英文: How can I reverse a string word by word without using arrays, split() or StringBuilder 问题 以下是您要翻...
英文: breaking down words in different ways in java 问题 我想要以不同的方式创建随字符串而来的单词,具体如下。我不确定如何最好地实现这一点。 输入:Pa...
英文: Using ArrayList of ArrayList to print random Toast message in Android 问题 我正在尝试处理一些Android Java的问...
英文: How do I find number of times a name has been repeated in a list? 问题 我写了一个用于查找数组中一个名字重复了多少次的代码,有...
英文: How to find a particular name repeated how many number of times? 问题 我遇到了输出问题,有人能帮我吗? 这是一个用于查找特定名...
英文: How can one use java statements to get indexes from string arrays of string arrays to print a st...
Is there a clear way of initializing a loop that is terminated when a number is entered as a String?
英文: Is there a clear way of initializing a loop that is terminated when a number is entered as a Str...
英文: Java sentence shortening program doesn't work right 问题 import java.util.Scanner; public clas...
Any scenario in which String.isEmpty() returns true and String.isBlank() returns false for the same input?
英文: Any scenario in which String.isEmpty() returns true and String.isBlank() returns false for the s...
英文: The operator + is undefined for the argument type(s) char[], int 问题 String x = "abcd"; A...