Go – Idiomatic way around interface slice issue

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Go - Idiomatic way around interface slice issue


我有一个包含有关某人工作时间的 WorkDay 结构体,一个用于保存一组 WorkDay 的 WorkWeek 结构体,以及一个用于保存一组 WorkWeek 的 WorkMonth 结构体。每个结构体都返回在该时间段内工作的总小时数。

这段代码运行得很好,但是在 WorkWeek.HoursWorked()WorkMonth.HoursWorked() 中的重复代码真的让我很烦。我尝试了以下方法,以为自己非常聪明:

func (w WorkWeek) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(w.WorkDays)

func (m WorkMonth) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(m.WorkWeeks)

type countable interface {
    HoursWorked() time.Duration

func sumHoursWorked(timeFrames []countable) time.Duration {
    var totalHours time.Duration
    for _, frame := range timeFrames {
        totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
    return totalHours

然而,正如这里所解释的那样,尽管 WorkDay 实现了 countable 接口,但 WorkDay 的切片并不被视为 countable 的切片。



I have a WorkDay struct holding data about the times someone worked, a WorkWeek struct to hold a bunch of WorkDays, and a WorkMonth struct to hold a bunch of WorkWeeks. The idea is to have each return the total hours worked during that period.

type WorkDay struct {
	StartTime time.Time
	EndTime   time.Time

type WorkWeek struct {
	WorkDays []WorkDay

type WorkMonth struct {
	WorkWeeks []WorkWeek

func (w WorkDay) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
	// Find hours worked through simple subtraction.

func (w WorkWeek) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
	var totalHours time.Duration
	for _, day := range w.WorkDays {
		totalHours += day.HoursWorked()
	return totalHours

func (w WorkMonth) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
	var totalHours time.Duration
	for _, week := range w.WorkWeeks {
		totalHours += week.HoursWorked()
	return totalHours

This code works just fine, but the duplication in WorkWeek.HoursWorked() and WorkMonth.HoursWorked() really grinds my gears. I tried to do the following, thinking I was very clever:

func (w WorkWeek) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(w.WorkDays)

func (m WorkMonth) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(m.WorkWeeks)

type countable interface {
	HoursWorked() time.Duration

func sumHoursWorked(timeFrames []countable) time.Duration {
    var totalHours time.Duration
    for _, frame := range timeFrames {
        totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
    return totalHours

However, as explained here, even though WorkDay implements countable, a slice of WorkDays does not count as a slice of countables.

So, is there some nifty, idiomatic way out of this situation that I'm missing, or am I just stuck with the duplication?


得分: 4



No. Either have a slice of countables which gives you dynamic method dispatch or some programming (your first solution) or restructure your types. I have no idea of your problem domain but months consisting of weeks consisting of days seems odd, at least the month/week stuff.


得分: 2


func (w WorkWeek) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(w.WorkDays)

func (m WorkMonth) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(m.WorkWeeks)

type countable interface {
    HoursWorked() time.Duration

type SliceCountable []countable

func (m *SliceCountable) Add(c countable) {
    *m = append(*m, c)

func (m SliceCountable) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    var totalHours time.Duration
    for _, frame := range m {
        totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
    return totalHours

func sumHoursWorked(timeFrames []countable) time.Duration {
    var totalHours time.Duration
    for _, frame := range timeFrames {
        totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
    return totalHours

No because slice of countables is another type.
You could define your own slice type and attach an Add method to it.

func (w WorkWeek) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(w.WorkDays)

func (m WorkMonth) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
    return sumHoursWorked(m.WorkWeeks)

type countable interface {
    HoursWorked() time.Duration

type SliceCountable []countable

func (m *SliceCountable) Add( c countable ) {
   *m = append(*m, c ) 

func (m SliceCountable) HoursWorked() time.Duration {
var totalHours time.Duration
for _, frame := range m {
    totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
return totalHours

func sumHoursWorked(timeFrames []countable) time.Duration {
    var totalHours time.Duration
    for _, frame := range timeFrames {
        totalHours += frame.HoursWorked()
    return totalHours

  • 本文由 发表于 2014年5月22日 18:27:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/23804213.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
