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why i have to use ~/.bash_profile to use Go?


你好!根据你的描述,你在Ubuntu上安装了Go,并且只有在运行source ~/.bash_profile之后才能使用go命令。如果你希望无需每次都运行source ~/.bash_profile就能使用Go命令,你可以将以下内容添加到你的.bashrc文件中:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

保存文件后,重新打开终端或者运行source ~/.bashrc命令,你应该就能够直接使用go命令了。这样设置后,系统会将Go的可执行文件路径添加到环境变量中,使得你可以在任何目录下直接运行go命令。



I used to use Go on windows. And i recently use ubuntu,and i'm newbie in linux environtment. i install using binary to install Go with this tutorial (method #3). But when i type go command like go version, the terminal said that 'command not found'.I can use the go command only after i use source ~/.bash_profile

how can i use Go, without initializing source ~/.bash_profile ?


得分: 1






在基于Linux的操作系统(实际上是在任何类Unix操作系统上,以及Mac OS和Windows上),所有运行的进程都有环境变量的概念。环境变量有一个名称和一个值。你在指南的第4步中调整的PATH环境变量包含了计算机上用于查找与你在Shell中输入的命令的短名称匹配的文件的目录列表。
因此,当你输入go version时,你要求你的Shell查找并运行一个名为go的程序,并将一个参数version传递给它。由于你没有拼写该命令的完整路径名,Shell必须在一组众所周知的位置中搜索它,而PATH包含了这个集合。



export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

好了,我们几乎要得出结论了 为什么我必须使用~/.bash_profile来使用Go?

当以这种模式运行bash Shell时,它会读取文件~/.bashrc——详细说明在它的手册中,只有在作为登录Shell运行时才会读取~/.bash_profile,而这不是你的情况。








There are multiple things going on, and none of them is directly related to Go.

Some theory

I assume you're working in some "graphical desktop environment" to begin with; that is, when your computer boots up, you're presented with a graphical login dialog and then you have that "desktop" and all applications run in separate windows.

One such window is "a terminal" or "a console".
On your typical Ubuntu system you hit the Windows key and then type "Terminal" to open it.
In reality, it's not really a terminal which is started, but rather an aptly named terminal emulator which runs a command-line shell, in your case — bash.
The shell presents you with the command line, accepts your input, runs commands, and the temrminal emulator makes it all work by "hosting" the shell.

That ~/.bash_profile file is one of the initialization files read by bash on startup under certain conditions — more on that in a moment.

On Linux-based operating systems (actually on any Unix-linke operating system, as well as on Mac OS and Windows) all running processes have the concept of environment variables. An environment variable has a name and a value. That PATH environment variable you have tweaked on step 4 of that "method 3" in your guide contains a list of directories on your computer to look up for files matching short name of the command you type in your shell.
So, when you type go version, you ask your shell to look up and run a program named go and pass it a single argument version. Since you do not spell the full pathname of that command, the shell has to search it in a set of well-known places, and PATH contains that set.

A property of environment variables is that they are inherited: if a process starts another process, that new one inherits the environment variables of its parent.
This allows setting certain environment variables very early in your login session ­— which is created when you have successfully authenticated to the system. And the PATH environment variable is one of such things which is set early and contains a set of directories into which all of the "stock" programs provided by the OS are installed.

When you have installed Go using that guide, it was not installed in any of those default well-known locations, so shells cannot find it when you ask them to run go.

A property of command-line shells is that they allow easy manipulating of environment variables — including setting them in their startup scripts.
The snippet
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
from your guide does just that: modifies the PATH environment variable and then "exports" its new value which means making it available for the processes run by the shell.

OK, we've almost arrived at the conclusion 为什么我必须使用~/.bash_profile来使用Go?

When you run a shell in a terminal emulator, from the point of view of the shell it's called an interactive non-login mode — it's interactive because the user, you, is about to directly type commands into it, and it's non-login because it was not started by a process managing users' logins.
The bash shell, when run in this mode, reads the file ~/.bashrc — as detailed in its manual, and it only reads ~/.bash_profile when run as a login shell, which is not your case.



export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

to your ~/.bashrc instead of ~/.bash_profile and spawn another terminal window—it will work instantly.
That's the correct way of doing that.

Another way is to just delete Go from where you have unpacked it and install the golang-go package provided by your OS. It will be installed in a way you will not need to mess with environment variables.

Discussing relative merits of installing from the official site or from the OS is tangential to the problem, so I will not digress.

It's advised to fetch a book on Unix as a working environment and read it, if you intend to get serious about developing software in a Unix-like environment.

…And while we're at it, the language is called Go.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月3日 23:31:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/74995391.html



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