
huangapple go评论74阅读模式

How do you serve simple documentation for go programs using godoc as a webpage?




> 使用 -http 标志(即 godoc 命令),它将作为一个 Web 服务器运行,并将文档呈现为一个网页。

user_me$ godoc -http=:6060


user_me$ godoc -http=:6000 hello.go


usage: godoc package [name ...]
	godoc -http=:6060
  -ex=false: 在命令行模式下显示示例
  -goroot="/usr/local/go": Go 根目录
  -html=false: 在命令行模式下打印 HTML
  -http="": HTTP 服务地址(例如,':6060')
  -httptest.serve="": 如果非空,httptest.NewServer 将在此地址上提供服务并阻塞
  -index=false: 启用搜索索引
  -index_files="": 指定索引文件的 glob 模式;如果非空,则按排序顺序从这些文件中读取索引
  -index_throttle=0.75: 索引节流值;0.0 = 不分配时间,1.0 = 全速运行
  -links=true: 将标识符链接到其声明
  -maxresults=10000: 显示的全文搜索结果的最大数量
  -notes="BUG": 正则表达式匹配要显示的注释标记
  -play=false: 在 Web 界面中启用 playground
  -q=false: 参数被视为搜索查询
  -server="": 用于命令行搜索的 Web 服务器地址
  -src=false: 在命令行模式下打印(导出的)源代码
  -tabwidth=4: 制表符宽度
  -templates="": 包含替代模板文件的目录
  -timestamps=false: 在目录列表中显示时间戳
  -url="": 打印指定 URL 的 HTML
  -v=false: 详细模式
  -write_index=false: 将索引写入文件;必须使用 -index_files 指定文件名
  -zip="": 提供要提供的文件系统的 zip 文件;如果为空,则禁用


user_me$ godoc -url="localhost:8080" hello.go



godoc -server=localhost:8080 hello.go


2014/07/01 10:45:56 打开 /usr/local/go/src/pkg/hello.go:没有该文件或目录


godoc -html hello.go > hello.html


我还尝试了(因为它抱怨在 pkg 目录中没有文件):

godoc -html -goroo=$GOPATH hello.go > hello.html

最后,我放弃了。我不知道这个godoc是如何工作的。我安装了 hello.go 程序,以便在工作区的 pkg 文件中有一些内容。你如何为你的代码生成一个带有文档的网页?


I was trying to serve a specific local go file as a documentation web page, but was not able to do it.

The official godoc documentation says:

> With the -http flag (i.e. the godoc command), it runs as a web server and presents the documentation as a web page.

user_me$ godoc -http=:6060

This does create something similar as the go page but it does not render the specific file that I want to render. So I tried to provide the name of the file I wanted:

user_me$ godoc -http=:6000 hello.go

However, it just replies with:

usage: godoc package [name ...]
	godoc -http=:6060
  -ex=false: show examples in command line mode
  -goroot="/usr/local/go": Go root directory
  -html=false: print HTML in command-line mode
  -http="": HTTP service address (e.g., ':6060')
  -httptest.serve="": if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
  -index=false: enable search index
  -index_files="": glob pattern specifying index files;if not empty, the index is read from these files in sorted order
  -index_throttle=0.75: index throttle value; 0.0 = no time allocated, 1.0 = full throttle
  -links=true: link identifiers to their declarations
  -maxresults=10000: maximum number of full text search results shown
  -notes="BUG": regular expression matching note markers to show
  -play=false: enable playground in web interface
  -q=false: arguments are considered search queries
  -server="": webserver address for command line searches
  -src=false: print (exported) source in command-line mode
  -tabwidth=4: tab width
  -templates="": directory containing alternate template files
  -timestamps=false: show timestamps with directory listings
  -url="": print HTML for named URL
  -v=false: verbose mode
  -write_index=false: write index to a file; the file name must be specified with -index_files
  -zip="": zip file providing the file system to serve; disabled if empty

I also tried:

user_me$ godoc -url="localhost:8080" hello.go

but it didn't work.

I also tried:

godoc -server=localhost:8080 hello.go

but it replied with:

2014/07/01 10:45:56 open /usr/local/go/src/pkg/hello.go: no such file or directory

I even tried just generating the html thing itself:

godoc -html hello.go > hello.html

same error as above.

I also tried (since it was complaining that there was no file in the pkg dir):

godoc -html -goroo=$GOPATH hello.go > hello.html

At the end, I gave up. I don't know how this godoc thing works. I installed the hello.go program so that I there was something in the pkg file in the workspace. How do you generate a webpage with your documentation for your code?


