英文: List not showing info 问题 以下是已翻译的内容: "It may be one dumb and simple error, but it's been a w...
英文: Is it possible to implement an exit segue without a Navigation Controller in Swift? 问题 I'm new t...
英文: Weak reference doesn't work as expected when passing it as a method reference 问题 I am alread...
英文: How do I find min and max elements in an array of Int using closures? 问题 Here's the translated c...
英文: Unable to update JSON data in cacheDirectory 问题 这是你的代码的翻译部分: 已经过去一周了,我仍然无法弄清楚我的代码中缺少了什么。我只想将JSON...
Xcode 14.3 通过命令行构建的 Rosetta 版本
英文: Xcode 14.3 Rosetta build with command line 问题 As Apple removed x86_64 support for Xcode and intr...
英文: Swift: Access to static var of a protocol implementation 问题 I get a compiler error when I try to...
Using SwiftUI Charts in macOS Foundation App
英文: Using SwiftUI Charts in macOS Foundation App 问题 I can certainly help with that. Here's the trans...
英文: delete photo after selection 问题 以下是你代码中需要翻译的部分: 所以,我有一个 SwiftUI 应用程序,允许用户解析所选图像的内容并将其保存供以后使用。这一部...
英文: How to load image from Photos after saving it via camera? 问题 I have saved my camera captured pho...