
huangapple go评论108阅读模式

How to handle errors in goroutines?



// 数据通道
ch := make(chan int)
ch2 := make(chan int)
ch3 := make(chan int)

// 错误通道
errCh := make(chan error)
errCh2 := make(chan error)
errCh3 := make(chan error)

// 启动任务
go taskF(ch, errCh)
go taskF2(ch2, errCh2)
go taskF3(ch3, errCh3)


err := <-errCh
if err != nil {
print("we have an error")

err2 := <-errCh2
if err2 != nil {
print("we have an error 2")

err3 := <-errCh3
if err3 != nil {
print("we have an error 3")


task := <-ch
task2 := <-ch2
task3 := <-ch3

print("task %v task2 %v task3 %v", task, task2, task3)



I'm trying to run several tasks concurrently and get the result or error back.

  1. //data channels
  2. ch := make(chan int)
  3. ch2 := make(chan int)
  4. ch2 := make(chan int)
  5. //error channels
  6. errCh := make(chan error)
  7. errCh2 := make(chan error)
  8. errCh3 := make(chan error)
  9. //functions
  10. go taskF(ch, errCh)
  11. go taskF2(ch2, errCh2)
  12. go taskF3(ch3, errCh3)

Then I start checking on each error. If there is any error we print it otherwise we print the result of each task

  1. err := &lt;-errCh
  2. if err != nil{
  3. print(&#39;we have an error &#39;)
  4. return
  5. }
  6. err2 := &lt;-errCh2
  7. if err2 != nil{
  8. print(&#39;we have an error 2&#39;)
  9. return
  10. }
  11. err3 := &lt;-errCh3
  12. if err3!= nil{
  13. print(&#39;we have an error 3&#39;)
  14. return
  15. }

Then if there is no error I collect the values returned though each channel

  1. task := &lt;-ch
  2. task2 := &lt;-ch2
  3. task3 := &lt;-ch3
  4. print(&quot;task %v task2 %v task3 %v&quot;, task, task2, task3)

I'm wondering if I'm doing it right. I'm worried that the code quite verbose. I was thinking to use buffered channels for errors but i can't figure it out how to check all the errors. I think it would also be nice to somehow sync the errors within the goroutines so that if there is an error on one goroutine the other goroutines would stop but I don't know any way to do in an unblocking manner.


得分: 1


  1. type Result struct {
  2. Val int
  3. Err error
  4. }
  5. type Task struct {
  6. stopped bool
  7. }
  8. func (t *Task) Stop() {
  9. t.stopped = true
  10. }
  11. func (t *Task) Run(doneChan chan Result) {
  12. // 长时间运行的任务在这里
  13. // 定期检查t.stopped
  14. doneChan <- Result{Val: ..., Err: nil}
  15. }

Consider using only one channel for synchronization, and having this channel include an error state (see the Result struct). Whenever you receive a Result, make sure the error state is nil. Wrapping each task in a Task struct will allow you to call Stop on each task when one returns an error. Depending on your exact application there may be better ways to handle this, such as WaitGroups (http://golang.org/pkg/sync/#WaitGroup).

  1. type Result struct {
  2. Val int
  3. Err error
  4. }
  5. type Task struct {
  6. stopped bool
  7. }
  8. func (t *Task) Stop() {
  9. t.stopped = true
  10. }
  11. func (t *Task) Run(doneChan chan Result) {
  12. // long-running task here
  13. // periodically check t.stopped
  14. doneChan &lt;- Result{Val: ..., Err: nil}
  15. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年4月6日 04:48:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/22886598.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
