英文: " invalid date ‘TZ="UTC" @’ " error while using "date" command in ...
英文: Javascript timezone-offset different depending on the year of the date 问题 在JavaScript中实例化日期时,时区偏...
Can someone explain why there's a one-year difference in the results of PHP's date diff function for these two dates with the same timezone?
英文: Can someone explain why there's a one-year difference in the results of PHP's date diff ...
英文: Getting user timezone on an api deployed to Cloudhub 问题 我正在尝试动态获取用户的时区并将其应用于我的负载中的dateTime值。 我目前...
如何将 updated_at 转换为我所在时区的传统12小时格式?
英文: How to Convert updated_at to Conventional 12 Hour Format with My Time Zone? 问题 在Phoenix中,Ecto给了我...
如何在启用Luxon的Google Apps Script项目中填充时区支持?
英文: How to polyfill timezone support into a Luxon-enabled Google Apps Script project? 问题 尝试为启用了Luxon...
英文: How to get Offset from a Time Zone of a country which uses different time zone like EEST and EET...
英文: How to calculate current time in different timezone correctly in Python 问题 我试图计算纽约市的当前时间(东部夏令时,也...
英文: Is Etc/Unknown a valid timezone? 问题 Etc/Unknown 是一个有效的时区吗?你有关于这个时区的更多信息吗?谢谢。 英文: I'm getting my ...
英文: JavaScript toLocaleString returning incorrect value for Africa/Cairo time zone on Microsoft'...