英文: Keyboard shortcut for making VS Code Explorer or other Views fullscreen? 问题 我们可以使用<kbd>ctr...
你可以快速在VS Code中水平滚动吗?
英文: How can I quickly scroll horizontally in VS Code? 问题 垂直滚动时,我习惯使用页面上和页面下键盘按键。我还知道我可以按住 alt 键,使用滚轮...
在Visual Studio Code中调整资源管理器面板大小的快捷方式是什么?
英文: shortcut to resize explorer panel in visual studio code? 问题 有没有快捷键可以调整 VS Code 中的资源管理器面板大小? 顺便说一...
Visual Studio Code中查看当前编辑器选项卡句柄上下文菜单的快捷键
英文: Shortcut key in visual studio code to view the current editor tab's handle's context men...
英文: Unable to modify keybinding for cursor related commands of search input box in VSCode 问题 我尝试修改VS...
如何防止在使用CTRL +左/右箭头时,Visual Studio Code光标跳过符号?
英文: How can I prevent Visual Studio Code cursor skipping symbols when using CTRL + Left/Right Arrow?...
英文: How can I add a keybinding to open the active file in the Explorer and move focus to the editor?...
How can I create a VS Code keyboard shortcut to change a camel-case string to sentence-case?
英文: How can I create a VS Code keyboard shortcut to change a camel-case string to sentence-case? 问题 ...
当命令面板打开时禁用VS Code命令键绑定。
英文: Disable VS Code command keybinding when Command Palette is open 问题 tl;dr: 如何在命令面板打开时禁用命令绑定? 我正在开...
Difference between "acceptSelectedSuggestion" and "acceptAlternativeSelectedSuggestion" in VSCode keybinding config
英文: Difference between "acceptSelectedSuggestion" and "acceptAlternativeSelectedSugge...