英文: Problems with nodejs typescript - tsconfig file 问题 TSError: ⨯ 无法编译TypeScript: 错误 TS5023:未知的编译器选项...
In VS Code, how can I run the active python file in active terminal while running another python script?
英文: In VS Code, how can I run the active python file in active terminal while running another python...
Ctrl + Shift + C 不再在 VS Code 中打开新的外部终端是为什么?
英文: Why does Ctrl + Shift + C no longer open a new external terminal in VS Code? 问题 以下是已翻译的内容: 这里有证明...
英文: Can I change the style of links in the Output Panel? 问题 When I build in VS Code, the build log g...
在VS Code的“资源管理器”视图中,有色彩的圆点表示什么意思?
英文: What does a colored dot in the Explorer View in VS Code mean? 问题 文件显示为红色字体的原因我不确定。这是它的外观:(链接:htt...
Python3 and VSCode ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘_ctypes’
英文: Python3 and VSCode ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ctypes' 问题 I'm working with Vi...
英文: Select all occurrences of select word not quite working 问题 I had to reset my VS Code settings ba...
Docker Compose Up fails with; Skipping project "ProjectName" because it was not found. But the dockerfile works with visual studio docker compose
英文: Docker Compose Up fails with; Skipping project "ProjectName" because it was not found....
如何在使用clangd扩展的VS Code中选择建议的函数时禁用参数自动补全?
英文: How can I disable parameter auto-completion when selecting a suggested function in VS Code with ...
如何在VS Code中将用引号括起的高亮语义符号出现复制到剪贴板?
英文: How can I copy a highlighted semantic symbol occurrence wrapped in quotes to the clipboard in VS...