英文: Parsing txt file in java and returning a boolean 问题 我正在尝试解析一个类似这样设置的txt文件: HBR - [false, true, f...
英文: how to fix the date regex? 问题 我试图仅使用正则表达式匹配`dd/MM/yyyy`日期格式,但如果我输入`dd/MM/yy`值,它也会被接受。我想知道如何使其只接受...
英文: Convert a string (having escape characters, new line chars) to plain string 问题 String str = "...
How to replace different possible substrings (maybe even of different lengths) with a single substring?
英文: How to replace different possible substrings (maybe even of different lengths) with a single sub...
无法将所有输入都放入 Java 的字符串数组中。
英文: unable to take all the inputs into string array in java 问题 我已经编写了一段代码,用于在 Java 中接收字符串输入并存储在字符串数组...
英文: Checking contents of 2 strings 问题 我刚开始学习Java编程,我想知道如何判断一个特定的字符串,比如 "Hello",是否包含 "...
英文: How to split a String with two delimiters and keep only one of of them? 问题 我想在标点符号和空白字符处拆分字符串,但保...
How to stream a String array as a Byte Array over HTTP so that the recipent can create a file out of it at his side?
英文: How to stream a String array as a Byte Array over HTTP so that the recipent can create a file ou...
英文: Converting CLOB to String removes all new line characters 问题 我有一个启用了AES加密的H2数据库。它有一个CLOB类型的列。该列包...
英文: String not getting printed in the output 问题 String r1 = "hello"; String r2 = "hello&...