
huangapple go评论74阅读模式

Working with slices of structs concurrently using references


我有一个需要进行一些处理的 JSON。它使用了一个切片,我需要以某种方式引用该切片,以便在函数结束时修改 Room 结构体。我该如何以引用类型的方式并发地处理这个结构体?

type Window struct {
    Height int64 `json:"Height"`
    Width  int64 `json:"Width"`
type Room struct {
    Windows []Window `json:"Windows"`

func main() {
    js := []byte(`{"Windows":[{"Height":10,"Width":20},{"Height":10,"Width":20}]}`)
    fmt.Printf("Should have 2 windows: %v\n", string(js))
    var room Room
    _ = json.Unmarshal(js, &room)

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    // Add many windows to room
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()

    js, _ = json.Marshal(room)
    fmt.Printf("Should have 12 windows: %v\n", string(js))

func addWindow(windows *[]Window) {
    window := Window{1, 1}
    // Do some expensive calculations
    fmt.Printf("Adding %v to %v\n", window, *windows)
    *windows = append(*windows, window)

addWindow 函数中,将 windows 参数的类型更改为指向 []Window 的指针类型 *[]Window。这样,你就可以通过解引用指针来修改 room.Windows 切片。在调用 addWindow 函数时,传递 &room.Windows 的地址,以便在函数内部修改切片。


I have a JSON I need to do some processing on. It uses a slice that I need to reference in some way for the Room-struct to be modified at the end of the function. How can I work with this struct concurrently in a by reference type of way?


type Window struct {
    Height int64 `json:&quot;Height&quot;`
    Width  int64 `json:&quot;Width&quot;`
type Room struct {
    Windows []Window `json:&quot;Windows&quot;`

func main() {
    js := []byte(`{&quot;Windows&quot;:[{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20},{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20}]}`)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;Should have 2 windows: %v\n&quot;, string(js))
    var room Room
    _ = json.Unmarshal(js, &amp;room)

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    // Add many windows to room
    for i := 0; i &lt; 10; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()

    js, _ = json.Marshal(room)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;Sould have 12 windows: %v\n&quot;, string(js))

func addWindow(windows []Window) {
    window := Window{1, 1}
    // Do some expensive calculations
    fmt.Printf(&quot;Adding %v to %v\n&quot;, window, windows)
    windows = append(windows, window)


得分: 31




func addWindow(windows []Window) []Window {
    return append(windows, Window{1, 1})

room.Windows = addWindow(room.Windows)


func addWindow(room *Room) {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, Window{1, 1})




windows := make(chan Window, N)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
    go createWindow(windows)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, <-windows)

addWindow 看起来会类似于:

func createWindow(windows chan Window) {
    windows <- Window{1, 1}




type Room struct {
    m       sync.Mutex
    Windows []Window


room.Windows = append(room.Windows, window)

理想情况下,使用这样的互斥锁应该保持封装在类型本身附近,这样很容易看到它是如何使用的。因此,你经常会看到互斥锁从类型本身的方法中使用(例如 room.addWindow)。

如果在独占(受保护)区域中存在可能引发 panic 的逻辑,最好在 Lock 之后立即延迟 Unlock 调用。很多人只是将它们一个接一个地放置,即使在简单的操作中也是如此,这样他们就不必弄清楚是否安全执行。如果你不确定,这可能是一个好主意。




var addWindowMutex sync.Mutex

func addWindow(room *Room) {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, Window{1, 1})

这样,无论谁调用 addWindow,它本身都受到保护。这种方法的优点是你不依赖于房间的实现来实现它。缺点是只有一个goroutine能进入独占区域,无论有多少个房间在并行处理(这在前一个解决方案中不是这种情况)。

在这样做时,请记住,读取 room.Windows 或任何在独占区域中发生变异的数据也应该受到保护,以防同时进行更改。



There are two different issues in your logic: the first one is how the slice itself is being manipulated, and the second one regards actual concurrency problems.

For the slice manipulation, simply passing the slice by value as a parameter will mean that you won't be able to mutate the slice in a way that the call site will see it when the slice has to be grown or the backing array reallocated to accommodate the new data you're appending. There are two common ways to handle that.

By returning the new slice:

func addWindow(windows []Window) []Window {
    return append(windows, Window{1, 1})

room.Windows = addWindow(room.Windows)

Or by providing a mutable parameter that the call site maintains a reference to:

func addWindow(room *Room) {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, Window{1, 1})

For the second issue, you must make sure values are not being mutated concurrently in an unsafe way. There are many ways to address it as well:

Use a channel

Instead of a manipulating the room directly, you can ask windows to be produced by N goroutines, and have their results reported back to a non-racy control point. For example, you might have:

windows := make(chan Window, N)
for i := 0; i &lt; N; i++ { 
    go createWindow(windows)
for i := 0; i &lt; N; i++ {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, &lt;-windows)

and addWindow would instead look similar to:

func createWindow(windows chan Window) {
    windows &lt;- Window{1, 1}

This way the creation is concurrent, but the actual manipulation of the room is not.

