What does asterisk (*struct) notation mean in golang

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What does asterisk (*struct) notation mean in golang


// NewReaderSize返回一个新的Reader,其缓冲区至少具有指定的大小。如果参数io.Reader已经是具有足够大的大小的Reader,则返回底层Reader。
func NewReaderSize(rd io.Reader, size int) *Reader {
// 它已经是一个Reader了吗?
b, ok := rd.(*Reader)
if ok && len(b.buf) >= size {
return b
if size < minReadBufferSize {
size = minReadBufferSize
r := new(Reader)
r.reset(make([]byte, size), rd)
return r


dictFile, err := os.Open(file)


reader := bufio.NewReader(dictFile)


// NewReaderSize returns a new Reader whose buffer has at least the specified
43	// size. If the argument io.Reader is already a Reader with large enough
44	// size, it returns the underlying Reader.
45	func NewReaderSize(rd io.Reader, size int) *Reader {
46		// Is it already a Reader?
47		b, ok := rd.(*Reader)
48		if ok &amp;&amp; len(b.buf) &gt;= size {
49			return b
50		}
51		if size &lt; minReadBufferSize {
52			size = minReadBufferSize
53		}
54		r := new(Reader)
55		r.reset(make([]byte, size), rd)
56		return r
57	}

When I use os.Open to open a file

dictFile, err := os.Open(file)

I'm going to pass dicFile to

reader := bufio.NewReader(dictFile)

I found the underlying code is using func NewReaderSize, but what I can not understand is rd.(*Reader). Reader is the struct type contained in package bufio. Asterisk followed by a struct is from what I see to get the value from pointer Reader, but it is not a pointer, so it does not make sense. Further more, it's using dot operator rd.(*Reader), I totally got confused. What's the meaning of this kind of usage in line 47? What kind of notation it is?


得分: 10


b, ok := rd.(*Reader)



type readerA struct {}
func Read(a []byte) (int, error) {}

type readerB struct {}
func Read(a []byte) (int, error) {}

func TakesAReader(r io.Reader) {
   val, ok := r.(*readerA)
   fmt.Println(val, ok)

TakesAReader(&amp;readerA{}) // 输出 &amp;{}, true
TakesAReader(&amp;readerB{}) // 输出 nil, false



The syntax in line 47 in your example is a Type Assertion, it asserts the value of interface variables to be of a specific type. Concretely in your case, the statement

b, ok := rd.(*Reader)

asserts the underlying value of the interface rd to be of type *Reader (a pointer to a value of struct Reader), giving you b of type *Reader and a boolean value ok that indicates whether the assertion is OK and the underlying value really is of type *Reader.

An abstract example (play):

type readerA struct {}
func Read(a []byte) (int, error) {}

type readerB struct {}
func Read(a []byte) (int, error) {}

func TakesAReader(r io.Reader) {
   val, ok := r.(*readerA)
   fmt.Println(val, ok)

TakesAReader(&amp;readerA{}) // prints &amp;{}, true
TakesAReader(&amp;readerB{}) // prints nil, false

So you see, type assertions are just a way to pull out the value that is covered by an interface.


得分: 8



b, ok := rd.(*Reader)


对于接口类型的表达式x和类型T,主表达式x.(T) 断言x不是nil,并且存储在x中的值是类型T。表达式x.(T)被称为类型断言。



newReaderSize takes a reader (io.Reader interface) and returns a pointer to Reader (struct defined in bufio).

This is called a type assertion:

b, ok := rd.(*Reader)

From golang spec:

> For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary
> expression x.(T) asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored
> in x is of type T. The notation x.(T) is called a type assertion.

This line is taking that reader and asserting it is a type of *Reader, if it succeeds and that Reader has buffer big enough its immedietly returned (because it's already what we want).

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年3月28日 00:13:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/22693275.html



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