GAE Go – 异步数据存储API?

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GAE Go — Async datastore API?




Is there a Go analogue to Python/Java's async datastore APIs? Or can one just use the normal API with the go keyword?


得分: 13


func loadUser(ctx appengine.Context, name strings) (*User, err) {
  var u User
  var entries []*Entry
  done := make(chan error)

  go func() {
    // 加载用户的主要特征
    key := datastore.NewKey(ctx, "user", name, 0, nil)
    done <- datastore.Get(ctx, key)

  go func() {
    // 加载与用户关联的条目
    q := datastore.NewQuery("entries").Filter("user", name)
    keys, err := q.GetAll(ctx, &entries)
    for i, k := range keys {
      entries[i].key = k
    done <- err

  success := true
  // 并行等待查询完成
  for i := 0; i < 2 /* 计算上面的函数数量 */; i++ {
    if err := <-done; err != nil {
      ctx.Errorf("loaduser: %s", err)
      success = false
  if !success {

  // 可能还有其他内容



There is no Go equivalent to the Python or Java asynchronous APIs for any AppEngine service. In fact, the Go standard library has nothing in the standard asynchronous style either. The reason is that in Go, you write functions using a blocking style and compose them using some basic concurrency primitives based on need. While you cannot just tack go at the beginning of a dastore.Get call, it is still relatively straightforward. Consider the following, contrived example:

func loadUser(ctx appengine.Context, name strings) (*User, err) {
  var u User
  var entries []*Entry
  done := make(chan error)

  go func() {
    // Load the main features of the User
    key := datastore.NewKey(ctx, &quot;user&quot;, name, 0, nil)
    done &lt;- datastore.Get(ctx, key)

  go func() {
    // Load the entries associated with the user
    q := datastore.NewQuery(&quot;entries&quot;).Filter(&quot;user&quot;, name)
    keys, err := q.GetAll(ctx, &amp;entries)
    for i, k := range keys {
      entries[i].key = k
    done &lt;- err

  success := true
  // Wait for the queries to finish in parallel
  for i := 0; i &lt; 2 /* count the funcs above */; i++ {
    if err := &lt;-done; err != nil {
      ctx.Errorf(&quot;loaduser: %s&quot;, err)
      success = false
  if !success {

  // maybe more stuff here

This same approach can be used in pretty much any context in which you need to run more than one thing that might take awhile at the same time, whether it's a datastore call, urlfetch, file load, etc.


得分: 2



There is no explicit API for async in Go. You should use go routines instead. I haven't seen any source on this, but I suspect the async API isn't there because of how easy it is to use go routines.

  • 本文由 发表于 2013年3月2日 03:47:38
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
