英文: VSCode integrated terminal will not allow job control for some reason 问题 我的终端出现问题,每次我启动一个新实例时都会显...
如何在VS Code中将代码镜头显示在行末?
英文: How can I display code lenses at the end of the line in VS Code? 问题 我想在Visual Studio Code的行尾显示引用...
如何使VS Code的clangd扩展了解我CMake配置中定义的包含路径?
英文: How can I make the VS Code clangd extension aware of the include paths defined in my CMake confi...
英文: How to get GoLand's flawless multi module support on VSCode (no go work) 问题 当我在GoLand(Jetbra...
VS Code:使用自定义词汇表进行自动完成的最佳方式
英文: VS Code: Best way to use custom wordlist for autocomplete 问题 我正在使用VS Code编写Markdown文件。是否有办法在自动完成...
Unrecognized option: –module-path Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred
英文: Unrecognized option: --module-path Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fa...
你的Visual Studio Code中的Word Wrap有什么问题?
英文: What's wrong with my Word Wrap in Visual Studio Code? 问题 "It's muted out" -> &q...
How can I get a common local clone of a git repo and share it as a submodule of multiple other local git repo clones?
英文: How can I get a common local clone of a git repo and share it as a submodule of multiple other l...
如何使VS Code中的CSS变量引用的颜色装饰工作?
英文: How can I get color decorations for CSS variable references to work in VS Code? 问题 I'm working o...
英文: How to switch focus back to the editor in VSCode? 问题 我想要快速切换文件浏览器和文件编辑器之间的方法。我已经绑定了一个键来专注于文件浏览器,...