英文: call stored procedure block in an IF block in Snowflake 问题 我试图将一个CALL块放入一个IF块中,如下所示: if (CALL ca...
英文: how to find a record where you have to check inside a json object in an array field using postgr...
英文: Snowflake object - include only specific keys from a deeply nested key, but automatically select...
英文: to get iteration count and total count over the rows from a column in table 问题 We have a databas...
英文: Generate series of dates and hours until next event 问题 SELECT Delivery_Area_ID, datetime, date, ...
How to drop duplicate rows using value_counts and also using a condition that uses the actual value in a column using pandas?
英文: How to drop duplicate rows using value_counts and also using a condition that uses the actual va...
英文: Invalid column name with alias and HAVING 问题 我添加了一些列并给它们起了别名。然后我想只显示那些加法结果大于某个特定值的行: SELECT (COA...
英文: Selecting another field in grouped rows by the maximum value of another field 问题 我需要一点关于SQL的帮助。我...
英文: SQL query for delimited string 问题 我有一个表格中的字符串列,它的长度可能不同,并以 / 分隔,如下例所示。我尝试删除最后一个 / 标志之后的任何字符,包括最后...
英文: SQL displaying percentage 问题 我试图让SQL显示用户已通过的合格课程的百分比。 使用以下查询,我得到的结果要么是0,要么是100%, 选择passed_course...