英文: Change text color of UIColorPickerViewController? 问题 I do not see any way to change the text col...
无法在Swift Playgrounds 4.3.1中导入XCTest。
英文: Cannot import XCTest in Swift Playgrounds 4.3.1 问题 I'm working in Swift Playgrounds for Mac, v4....
英文: How can I specify a unique/different App struct for each target? 问题 我有一个Xcode项目,其中有不同的目标,根据正在构建的...
Struct with protocol as property type does not conform to protocols ‘Decodable’ and ‘Encodable’.
英文: Struct with protocol as property type does not conform to protocols 'Decodable' and '...
英文: Changing Sort in SwiftData 问题 我正在将一个基本的待办事项列表应用转换为SwiftData。之前,我使用了EditButton(),允许用户移动和重新排序待办事项列...
Why can't I catch a timeout error in this async function that detects if a device is paired with a watch?
英文: Why can't I catch a timeout error in this async function that detects if a device is paired ...
英文: Compiler Error When Comparing `some Protocol` Instances 问题 我一直在比较Swift的不透明类型与存在/封装类型,并尝试理解它们的一些细...
如何在 Xcode 15 Beta 中使用 @Observable?
英文: How to use @Observable in Xcode 15 Beta? 问题 我刚刚在我的运行首个 macOS Sonoma beta 版的开发机上下载了 Xcode 15 beta...
英文: How can you refer to a generic type as one it inherits from? 问题 我有一个名为MutableStorage的协议,它旨在存储泛型类...
英文: Cannot get Camera position in RealityKit 问题 I am trying to load a 3D model "cube.usdz"...