得分: 24



  • 文本输出:godoc io/ioutil

  • 只查看ReadAll函数:godoc io/ioutil ReadAll

  • 以HTML格式查看:godoc -html io/ioutil ReadAll

  • 在浏览器中:

    • godoc -http=:6060
    • 点击"Packages",然后从那里导航
    • 或直接访问http://localhost:6060/pkg/io/ioutil#ReadAll



godoc hey/world



godoc operates on package and type names, not filenames.

For example, to learn about io/ioutil package:

  • text output: godoc io/ioutil

  • just the ReadAll function: godoc io/ioutil ReadAll

  • in HTML: godoc -html io/ioutil ReadAll

  • in the browser:

    • godoc -http=:6060
    • click Packages and navigate from there
    • or go directly to http://localhost:6060/pkg/io/ioutil#ReadAll

To view documentation for your own code, it has to be included in your GOPATH.

Suppose your GOPATH includes $HOME/go/src, and the file you are interested in is $HOME/go/src/hey/world/doc.go, you would run:

godoc hey/world

...or start godoc in HTTP mode and browse to http://localhost:6060/pkg/hey/world


得分: 9

默认情况下,godoc 会查找通过 $GOROOT 和 $GOPATH 找到的包。所以,假设你的包在 Go 工作区中,即在 GOPATH 中,你可以运行以下命令:

godoc fmt

这将打印出 fmt 包的文档。

如果你想为位于 $GOPATH/src/github.com/abcd/foo 位置的包 foo 生成文档,你应该运行以下命令:

godoc github.com/abcd/foo

使用 -http 标志,godoc 作为一个 Web 服务器运行,并将文档呈现为一个网页。

godoc -http=:6060

现在在浏览器中导航到 http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/abcd/foo,以查找以网页形式呈现的文档。

可以使用 -play 标志在 Web 界面中启用 playground。


By default, godoc looks at the packages it finds via $GOROOT and $GOPATH. So given that your package is in Go workspace i.e in GOPATH, you can run

godoc fmt

which prints out documentation for fmt package.

If you want to generate docs for your package foo which is in $GOPATH/src/github.com/abcd/foo location, you should run

godoc github.com/abcd/foo

With the -http flag, godoc runs as a web server and presents the documentation as a web page.

godoc -http=:6060

Now navigate to http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/abcd/foo in browser to find docs as web page.

The -play flag can be used to enable playground in web interface.


得分: 2



C:\>godoc -http=:6060






您还可以使用URL http://localhost:6060/pkg/myfolder,它将有一个指向mysubfolder的链接。


  • 我不确定如何在http://localhost:6060/pkg级别上查看您的本地代码,也许您不能。
  • 可以“指定其他路径”,所以我认为它不一定是src文件夹,请参阅https://blog.golang.org/godoc-documenting-go-code。

To show HTML doc generated for your own code

Step 1) At command line start up the document web server, that is:

C:\>godoc -http=:6060

Step 2) Open a browser and use an explicit url the folder your code is.

The URL structure comes from the folder names under your GOPATH.

For example:

If my GOPATH is c:\go and I have code in c:\go\src\myfolder\mysubfolder

The URL I would uses is http://localhost:6060/pkg/myfolder/mysubfolder and this would show an HTML page for the .go files in there

Also you can use URL http://localhost:6060/pkg/myfolder, which will have a link to mysubfolder


  • I'm not sure how to see your local code at the the http://localhost:6060/pkg level, maybe you can't
  • It is possible to "specify additional paths" so I don't think it has to be the src folder, see https://blog.golang.org/godoc-documenting-go-code


得分: 0




godoc -goroot .



Running godoc on its own worked for me, but was really slow because it
generates docs for every single package in the standard library, while I only
care about the local package that I am working on. To that end, if your package is in a folder called something, you can move
the folder so that it looks like this:


Then, go to the godoc folder, and run

godoc -goroot .

Then, browse to localhost:6060.


得分: 0



godoc -http=:6060 & xdg-open http://localhost:6060/pkg/$(go list -m)



godoc -http=:6060 & xdg-open http://localhost:6060/pkg/$(go list -f "{{.ImportPath}}")


在https://golang.org/pkg/cmd/go/internal/list/上查看go list子命令的帮助信息。


On linux, and assuming you have cd'd into the package of which you want to read the documentation.

if you are using go modules, you can run below command

godoc -http=:6060 & xdg-open http://localhost:6060/pkg/$(go list -m)

It uses the -m flag to get the package path even though the root module directory does not contain any .go file.

If you are not yet using modules, you can run,

godoc -http=:6060 & xdg-open http://localhost:6060/pkg/$(go list -f "{{.ImportPath}}")

Note that unlike -m this command will not work appropriately if there is no .go files into the directory.

Check the go list subcommand help at https://golang.org/pkg/cmd/go/internal/list/

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年7月2日 00:09:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/24514885.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