Add a mutex field

It's also typical to have a private mutex field in the type itself, such as:

type Room struct {
    m       sync.Mutex
    Windows []Window

Then, whenever manipulating concurrency-sensitive fields, protect the exclusive area with the mutex:

room.Windows = append(room.Windows, window)

Ideally the use of such a mutex should stay encapsulated close to the type itself, so it's easy to spot how it's being used. For that reason, you'll often see the mutex being used from within methods of the type itself (room.addWindow, for example).

If you have panic-prone logic in the exclusive (protected) region, it may be a good idea to defer the Unlock call right after the Lock one. A lot of people simply put one straight after the other, even in simple operations, just so they don't have to figure whether it's safe or not to do so. That may well be a good idea if you're unsure.

VERY IMPORTANT: In most cases it's a bad idea to copy a struct with a mutex field by value. Instead, use a pointer to the original value. The reason for this is that internally the mutex relies on the address of its fields to not change for the atomic operations to work correctly.

Add a global mutex

In more unusual circumstances, which most probably do not apply for the case you're trying to handle, but which is good knowing about, you may choose to protect the logic itself instead of protecting the data. One way to do that is with a global mutex variable, with something around the lines of:

var addWindowMutex sync.Mutex

func addWindow(room *Room) {
    room.Windows = append(room.Windows, Window{1, 1})

This way addWindow itself is protected, no matter who is calling it. The advantage of that approach is that you don't depend on the implementation of room to do it. A disadvantage is that only a single goroutine will get into the exclusive region, no matter how many rooms are being processed in parallel (that's not the case with the prior solution).

When doing this, remember that reading room.Windows or whatever data is being mutated in the exclusive region should also be protected, in case there's still concurrency going on to change it meanwhile.

Finally, just as some unprompted feedback, do check those error values. Ignoring errors is a really bad practice, whether it's just an example or serious code. Many times you'll catch errors even when building up sample code like that.


得分: 0

package main

import (

type Window struct {
	Height int64 `json:"Height"`
	Width  int64 `json:"Width"`
type Room struct {
	mu      sync.Mutex
	Windows []Window `json:"Windows"`

func main() {
	js := []byte(`{"Windows":[{"Height":10,"Width":20},{"Height":10,"Width":20}]}`)
	fmt.Printf("应该有2个窗户:%v\n", string(js))
	var room Room
	_ = json.Unmarshal(js, &room)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	// 向房间添加多个窗户
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()

	js, _ = json.Marshal(room)
	fmt.Printf("应该有12个窗户:%v\n", string(js))

func addWindow(r *Room) {
	window := Window{1, 1}
	fmt.Printf("向%v添加%v\n", r.Windows, window)

	defer r.mu.Unlock()
	r.Windows = append(r.Windows, window)


向[{10 20} {10 20}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}
向[{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]添加{1 1}


    package main
    import (
    type Window struct {
            Height int64 `json:&quot;Height&quot;`
            Width  int64 `json:&quot;Width&quot;`
    type Room struct {
            mu      sync.Mutex
            Windows []Window `json:&quot;Windows&quot;`
    func main() {
            js := []byte(`{&quot;Windows&quot;:[{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20},{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20}]}`)
            fmt.Printf(&quot;Should have 2 windows: %v\n&quot;, string(js))
            var room Room
            _ = json.Unmarshal(js, &amp;room)
            var wg sync.WaitGroup
            // Add meny windows to room
            for i := 0; i &lt; 10; i++ {
                    go func() {
                            defer wg.Done()
            js, _ = json.Marshal(room)
            fmt.Printf(&quot;Sould have 12 windows: %v\n&quot;, string(js))
    func addWindow(r *Room) {
            window := Window{1, 1}
            fmt.Printf(&quot;Adding %v to %v\n&quot;, window, r.Windows)
            defer r.mu.Unlock()
            r.Windows = append(r.Windows, window)
    Should have 2 windows: {&quot;Windows&quot;:[{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20},{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20}]}
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Adding {1 1} to [{10 20} {10 20} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1} {1 1}]
    Sould have 12 windows: {&quot;Windows&quot;:[{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20},{&quot;Height&quot;:10,&quot;Width&quot;:20},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1},{&quot;Height&quot;:1,&quot;Width&quot;:1}]}


  • 本文由 发表于 2013年8月27日 21:53:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/18467445.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
