英文: GCP Cloud SQL Proxy - Cannot execute binary file: Exec format error 问题 我在执行 SQL 代理客户端时遇到了一个错误,用于...
英文: Why can't solcx find or use the compiler already installed? 问题 I have installed solcx and in...
英文: How can I install anything using npm if everything yields the same error? 问题 每当我尝试通过npm安装任何内容时,我...
检查一些 Debian/Ubuntu 的设置,输出应与 testssh 类似。
英文: Check some settings in debian/ubuntu and the output should be similar to testssh 问题 我有一个检查Debian...
英文: Can I run two different scripts on a pm2 service? 问题 可以在一个Ubuntu服务器上同时运行一个Node.js脚本和一个Python脚本,使...
包 ‘netcat’ 在 Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Redmail 中没有安装候选项。
英文: Package 'netcat' has no installation candidate Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Redmail 问题 当我尝试安装Red...
英文: why i have to use ~/.bash_profile to use Go? 问题 你好!根据你的描述,你在Ubuntu上安装了Go,并且只有在运行source ~/.bash_p...
英文: MongoDB servers running via docker can't see each other (Temporary failure in name resolutio...
Install go-swagger on Linux Ubuntu
英文: Install go-swagger on Linux Ubuntu 问题 我可以帮你解决这个问题。根据你提供的信息,你在Linux Ubuntu 22.04上安装go-swagger时遇到了...
gCloud instance: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
英文: gCloud instance: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none pub...