英文: Execute method with a return type and input parameter in parallel 问题 下面是翻译好的内容: 我有以下的代码。我想通过3个线程...
英文: The following method did not exist: disableRegistry() 问题 我在我的应用程序中使用了Spring Boot和MongoDB。在启动应用程序...
英文: Returning a string when the return type is an object in a REST service 问题 @GetMapping("/{Id}...
为什么在Intellij中通过Maven Artifact搜索添加依赖无法正常工作?
英文: Why is adding a dependency with Intellij in the Maven Artifact search not working? 问题 我正在尝试在我的项目...
Project build error: 'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-sleuth-zipkin:jar is missing
英文: Project build error: 'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.springframework.cloud:spr...
提取异常信息中的 statusCode 和 message。
英文: Extract statusCode and message from exception message 问题 我调用了一个 REST API,并在出现任何异常情况时在表中捕获响应代码和消息...
将从Spring Boot返回的JSON对象映射到TypeScript中的Map。
英文: Map json object returned from springboot to map in typescript 问题 // hashmap returned from spring...
What is the simplest Spring Kafka @KafkaListener configuration to consume all records from a set of compacted topics?
英文: What is the simplest Spring Kafka @KafkaListener configuration to consume all records from a set...
@RequestMapping 映射不正确。
英文: @RequestMapping doesn't map correctly 问题 问题是当我在CommentController类上方使用我的注释@RequestMapping(&am...
Jasypt not decrypting properties during junit testing, but works fine when spring boot app runs
英文: Jasypt not decrypting properties during junit testing, but works fine when spring boot app runs ...