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Golang: avoiding race conditions



  1. 使用互斥锁(Mutex):通过在访问共享数据之前获取锁,并在访问完成后释放锁,可以确保同一时间只有一个goroutine可以修改数据。

  2. 使用读写锁(RWMutex):如果有多个goroutine需要读取共享数据,但只有一个goroutine需要修改数据,可以使用读写锁来提高并发性能。

  3. 使用通道(Channel):通过使用通道来进行goroutine之间的通信,可以避免竞态条件。将共享数据发送到通道中,然后由其他goroutine接收并处理数据。

  4. 使用原子操作(Atomic Operations):Go语言提供了一些原子操作函数,如atomic.AddInt64()和atomic.LoadInt64(),可以在不使用锁的情况下进行原子操作,从而避免竞态条件。




What are some good practices to prevent race conditions in Go?

The only one I can think of is not sharing data between goroutines - the parent goroutine sends a deep copy of an object rather than the object itself, so the child goroutine can't mutate something that the parent can. This would use up more heap memory, but the other alternative is to learn Haskell Golang:避免竞态条件

Edit: also, is there any scenario in which the method I described above can still run into race conditions?


得分: 14


  • B向A请求currentCount
  • C向A请求currentCount
  • B向A发送(newDataB, currentCount + 1)
  • A将newDataB存储在位置currentCount+1
  • C向A发送(newDataC, currentCount + 1)
  • A将newDataC存储在currentCount + 1的位置(覆盖newDataB;竞态条件)










Race conditions can certainly still exist even with unshared data structures. Consider the following:

B asks A for the currentCount
C asks A for the currentCount
B sends A (newDataB, currentCount + 1)
A stores newDataB at location currentCount+1
C sends A (newDataC, currentCount + 1)
A stores newDataC at currentCount + 1 (overwriting newDataB; race condition)

This race condition requires private mutable state in A, but no mutable shared data structures and doesn't even require mutable state in B or C. There is nothing B or C can do to prevent this race condition without understanding the contract that A offers.

Even Haskell can suffer these kinds of race conditions as soon as state enters the equation, and state is very hard to completely eliminate from a real system. Eventually you want your program to interact with reality, and reality is stateful. Wikipedia gives a helpful race condition example in Haskell using STM.

I agree that good immutable data structures could make things easier (Go doesn't really have them). Mutable copies trade one problem for another. You can't accidentally change someone else's data. On the other hand, you may think that you're changing the real one, when you're actually just changing a copy, leading to a different kind of bug. You have to understand the contract either way.

But ultimately, Go tends to follow the history of C on concurrency: you make up some ownership rules for your code (like @tux21b offers) and make sure you always follow them, and if you do it perfectly it'll all work great, and if you ever make a mistake, then obviously it's your fault, not the language.

(Don't get me wrong; I like Go, quite a lot really. And it offers some nice tools to make concurrency easy. It just doesn't offer many language tools to help make concurrency correct. That's up to you. That said, tux21b's answer offers lots of good advice, and the race detector is definitely a powerful tool for reducing race conditions. It's just not part of the language, and it's about testing, not correctness; they're not the same thing.)

EDIT: To the question about why immutable data structures make things easier, this is the extension of your initial point: creating a contract where multiple parties don't change the same data structure. If the data structure is immutable, then that comes for free…

Many languages have a rich set of immutable collections and classes. C++ lets you const just about anything. Objective-C has immutable collections with mutable subclasses (which creates a different set of patterns than const). Scala has separate mutable and immutable versions of many collection types, and it is common practice to use the immutable versions exclusively. Declaring immutability in a method signature is an important indication of the contract.

When you pass a []byte to a goroutine, there is no way to know from the code whether the goroutine intends to modify the slice, nor when you may modify the slice yourself. There a patterns emerging, but they're like C++ object ownership before move semantics; lots of fine approaches, but no way to know which one is in use. It's a critical thing that every program needs to do correctly, yet the language gives you no good tools, and there is no universal pattern used by developers.


得分: 7


  • 你可以传递指针,但一种常见的习惯用法是通过发送指针来表示所有权的转移。例如,一旦你将对象的指针传递给另一个Goroutine,除非通过另一个信号从该Goroutine(或任何其他Goroutine,如果对象被多次传递)中获取对象返回,否则不要再触碰它。

  • 如果你的数据被许多用户共享并且不经常更改,你可以全局共享指向该数据的指针,并允许每个人从中读取。如果一个Goroutine想要更改它,它需要遵循写时复制的习惯用法,即复制对象,修改数据,尝试使用类似atomic.CompareAndSwap的方法将指针设置为新对象。

  • 使用互斥锁(或者如果你想同时允许多个并发读取器,则使用RWMutex)并不是那么糟糕。当然,互斥锁不是万能的,它通常不适合进行同步(在许多语言中被过度使用,导致其声誉不佳),但有时它是最简单和最高效的解决方案。





Go doesn't enforce memory safety statically. There are several ways to handle the problem even in large code bases, but all of them require your attention.

  • You can send pointers around, but one common idiom is to signal the transfer of ownership by sending a pointer. E.g., once you pass the pointer of an object to another Goroutine, you do not touch it again, unless you get the object back from that goroutine (or any other Goroutine if the object is passed around several times) through another signal.

  • If your data is shared by many users and doesn't change that often, you can share a pointer to that data globally and allow everybody to read from it. If a Goroutine wants to change it, it needs to follow the copy-on-write idiom, i.e. copy the object, mutate the data, try to set the pointer to the new object by using something like atomic.CompareAndSwap.

  • Using a Mutex (or a RWMutex if you want to allow many concurrent readers at once) isn't that bad. Sure, a Mutex is no silver bullet and it is often not a good fit for doing synchronization (and its overused in many languages which lead to its poor reputation), but sometimes it is the simplest and most efficient solution.

There are probably many other ways. Sending values only by copying them is yet another and easy to verify, but I think you shouldn't limit yourself to this method only. We are all mature and we are all able to read documentation (assuming you document your code properly).

The Go tool also comes with a very valuable race detector built in, that is able to detect races at runtime. Write a lot of tests and execute them with the race detector enabled and take each error message seriously. They usually indicate a bad or complicated design.

(PS: You might want to take a look at Rust if you want a compiler and type system that is able to verify concurrent access during compile time, while still allowing shared state. I haven't used it myself, but the ideas look quite promising.)

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年5月17日 23:42:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/23713215.html



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