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Why casting interface{} to cgo types is not allowed?




import "C"

//export Foo
func Foo(arg1, arg2, arg3) {

It's more of a technical question, not really an issue. Since we don't have variadic functions in cgo and there's currently no valid solution, I wonder if it'd be possible to cast interface{} to cgo types. So this would allow us to have more dynamic functions. I'm pretty sure we're not even allowed to assign types in a dynamic way to arguments in exported (//export) functions, neither the use of ellipsis is allowed. So what's the reason behind all those limits?

Thanks for answering.

import "C"

//export Foo
func Foo(arg1, arg2, arg3) {


得分: 2



generic_type Cfunc(ctype1 arg1, ctype2 arg2) { ... }





> 我相当确定我们甚至不被允许在导出的(//export)函数中以动态方式为参数分配类型,也不允许使用省略号。那么这些限制背后的原因是什么呢?

这是正确的,上面稍微理论化的例子就是一个原因。(我构造这个例子时混合了68k C编译器和SPARC C编译器的实际技术,所以我认为没有单个的C编译器是这样的。但是过去确实存在这样的例子,而且SPARC系统仍然将整数返回到%o0,或者在V8 SPARC上返回到%o0+%o1,而将浮点数返回到%f0或%f0+%f1。)


C compilers are allowed, but not required, to return different types using different return mechanisms. For instance, some C compilers might return float results in the %f0 register, double results in the %f0:f1 register pair, integer results in the %d0 register, and pointer results in the %a0 register.

What this means for the person writing the Cgo interface for Go is that they must, in general, handle each kind of these C functions differently. In other words, it's not possible to write:

generic_type Cfunc(ctype1 arg1, ctype2 arg2) { ... }

We must know, at compile time, that Cfunc returns float/double/&lt;some-integer-type>/&lt;some-pointer-type&gt; so that we can grab the correct register(s) and stuff its (or their) value(s) into the Cgo return-value slot, where the Cgo interface can get it and wrap it up for use in Go.

What this means for you, as a user of a Go compiler that implements Cgo wrappers to call C functions, is that you have to know the right type. There is no generalized answer; there is no way to use interface{} here. You must communicate the exact, correct type to the Cgo layer, so that the Cgo layer can use that exact, correct type information to generate the correct machine code at compile time.

If the C compiler writers had some way of flagging their code so that, e.g., at link time, the linker could pull in the right "save correct register to memory" location, that would enable the Cgo wrapper author to use the linker to automagically find the C function's type at link time. But these C compilers don't offer this ability to the linkers.

Is your particular compiler one of these? We don't know: you didn't say. But:

> I'm pretty sure we're not even allowed to assign types in a dynamic way to arguments in exported (//export) functions, neither the use of ellipsis is allowed. So what's the reason behind all those limits?

That's correct, and the (slightly theoretical) example above is a reason. (I constructed this example by mixing actual techniques from 68k C compilers and SPARC C compilers, so I don't think there's any single C compiler like this. But examples like this did exist in the past, and SPARC systems still return integers in %o0, or %o0+%o1 on V8 SPARC, vs floating point in %f0 or %f0+%f1.)

  • 本文由 发表于 2021年8月4日 05:37:27
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/68643050.html



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