, private Go registries with fine-grained access control to packages according to projects or development teams.
>- A remote repository in Artifactory is a caching proxy for remote Go resources such as a GitHub project. Accessing a go proxy through Artifactory removes your dependency on the network, or on GitHub since all dependencies needed for your Go builds are cached in Artifactory and are therefore locally available. This also removes the risk of someone mutating or removing a dependency from version control, or worse, force-pushing changes to a remote Git tag thus changing what should be an immutable version which can create a lot of confusion and instability for dependent projects.
>- A virtual repository aggregates both local and remote Go registries giving you access to all Go resources needed for your builds from a single URL, hiding the complexity of using a combination of both local and remote resources.


得分: 0



also it is possible just describe dependencies in maven, if to use mvn-golang-wrapper, in the case it looks like in maven as below text


  • 本文由 发表于 2015年5月18日 18:03:29
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/30300279.html



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