英文: How to have a delete link respond to turbo_stream and html in Rails 7? 问题 我有一个在Rails 7中的删除链接,可以使...
Trubo Rails将内容附加到页面主体之外。
英文: Trubo Rails appends content to outside of the body 问题 originally based on: https://github.com/he...
rails turbo frame 明显在更新,但浏览器窗口保持不变
英文: rails turbo frame apparently updating but browser window remains unaltered 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: The fol...
使用 Hotwire 的 turbo-method: :delete 和 redirect_to 进行跳转。
英文: Hotwire turbo with turbo-method: :delete and redirect_to 问题 My test erb: <%= link_to 'Tes...